At a minimum, this SDK is designed to work with Android SDK 14.
To use the MoMo Android SDK, add the compile dependency with the latest version of the MoMo SDK.
Step 1. Import SDK
Add the JitPack repository to your build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the dependency:
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.momodevelopment:androidsdkV2.2:3.0'
Step 2. Config AndroidMainfest
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Step 3. Build Layout Confirm order Activity
import vn.momo.momo_partner.AppMoMoLib;
import vn.momo.momo_partner.MoMoParameterNameMap;
private String amount = "10000";
private String fee = "0";
int environment = 0;//developer default
private String merchantName = "Demo SDK";
private String merchantCode = "SCB01";
private String merchantNameLabel = "Nhà cung cấp";
private String description = "Thanh toán dịch vụ ABC";
void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
- Display MoMo button label language (required): English = "MoMo e-wallet", Vietnamese = "Ví MoMo"
- Display icon or button color (optional): title color #b0006d , icon
Step 4. Get token & request payment
//Get token through MoMo app
private void requestPayment() {
if (edAmount.getText().toString() != null && edAmount.getText().toString().trim().length() != 0)
amount = edAmount.getText().toString().trim();
Map<String, Object> eventValue = new HashMap<>();
//client Required
eventValue.put(MoMoParameterNamePayment.MERCHANT_NAME, merchantName);
eventValue.put(MoMoParameterNamePayment.MERCHANT_CODE, merchantCode);
eventValue.put(MoMoParameterNamePayment.AMOUNT, amount);
eventValue.put(MoMoParameterNamePayment.DESCRIPTION, description);
//client Optional
eventValue.put(MoMoParameterNamePayment.FEE, fee);
eventValue.put(MoMoParameterNamePayment.MERCHANT_NAME_LABEL, merchantNameLabel);
//client call webview
eventValue.put(MoMoParameterNamePayment.REQUEST_ID, merchantCode+"-req-28nyli"+ System.currentTimeMillis());
eventValue.put(MoMoParameterNamePayment.PARTNER_CODE, merchantCode);
JSONObject objExtraData = new JSONObject();
try {
objExtraData.put("site_code", "008");
objExtraData.put("site_name", "CGV Cresent Mall");
objExtraData.put("screen_code", 0);
objExtraData.put("screen_name", "Special");
objExtraData.put("movie_name", "Kẻ Trộm Mặt Trăng 3");
objExtraData.put("movie_format", "2D");
objExtraData.put("ticket", "{\"ticket\":{\"01\":{\"type\":\"std\",\"price\":110000,\"qty\":3}}}");
} catch (JSONException e) {
eventValue.put(MoMoParameterNamePayment.EXTRA_DATA, objExtraData.toString());
eventValue.put(MoMoParameterNamePayment.REQUEST_TYPE, "payment");
eventValue.put(MoMoParameterNamePayment.LANGUAGE, "vi");
eventValue.put(MoMoParameterNamePayment.EXTRA, "");
AppMoMoLib.getInstance().requestMoMoCallBack(this, eventValue);
//Get token callback from MoMo app an submit to server side
void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if(requestCode == AppMoMoLib.getInstance().REQUEST_CODE_MOMO && resultCode == -1) {
if(data != null) {
if(data.getIntExtra("status", -1) == 0) {
tvMessage.setText("message: " + "Get token " + data.getStringExtra("message"));
String token = data.getStringExtra("data"); //Token response
String phoneNumber = data.getStringExtra("phonenumber");
String env = data.getStringExtra("env");
if(env == null){
env = "app";
if(token != null && !token.equals("")) {
// TODO: send phoneNumber & token to your server side to process payment with MoMo server
// IF Momo topup success, continue to process your order
} else {
tvMessage.setText("message: " + this.getString(R.string.not_receive_info));
} else if(data.getIntExtra("status", -1) == 1) {
String message = data.getStringExtra("message") != null?data.getStringExtra("message"):"Thất bại";
tvMessage.setText("message: " + message);
} else if(data.getIntExtra("status", -1) == 2) {
tvMessage.setText("message: " + this.getString(R.string.not_receive_info));
} else {
tvMessage.setText("message: " + this.getString(R.string.not_receive_info));
} else {
tvMessage.setText("message: " + this.getString(R.string.not_receive_info));
} else {
tvMessage.setText("message: " + this.getString(R.string.not_receive_info_err));