A Golang CAN Bus interface supporting different CAN device manufactures.
Note: This package currently only supports windows. Any help porting this to other platforms is welcome!
// Interface for all main CANBus functionality. Lower device interfaces may support more functionality
type Bus interface {
Send(*Message) error // Send a single message on the CAN bus
Recv(timeout int) (*Message, error) // Receive single message from CAN bus with timeout in [ms], a timeout below zero is treated as no timeout
StatusIsOkay() (bool, error) // Check function if the connection state is okay
Status() (uint32, error) // Returns the CAN status code, which can differ between different devices
State() BusState // Returns the bus state (ACTIVE or PASSIVE)
ReadBuffer(limit uint16) ([]Message, error) // Empties the internal CAN hardware message buffer is device supports this feature with a maximum message count
SetFilter(fromID MessageID, toID MessageID, mode uint8) error // Set a message id filter on hardware if supported by device
Reset() error // Reset rx and tx buffer, does not reset hardware
Shutdown() error // Disconnect from device
ChannelCondition() (ChannelCondition, error) // Returns channel condition
TraceStart(filePath string, maxFileSize int) error // Starts recording a trace on given path
TraceStop() error // Stops recording currently running trace
// Create CAN bus connection with configuration
pcanBus, err := factory.CreateBus(&config)
if err != nil {
// Receive message over bus
rxMsg, err := pcanBus.Recv(60)
if err != nil {
if rxMsg != nil {
fmt.Printf("\nMsg ID: %v, Msg DLC: %v, Msg Data: %v", rxMsg.ID, rxMsg.DLC, rxMsg.Data)
// Send a extended type message over the bus
txMsg := bus.Message{
ID: 0x12345,
DLC: 8,
Data: []uint8{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8},
IsExtended: true}
err = pcanBus.Send(&txMsg)
if err != nil {
// Send a standard type message over the bus
txMsg = bus.Message{
ID: 0x123,
DLC: 8,
Data: []uint8{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}}
err = pcanBus.Send(&txMsg)
if err != nil {
// Check if bus is okay
ok, err := pcanBus.StatusIsOkay()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\nBus okay: %v", ok)
// Get bus status
status, err := pcanBus.Status()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\nStatus: %v", status)
// Reset CAN in case of an invalid bus state
err = pcanBus.Reset()
if err != nil {
// Apply filter to channel
err = pcanBus.SetFilter(0x000100, 0x000200, uint8(pcan.PCAN_MODE_EXTENDED))
if err != nil {
// Shutdown channel again
err = pcanBus.Shutdown()
if err != nil {
- initial working version implementing project structure for sending and receiving messages over a CAN bus connection
- fully implemented pcan can interface
- message DLC now automatically evaluated when sending a message, before this the DLC must be set manually to an non zero value
- updated README with an changelog section
- internal restructure for PCAN interface
- added tracing related functions to gocan bus interface and implemented functionality in PCAN interface
- added TraceStart(filePath string, maxFileSize int) error:
- added TraceStop() error
- changed license from MIT to GPLv3
- added factory function for detecting available handles
- changed config struct for more receive filtering options and implemented direct dll support for this settings in PCAN
- changed internal call convention for PCAN driver
- changed pcan handle initialization to be only for plug n play devices on gocan interface, old variant still usable for direct pcan interface call
- bugfix in pcan interface error handling where nil errors are tried to convert into syscall errors
- Updated trace handling for PCAN interface. MaxFileSize is now uint32 not int
- Introduced more specific PCAN parameter types
- Improved function to retrieve available PCAN channels
- Fixed a bug where available pcan channels would not ne displayed
- Added interval timing test and added more unit-tests
- Updated documentation
- Updated go version from go1.16 to go1.23
- Updated internal PCAN interface error handling to be cleaner
- Added warnings on incompatible but working PCAN API calls
- Updated test functions
- Updated readme with compatibility hint
This section lists all known-issues, missing features and open bugs.
- missing documentation examples for new functions
- Invalid buffer size error in LookupChannel function
- error FILE_NOT_FOUND when calling the Shutdown or Uninitialize function: problem probably located in .dll call itself
- FilterMessages function not working correctly; does not apply any filter to the PCAN channel
- Missing implementation of any further filter option as message masks
- Missing implementation of CANFD functionality due to missing test hardware
- Evaluation of channel condition propably incorrect as every connection is marked as unavailable
- Setting parameter as the PCAN_READ_ONLY does not have an impact, reading of message is still possible