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RethinkDB Setup

Joe edited this page Nov 1, 2020 · 7 revisions

To get going you'll need to setup a RethinkDB database for all of the players to connect to. See RethinkDB's install page for platform specific setup instructions, or you can use my recommended setup with Docker and SSH tunnels as detailed below.

Note: The extension relies on a lot of interaction with the RethinkDB database, for the best experience ensure you have a fast connection to the database, and that it has sufficient CPU/memory. Large requests/responses may cause the GUI to become sluggish over slow connections (everything is currently loaded eagerly), consider filtering some of these larger requests in the Options panel.


The easiest way to setup RethinkDB is using Docker, just use the following command:

docker run -p --name rethinkdb -v "$PWD:/data" -d rethinkdb

This will start RethinkDB in a Docker container and bind the database to localhost:28015 to access this port remotely use an SSH tunnel (see below).

You can now start/stop the database using the following commands:

docker stop rethinkdb
docker start rethinkdb

SSH Tunnel

You can use ssh -L <local_port>:localhost:<driver_port> <ip_of_rethinkdb_server> to access a remote RethinkDB instance using an SSH tunnel. For example, use the following command to remotely bind to the Docker database:

ssh -L 28015:localhost:28015 <[email protected]>

In the Burp extension we'd now connect to localhost on port 28015.

RethinkDB Security

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