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Localization of Add ins

slluis edited this page Nov 20, 2014 · 4 revisions
Home > Reference Manual > Localization of Add-ins

Mono.Addins has some basic support for creating add-ins localized to different languages. It provides:

  • 3 types of localizers: ''gettext'', string resources and string table, but it is possible to use custom localizers by implementing the IAddinLocalizerFactory interface.

  • An API to be used by add-ins and hosts to get translated strings.

You can use the element in an add-in manifest to enable localization support in an add-in. For example:

<Addin ...>
    <Localizer type="Gettext" catalog="xml-addin" />

Localization with gettext

The Gettext localizer type can be used to localize an add-in with ''gettext''. The localizer can be declared like this:

<Addin ...>
    <Localizer type="Gettext" catalog="xml-addin" location="locale"/>

The attributes you can set are:

  • catalog: Name of the catalog which contains the strings.
  • location: Relative path to the location of the catalog. This path must be relative to the add-in location.

The path specified in location (or the default ''locale'' path when not specified) must have the following structure:


For example, the localizer defined by the previous example would read spanish strings from this file relative to the add-in location:


Localization with String Resources

The StringResource localizer type can be used to localize an add-in using string resources defined in satellite assemblies. The localizer can be declared like this:

<Addin ...>
    <Localizer type="StringResource" />

No additional attributes are required. Satellite resource assemblies just need to follow the standard .NET name and location conventions (see Creating Satellite Assemblies in MSDN).

Localization with String Table

The StringTable localizer type can be used for add-ins with very basic localization needs. Translated strings are specified in a table embedded in the add-in manifest. For example:

<Addin ...>
    <Localizer type="StringTable">
        <Locale id="es">
            <Msg id="XML file" str="Fichero XML" />
            <Msg id="Header" str="Cabecera" />
        <Locale id="ca-ES">
            <Msg id="XML file" str="Arxiu XML" />
            <Msg id="Header" str="Capçalera" />


  • /Addin/Localizer/Locale: Defines a string table for a language.
  • /Addin/Localizer/Locale/@id: Identifier of the language. Can include the country id.
  • /Addin/Localizer/Msg: Defines a new message translation.
  • /Addin/Localizer/Msg/@id: Identifier of the message.
  • /Addin/Localizer/Msg/@str: Translation of the message.

Custom Localizers

Custom localizers can be provided by implementing the IAddinLocalizerFactory interface. For example:

namespace LocalizerExample
    public class MyLocalizerFactory: IAddinLocalizerFactory
        public IAddinLocalizer CreateLocalizer (RuntimeAddin addin, NodeElement element)
            // You can use the 'element' object to get attributes specified in the <Localizer> element.
            return new MyLocalizer ();

    public class MyLocalizer: IAddinLocalizer
        public string GetString (string msgid)
            if (msgid == "Hello World")
                return "Hola Mundo";
                return msgid;

If the localizer supports plural forms (like ''gettext'' does), you can implement IPluralAddinLocalizer in addition to IAddinLocalizer.

This custom localizer can be declared in an add-in like this:

<Addin ...>
    <Localizer type="LocalizerExample.MyLocalizerFactory" />

Getting Localized Strings

Localized strings defined in an add-in can be retrieved using a AddinLocalizer object. You can get an AddinLocalizer in two different ways:

  • From any assembly of the add-in, by calling AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer. This property returns the localizer corresponding to the current executing add-in.
  • From any ExtensionNode subclass by calling RuntimeAddin.Localizer.

The AddinLocalizer class provides several methods for getting strings. For example, from a class implemented in the add-in, a string might be retrieved like this:

class SomeAddinWindow: Gtk.Window
    Gtk.Label labelModigied = new Gtk.Label ();

    public SomeAddinWindow ()
        Title = AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("XML file");
        labelModified = AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetPluralString ("Modified {0} day ago", "Modified {0} days ago", numDays, numDays);

See the Localizable extension nodes section to know more about creating localizable extension node types.

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