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Notes about Mondo release process

Nicole Vasilevsky edited this page Sep 14, 2020 · 4 revisions

Release Workflow:

  1. In terminal: docker pull obolibrary/odkfull
  2. Pull master
  3. In terminal: cd git/mondo/src/ontology/
  4. In terminal: sh make all -B
  5. Open mondo.owl and mondo.obo and check the latest changes are there and it looks reasonable
  6. In terminal:
    1. cp ~/.token .token
    2. sh make GHVERSION=v2020-09-12 deploy_release
    3. Note- the date should be the date of the release in the format sh make GHVERSION=vYYYY-MM-DD deploy_release (for example, v2020-08-10) (very important: It should not necessarily be today, it is the day the release artifacts were created according to the IRIs. In order to find the right date, open mondo-base.obo and check version IRI, and use this date)
  7. When this is done, follow instructions for the change log
  8. Check these two release pages (make sure you replace the data correctly in the first link):
    3. Both should: Ensure on both that it says nicolevasilevsky released this 1 days ago or now
    4. Ensure that both have all release artefacts attached to it (normal, base and minimal, 9 in total at the moment)

Generate Change Log Workflow:

  1. download the latest mondo.obo from GitHub ( and save under /ontology folder (do not commit later)
  2. download the previous mondo.obo and save as mondo-lastbuild.obo
  3. make mondo-diff.txt
  4. ./ > somefilename.txt
    1. ./ > MondoRelease_2020-09-12.txt
  5. Open this file on my computer: MondoRelease_2020-09-09.txt (add the correct date)

Commit release files:

  1. Commit all of the changed import and report files (ignore or discard diff files, change log)
  2. Email the Mondo users list with a cat or pet picture
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