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Théo Chevalier edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 6 revisions

This document aims to document the process to deploy a new release of Transvision on the production server.

First step is checking if there is a tracking issue open for the next release. Tracking issues will contain specific informations, such as commands to run only for the next release (deleting some files, forcing TMX creation, etc). Once we’ve checked what’s specific for this release, we can proceed with the usual process:

sudo su
su - pascalc
cd transvision folder
git status

Check that we don't have a hotfix on one file that we applied after the last release on a tag, if it is the case, revert it or use git stash

git checkout master
git pull --all
git tag

Check that we do have the tag we want listed

git checkout vx.x (version number of the new release, this is a git tag)
./composer.phar update
rm -f cache/*.cache

Try not to do a release when the cron job for is likely to be spawn (04:00, 10:00, 16:00, 22:00, Paris timezone, UTC+2)

In theory at this point, we are done. Sometimes we may have a bug related to folder permissions, specifically if we added a new folder that needs to be set as writable.

The second cause of failure can be a new parameter that we added or changed in app/config/config.ini-dist that needs to be applied to config.ini

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