A Golang CAN Bus interface for the PEAK systems CAN hardware (PCAN). This basically serves as an wrapper for the drivers usable as .dll or .so files.
Following code samples can be used for clarification. All examples can be found in the example file.
// check attached channels
status, amountChannels, err := pcan.AttachedChannelsCount()
if status != pcan.PCAN_ERROR_OK || err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while checking for PCAN channels: Status: %X, Error: %v\n", status, err)
fmt.Printf("Found %v channels\n", amountChannels)
// check attached channels
channels, err := pcan.AttachedChannels()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while checking for PCAN channels: Error: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Found %v channels\n", channels)
// connect to new channel
status, bus, err := pcan.InitializeBasic(pcan.PCAN_USBBUS1, pcan.PCAN_BAUD_500K)
if status != pcan.PCAN_ERROR_OK || err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while creating PCAN bus: Status: %X, Error: %v\n", status, err)
// reset hardware
status, err = bus.Reset()
if status != pcan.PCAN_ERROR_OK || err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while resetting PCAN bus: Status: %X, Error: %v\n", status, err)
// check hardware status
status, err = bus.GetStatus()
if status != pcan.PCAN_ERROR_OK || err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while resetting PCAN bus: Status: %X, Error: %v\n", status, err)
// setup allow several frame types
status, err = bus.SetAllowEchoFrames(true)
if status != pcan.PCAN_ERROR_OK || err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while setting parameter: Status: %X, Error: %v\n", status, err)
status, err = bus.SetAllowErrorFrames(true)
if status != pcan.PCAN_ERROR_OK || err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while setting parameter: Status: %X, Error: %v\n", status, err)
status, err = bus.SetAllowRTRFrames(false)
if status != pcan.PCAN_ERROR_OK || err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while setting parameter: Status: %X, Error: %v\n", status, err)
status, err = bus.SetAllowStatusFrames(true)
if status != pcan.PCAN_ERROR_OK || err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while setting parameter: Status: %X, Error: %v\n", status, err)
// send standard message
txMsg := pcan.TPCANMsg{ID: 0x123, Data: [pcan.LENGTH_DATA_CAN_MESSAGE]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, DLC: 8, MsgType: pcan.PCAN_MESSAGE_STANDARD}
status, err = bus.Write(&txMsg)
if status != pcan.PCAN_ERROR_OK || err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while sending message: Status: %X, Error: %v\n", status, err)
// send extended message
txMsg = pcan.TPCANMsg{ID: 0x12345, Data: [pcan.LENGTH_DATA_CAN_MESSAGE]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, DLC: 8, MsgType: pcan.PCAN_MESSAGE_EXTENDED}
status, err = bus.Write(&txMsg)
if status != pcan.PCAN_ERROR_OK || err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while sending message: Status: %X, Error: %v\n", status, err)
// read message from bus
status, rxmsg, txtimestamp, err := bus.Read()
if status != pcan.PCAN_ERROR_OK || err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while reading message: Status: %X, Error: %v\n", status, err)
if rxmsg != nil {
fmt.Printf("Received message 0x%X with type %v and data %v at: %v:%v:%v\n", rxmsg.ID, rxmsg.MsgType, rxmsg.Data, txtimestamp.Millis, txtimestamp.MillisOverflow, txtimestamp.Micros)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Did not receive a message\n")
// read message in timeout from bus
status, rxmsg, txtimestamp, err = bus.ReadWithTimeout(500)
if status != pcan.PCAN_ERROR_OK || err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while reading message: Status: %X, Error: %v\n", status, err)
if rxmsg != nil {
fmt.Printf("Received message 0x%X with type %v and data %v at: %v:%v:%v\n", rxmsg.ID, rxmsg.MsgType, rxmsg.Data, txtimestamp.Millis, txtimestamp.MillisOverflow, txtimestamp.Micros)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Did not receive a message in timeout of 500ms\n")
- v1.0.0:
- PCAN dll interface for windows to send and receive CAN messages and setup basic parameter
- Known Issues:
- resetting CAN not working
- hardware does not receive messages
- reading attached channels creates null pointer exception
- Small CLI example file for testing purposes