marcellodesales / spring-mvc-with-spring-cloud-config-client-without-springboot
Forked from l0rd/spring-mvc-helloworldSample Spring MVC web app with Spring Cloud Config Client and no SpringBoot
Provide support to increase developer productivity in Java when using Elasticsearch. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight repository style dat…
Datepicker for Angular Material, mimick's Android's date time picker
Hibernate Search: full-text search for domain model
angular ui bootstrap
AngularJS directive for list of checkboxes
Arquillian Spring Containers and Enrichers
Collection of tests organized by technology that showcases Arquillian's capabilities.
WebGL Solar System & orbital mechanics simulator
A query language for Javascript data. Extracted from Spah.
Strategoids is an RTS game/engine set in space (pseudo-newtonian physics!), written in Java and making use of JOGL (Java OpenGL)
A fully-working 3D map editor (in Java) and level compilation toolchain (in C++), and a part-finished 3D game engine (in C++). Early development was done in the hesperus project and ported to CMake…