MongoDB Go Driver 1.2.1
The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release 1.2.1 of the official Go driver.
This release contains several bug fixes.
Documentation can be found on GoDoc and the MongoDB documentation site. BSON library documentation is also available on GoDoc. Questions and inquiries can be asked on the mongo-go-driver Google Group. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.
Release Notes
- [GODRIVER-1428] - operation.CreateIndexes doesn't support WriteConcern
- [GODRIVER-1439] - Only close heartbeat connections after they're opened
- [GODRIVER-1442] - Fix connection error handling in ProcessError
- [GODRIVER-1450] - BulkWriteError's request is not the correct one
- [GODRIVER-1456] - Extended JSON writer should escape keys