is a strongly-typed functional programming language where functions are
imported from foreign languages and unified under a common type system.
See the manual for more information.
If you want to get straight to playing with code, go through the steps in the
installation section and then visit morloc
examples repo
(here)[]. The fasta
example is a
well-annotated is a nice place to start.
This project is under heavy development and I may make backwards incompatible changes without notice until the v1.0 release (hence the "unstable" badge). Pull requests, issue reports, and private messages are very welcome.
should run on Linux and MacOS. For Windows, I suggest using Windows Subsystem for
The easiest way to start using morloc
is through containers. Unless you love
running with daemons, I recommend using podman.
A container with the morloc executable and batteries included can be retrieved from the GitHub container registry as follows:
$ podman pull
Now you can enter a shell with a full working installation of morloc
$ podman run -v $PWD:/home -it /bin/bash
The v0.50.0
may be replaced with the desired morloc
Alternatively, you can set up a script to emulate a local morloc
mkdir -p ~/.morloc
podman run --rm \
-v $HOME/.morloc:$HOME/.morloc \
-v $PWD:$HOME \
-w $HOME \ morloc "$@"
Name this script morloc
, make it executable, and place it in your PATH
. The
script will mount your current working directory and your morloc
directory, allowing you to install and use modules.
This script can serve as a drop-in replacement for a local morloc compiler. It will compile any generated C++ code and build required internal shared libraries.
Unless you know what you are doing, I don't recommend building from
source. Doing so will require a working Haskell environment. Running examples
may also require installing Python, R, and suitable C++ compilers. If you still
want to build from source, I recommend you read the morloc
Dockerfile. It
contains instructions for Alpine and will at least point you in the right
modules can be installed from the morloc
library with the commands such as:
morloc install types
morloc install conventions
morloc install base
morloc install cppbase
morloc install pybase
morloc install rbase
morloc install math
The morloc install
commands will install the modules in the
morloc install conventions
can be used to install the conventions
which is a dependency for most programs importing modules.
Last of all, if you are working in vim, you can install morloc
highlighting as follows:
mkdir -p ~/.vim/syntax/
mkdir -p ~/.vim/ftdetect/
cp vim-syntax/loc.vim ~/.vim/syntax/
echo 'au BufRead,BufNewFile *.loc set filetype=loc' > ~/.vim/ftdetect/loc.vim
module hw (hello)
hello = "Hello World"
We create a module named hw
and export the hello
Paste this into a file (e.g. "hello.loc") and then it can be imported by other
modules or directly compiled into a program where every exported term
is a subcommand.
morloc make -o nexus hello.loc
This will generate a single file named "nexus". The nexus file is the executable script that the user will interact with. For this simple example, it is the only generated file.
Calling "nexus" with no arguments or with the -h
flag, will print a help
$ ./nexus -h
The following commands are exported:
return: Str
The return: Str
phrases states that hello returns a string value.
The command hello
can be called as shown below:
$ ./nexus hello
Hello World
The following code uses only C++ functions (fold
, map
, add
and mul
module sos (*) -- '*' means export every term
import cppbase (fold)
square :: Real -> Real
square x = mul x x
sumOfSquares :: [Real] -> Real
sumOfSquares xs = fold add 0.0 (map square xs)
If this script is pasted into the file "example-1.loc", it can be compiled as follows:
morloc install cppbase
morloc make -o nexus example-1.loc
The install
command clones the cppbase
repo from github
repo into the local directory
. The morloc make -o nexus
command will generate a file named
, which is an executable interface to the exported functions.
You can see typed usage information for the exported functions with the -h
$ ./nexus -h
The following commands are exported:
param 1: Real
return: Real
param 1: [Real]
return: Real
Then you can call the exported functions (arguments are in JSON format):
$ ./nexus sumOfSquares '[1,2,3]'
The nexus
executable dispatches the command to the compiled C++ program,
can compose functions across languages. For example:
module fib (fibplot)
import math (fibonacci)
import rbase (plotVectorPDF, ints2reals)
fibplot n = plotVectorPDF (ints2reals (fibonacci n)) "fibonacci-plot.pdf"
The fibplot
function calculates Fibonacci numbers using a C++ function and
plots it using an R function. The R function plotPDF
is a perfectly normal R
function with no extra boilerplate:
plotPDF <- function(x, filename){
The first level of the morloc
type system is basically System F extended
across languages. A given function will have a general type as well as a
specialized type for each language it is implemented in.
The map function has the general type
map a b :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
Lowercase terms, such as a
and b
, represent generic variables. The ->
delimited patterns represent functions. So a -> b
represents a function that
takes a value of type a
and returns b
. List a
is a parameterized type, in
this case a container of elements of type a
. The generic variables need to be
explicitly declared (in the map a b
can derive the language-specific type signatures from the general one
if it knows the language-specific instances of List
. We can tell the compiler
these mappings by defining language-specific type relations:
type Py => List a = "list" a
type Py => Int = "int"
type Cpp => List a = "std::vector<$1>" a
type Cpp => Int = "int"
The list type constructor for C++ is literally a "type constructor" in that it
is used to create a syntactically correct C++ type string. If the type variable
is inferred to be Int
, for example, then the C++ type std::vector<int>
will be used in the generated C++ signature. The same occurs in the python type
constructors list
, except here the same Python type, list
, is generated
regardless of the type of a
This following example cannot be compiled since none of the functions are imported or sourced:
type Cpp => Real = "double"
type Cpo => List a = "std::vector<$1>" a
add :: Real -> Real -> Real
mul :: Real -> Real -> Real
fold a b :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
map a b :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
square x = mul x x
sumOfSquares xs = fold add 0 (map square xs)
But it can be typechecked:
$ morloc typecheck examples/rmsWithTypes.loc
The typechecker associates each sub-expression of the program with a set of
types. The specific type information in mul
is sufficient to infer concrete
types for every other C++ function in the program. The inferred C++ type of
"std::vector<$1>" "double" -> "double"
The general type for this expression is inferred as:
List Real -> Real