Finds a Joplin notebook page. Converts a PDF to images. Runs optical-character recognition on the images and adds it as alternative text. Adds the images to the page in Joplin and saves.
Result: Searchable printout of a PDF added to the page.
- Install Tesseract on your system.
- (Guide with Ubuntu:
- Make sure you have installed the Python requirements as found in
.- It is recommended to use a virtual environment but not necessary.
- Make sure Joplin Web Clipper is enabled and started in the client.
- Go to Tools -> Options -> Web Clipper and enable it.
- Export your API key to the environment variable
- Alternative: Provide it through CLI with
- Alternative: Provide it through CLI with
- Run
./ --notebooks "parent" "child" --note-name "title" --pdf "/path/to/pdf"
- Concrete example:
./ --notebooks "Embedded Real Time Systems" "Week 2" --note-name "SystemC" --pdf L4_SystemC_part3.pdf
- Assumes notebook structure: Embedded Real-Time Systems -> Week 2 -> SystemC. Copies printout of "L4_SystemC_part3.pdf" to it.
- Concrete example:
Currently, the script does not support:
- Changing server URL/port. Always assumes localhost:41184
- Create the note structure if it doesn't exist.