Hello, my name is Mozart and I'm currently working as a full stack web developer at DNA Center. I love tech, and I'm constantly looking to learn more about new languages and technologies. I have a degree in systems analysis and software development at IFRN (Federal institute in Brasil - Natal/RN). I've already learned about web and desktop development using Node.js, React, Typescript, Tailwind, Express and Electron. Also I helped to develop some tools for webscrapping and automation via browser with Selenium (Javascript and Python), enterprise dashboards with Django and other tools for companies I worked. I am currently studying more about distributed systems and taking a course on embedded systems.
🎓 Systems analysis and software development at IFRN
🌱 Learning about web development, mobile, distributed and embedded systems
💡 I'm interested about programming in general, games and books (favorite book: Blood Meridian. favorite game: Shadow of Collossus)
🤝 I like to collaborate in new projects and learning how everything works
😄 Pronouns he/his
📫 Reach me [email protected]
Python 3.10.12 (main, Sep 11 2024, 15:47:36) [GCC 11.4.0] on linux
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>>> print(list(map(lambda i: "Fizz"*(i%3==0)+"Buzz"*(i%5==0) or str(i), range(1,101))))
>>> fatores = lambda number: [x for x in range(2,number) if number % x == 0]
>>> primos_under_1000 = [x for x in range(2,1000) if fatores(x) == []]
>>> print(primos_under_1000)