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Releases: mossmatters/HybPiper

HybPiper version 2.3.0

11 Sep 01:32
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  • Add option --compress_sample_folder to command hybpiper assemble. Tarball and compress the sample folder after assembly has completed i.e. <sample_name>.tar.gz.

    • This is useful when running HybPiper on HPC clusters with file number limits.
    • If both an uncompressed and compressed folder exist for a sample, a warning is shown and HybPiper exits.
    • All HybPiper subcommands (stats, recovery_heatmap, retrieve_sequences, paralog_retriever, filter_by_length) work with either compressed or uncompressed sample files/folders, or a combination of both.
    • If a <sample_name>.tar.gz file already exists for a sample, it will be extracted and used for the current run of hybpiper assemble, and the <sample_name>.tar.gz file will be deleted.
  • When using BWA for read mapping, the command samtools flagstat is now run during the hybpiper assemble step, rather than during hybpiper stats, and the results are written to a <sample_name>_bam_flagstat.tsv \ <sample_name>_unpaired_bam_flagstat.tsv file(s).

    • If the <sample_name>_bam_flagstat.tsv \ <sample_name>_unpaired_bam_flagstat.tsv file(s) are not present in a sample directory (i.e. the sample was assembled with HybPiper version <2.3.0), samtools flagstat will be run during hybpiper stats. If the sample is a *.tar.gz file, the *.bam file(s) will first be extracted to disk to a temporary directory called temp_bam_files, within your current working directory. This temporary directory will be deleted after samtools flagstat has been run.
  • Add option --not_protein_coding to hybpiper assemble. When this option is provided, sequences matching your target file references will be extracted from SPAdes contigs using BLASTn, rather than Exonerate. This should improve recovery when using a target file with non-protein-coding sequences. Note that this feature is new and might have bugs - please report any issues.

    • Only nucleotide *.FNA sequences will be produced (i.e. no amino-acid sequences).
    • Intronerate will not be run; intron and supercontig sequences will not be produced.
    • If BLASTx or DIAMOND is selected for read mapping (i.e. protein vs translated-nucleotide searches), a warning will be displayed and read mapping will switch to BWA.
  • Add the following options to control BLASTn searches of SPAdes contigs when option --not_protein_coding is used:

    • --extract_contigs_blast_task. Task to use for blastn searches (blastn, blastn-short, megablast, dc-megablast). Default is blastn.
    • --extract_contigs_blast_evalue. Expectation value (E) threshold for saving hits. Default is 10.
    • --extract_contigs_blast_word_size. Word size for wordfinder algorithm (length of best perfect match).
    • --extract_contigs_blast_gapopen. Cost to open a gap.
    • --extract_contigs_blast_gapextend. Cost to extend a gap.
    • --extract_contigs_blast_penalty. Penalty for a nucleotide mismatch.
    • --extract_contigs_blast_reward. Reward for a nucleotide match.
    • --extract_contigs_blast_perc_identity. Percent identity.
    • --extract_contigs_blast_max_target_seqs. Maximum number of aligned sequences to keep (value of 5 or more is recommended). Default is 500.
  • The final step of the hybpiper assemble pipeline has been renamed from exonerate_contigs to extract_contigs (as either Exonerate or BLASTn can now be used).

  • Reorganised grouping of help options when running hybpiper assemble --help to improve clarity.

  • Changed option --timeout_assemble for hybpiper assemble to --timeout_assemble_reads to match the step name.

  • Changed option --timeout_exonerate_contigs for hybpiper assemble to --timeout_extract_contigs to match the step name.

  • Changed option --exonerate_hit_sliding_window_size for hybpiper assemble to --trim_hit_sliding_window_size. This option now applies to either Exonerate hits (and is measured in amino-acids) or BLASTn (measured in nucleotides). Defaults are 5 amino-acids (Exonerate; changed from previous default of 3) or 15 nucleotides (BLASTn).

  • Changed option --exonerate_hit_sliding_window_thresh for hybpiper assemble to --trim_hit_sliding_window_thresh. This option now applies to either Exonerate hits (and is measured via amino-acid similarity) or BLASTn (measured via nucleotide similarity). Defaults are 75 for amino-acids (Exonerate; changed from previous default of 55) or 65 for nucleotides (BLASTn).

  • Fixed a bug in - MAFFT is now called via subprocess rather than Bio.Align.Applications.MafftCommandline when checking for best match translations (see issue#156).

  • Added a more informative error message if running hybpiper retrieve_sequences or hybpiper paralog_retriever from HybPiper version >=2.2.0 on sample folders from HybPiper version >2.2.0. This error occurs because the sample folders do not contain a <prefix>_chimera_check_performed.txt file (see issue#155).

  • When extracting coding sequences from SPAdes contigs using Exonerate, changed the initial Exonerate run to not use the option --refine full (see Exonerate docs), unless the option --exonerate_refine_full is provided to hybpiper assemble. Although the Exonerate option --refine full should improve output alignments, in some cases it can result in spurious alignment regions (e.g. an intron/non-coding region being included as an "exon" alignment) that can get incorporated in to the HybPiper output sequence.

HybPiper version 2.2.0

17 Jul 03:18
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  • Add option --end_with to command hybpiper assemble. Allows the user to end the assembly pipeline at a chosen step (map_reads, distribute_reads, assemble_reads, exonerate_contigs).
  • Add option --exonerate_skip_hits_with_frameshifts to command hybpiper assemble. If provided, skip Exonerate hits where the SPAdes contig contains frameshifts when considering hits for assembly of an *.FNA sequence. Default behaviour in HybPiper v2.2.0 is to include these hits; previous versions allowed them automatically.
  • Add option --exonerate_skip_hits_with_internal_stop_codons to command hybpiper assemble. If provided, skip Exonerate hits where the SPAdes contig contains internal in-frame stop codon(s) when considering hits for assembly of an *.FNA sequence. A single terminal stop codon is allowed. Default behaviour in HybPiper v2.2.0 is to include these hits; previous versions allowed them automatically.
  • Add option --exonerate_skip_hits_with_terminal_stop_codons to command hybpiper assemble. If provided, skip Exonerate hits where the SPAdes sequence contains a single terminal stop codon. Only applies when option --exonerate_skip_hits_with_internal_stop_codons is also provided. Only use this flag if your target file exclusively contains protein-coding genes with no stop codons included, and you would like to prevent any in-frame stop codons in the output sequences. Default behaviour in HybPiper v2.2.0 is to include these hits; previous versions allowed them automatically.
  • Add option --chimeric_stitched_contig_check to command hybpiper assemble. If provided, HybPiper will attempt to determine whether a stitched contig is a potential chimera of contigs from multiple paralogs. Default behaviour in HybPiper v2.2.0 is to skip this check; previous versions performed the check automatically. Skipping this check speeds up the final 'exonerate_contigs' step of the pipeline, significantly.
  • Add option --no_pad_stitched_contig_gaps_with_n to command hybpiper assemble. If provided, when constructing stitched contigs, do not pad any gaps between hits (with respect to the "best" protein reference) with a number of Ns corresponding to the reference gap multiplied by 3. Default behaviour in HybPiper v2.2.0 is to pad gaps with Ns; previous versions did this automatically.
  • Add option --skip_targetfile_checks to command hybpiper assemble. Skip the target file checks. Can be used if you are confident that your target file has no issues (e.g. if you have previously run hybpiper check_targetfile).
  • Add option --no_spades_eta to command hybpiper assemble. When SPAdes is run concurrently using GNU parallel, the "--eta" flag can result in many "sh: /dev/tty: Device not configured" errors written to stderr. Using this option removes the "--eta" flag to GNU parallel, silencing both ETA output and the error message.
  • Fixed a bug in that could (rarely) result in a duplicated region in the output *.FNA sequence.
  • Fixed a bug in that occurred when more than two Exonerate hits had identical query ranges and similarity scores; this could result in a sequence not being returned for the given gene.
  • Added tests folder containing initial unit tests. Some tests require python package pyfakefs to run.
  • Refactor of the hybpiper package. New module with entry point (moved from, and some functions moved to Target file checking functionality has been consolidated.
  • HybPiper now logs to stdout rather than stderr.
  • Commands hybpiper check_targetfile and hybpiper assemble now write a report file when checking the target file (check_targetfile_report-<target file name>.txt), rather than logging details to the main sample log. Command hybpiper check_targefile writes the report to the current working directory, whereas command hybpiper assemble writes it to the sample directory.
  • If the option --cpu is not specified for hybpiper assemble, HybPiper will now use all available CPUs minus one, rather than all available CPUs.
  • Command hybpiper assemble now checks for output from previous runs for the pipeline steps selected via --start_from and --end_with (default is to select all steps). If previous output is found, HybPiper will exit with an error unless the option --force_overwrite is provided.
  • Corrected the reading frame of sequence Artocarpus-gene660 in the test dataset target file.
  • Command hybpiper assemble now writes the file <prefix>_chimera_check_performed.txt to the sample directory. This is a text file containing 'True' or 'False' depending on whether the option --skip_chimeric_genes was provided to command hybpiper assemble. Used by hybpiper retrieve_sequences and hybpiper paralog_retriever.

HybPiper version 2.1.8

25 Jun 04:08
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  • Add new subcommand hybpiper filter_by_length, used to filter the sequence output of hybpiper retrieve sequences by absolute length and/or length relative to mean length in target file representatives. This is done on a per-sample/per-gene basis, rather than the sample-level filtering available in hybpiper retrieve_sequences. See wiki for more information.
  • Update the regex used to check target file fasta header formatting, to capture scenarios where a name contains multiple dashes and also ends with a dash.
  • In the module, remove the import of Bio.Align.Applications.MafftCommandline and call MAFFT via subprocess (see issue#147).
  • In the module, cast the dataframe from the seq_lengths_file to object dtype to avoid a deprecation warning .
  • Add option --no_heatmap to command hybpiper paralog_retriever (see issue#150).
  • Fix an Exonerate-related debug message in

HybPiper version 2.1.7

09 May 05:08
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  • The flag --run_intronerate was removed from the hybpiper assemble command in the file.
  • Removed the legacy check and attempted download of the test dataset in the file.
  • Added a check to hybpiper stats and hybpiper retrieve_sequences to ensure sample names in the namelist.txt file do not contain forward slashes issue#143.
  • When checking for putative chimeric gene sequences in hybpiper retrieve_sequences and hybpiper paralog_retriever, generate a warning rather than an error if the file <sample_name>_genes_derived_from_putative_chimeric_stitched_contig.csv can't be found for a given sample. This file will not be written if no gene sequences were produced for this sample (i.e. no reads mapped, no SPAdes contigs, no sequences extracted from SPAdes contigs via Exonerate).
  • Check that target file FASTA headers do not contain quotation marks (" or '); issue#125.
  • Updated the installation instructions in the README and Wiki to use the Bioconda package, and added installation instruction for Macs with Apple Silicon (M1/M2/M3 chips).
  • Fixed a bug in that meant that hits were not always trimmed to start with the first amino-acid with full alignment identity. This bug could potentially have had an effect on output sequences only if the values for --exonerate_hit_sliding_window_size and/or --exonerate_hit_sliding_window_thresh were changed from default values.
  • Use importlib.metadata rather than pkg_resources for module version checks, due to deprecation of the latter.

HybPiper version 2.1.6

20 Jul 01:46
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  • Intronerate is now run by default. The flag --run_intronerate for subcommand hybpiper assemble has been changed to --no_intronerate.
  • If Intronerate fails, failed genes and errors will be printed and logged; the exonerate_contigs step of the pipeline will continue.
  • Updated error handling and logging for the exonerate_contigs step of the pipeline.
  • Change default DPI of heatmaps to 100 (previously 150) for hybpiper recovery_heatmap and hybpiper paralog_retriever
  • Enforce rendering of all loci (x-axis) and sample (y-axis) labels in heatmaps; previously, matplotlib/seaborn would dynamically drop labels if they were too closely spaced.
  • Added flags --no_xlabels and --no_ylabels for hybpiper recovery_heatmap and hybpiper paralog_retriever; turns off rendering of the corresponding labels in the saved figures.
  • If the auto-calculated size of heatmaps for hybpiper recovery_heatmap and hybpiper paralog_retriever is greater than the maximum number of pixels (65536) in either/or length and height, resize the figure to 400 inches and 100 DPI. Note that large datasets can fail to render fully in the saved figure even if the pixel dimensions are less than the maximum (see e.g., but reducing the size/DPI further allows the full figure to be rendered.
  • Added module for a single location of HybPiper version number.
  • Print and log HybPiper version when calling all subcommands.
  • Added column 'TotalBasesRecovered' to the hybpiper stats report, listing the total number of nucleotides recovered for each sample (not counting N characters). Added 'TotalBasesRecovered' as a filtering option in hybpiper retrieve_sequences.

HybPiper version 2.1.5

28 Jun 23:10
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  • Bugfix: fixed an issue in that could result in initial Exonerate hits being trimmed too aggressively at their 3' ends.
  • Bugfix: fixed an issue in that could introduce minor insertions in to the supercontig (concatenated exon and partial intron) sequence used when running Intronerate.

HybPiper version 2.1.4

21 Jun 06:36
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Bugfix: fixed an issue when using --run_intronerate that could cause an error and result in no *.FNA sequence being produced for some genes.

HybPiper version 2.1.3

20 Apr 22:47
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Update to 2.1.3

HybPiper version 2.1.1

25 Jan 02:15
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Added hybpiper fix_targetfile command.

HybPiper version 2.0.2

13 Nov 23:00
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First release for HybPiper version 2.