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A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues


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PHP Coding Standards Fixer

The PHP Coding Standards Fixer (PHP CS Fixer) tool fixes your code to follow standards; whether you want to follow PHP coding standards as defined in the PSR-1, PSR-2, etc., or other community driven ones like the Symfony one. You can also define your (team's) style through configuration.

It can modernize your code (like converting the pow function to the ** operator on PHP 5.6) and (micro) optimize it.

If you are already using a linter to identify coding standards problems in your code, you know that fixing them by hand is tedious, especially on large projects. This tool does not only detect them, but also fixes them for you.

The PHP CS Fixer is maintained on GitHub at bug reports and ideas about new features are welcome there.

You can talk to us at about the project, configuration, possible improvements, ideas and questions, please visit us!


PHP needs to be a minimum version of PHP 5.6.0.



Download the php-cs-fixer.phar file and store it somewhere on your computer.

Globally (manual)

You can run these commands to easily access latest php-cs-fixer from anywhere on your system:

$ wget -O php-cs-fixer

or with specified version:

$ wget -O php-cs-fixer

or with curl:

$ curl -L -o php-cs-fixer


$ sudo chmod a+x php-cs-fixer
$ sudo mv php-cs-fixer /usr/local/bin/php-cs-fixer

Then, just run php-cs-fixer.

Globally (Composer)

To install PHP CS Fixer, install Composer and issue the following command:

$ composer global require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer

Then make sure you have the global Composer binaries directory in your PATH. This directory is platform-dependent, see Composer documentation for details. Example for some Unix systems:

$ export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"

Globally (homebrew)

$ brew install php-cs-fixer

Locally (PHIVE)

Install PHIVE and issue the following command:

$ phive install php-cs-fixer # use `--global` for global install



The self-update command tries to update php-cs-fixer itself:

$ php php-cs-fixer.phar self-update

Globally (manual)

You can update php-cs-fixer through this command:

$ sudo php-cs-fixer self-update

Globally (Composer)

You can update php-cs-fixer through this command:

$ ./composer.phar global update friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer

Globally (homebrew)

You can update php-cs-fixer through this command:

$ brew upgrade php-cs-fixer

Locally (PHIVE)

$ phive update php-cs-fixer


The fix command tries to fix as much coding standards problems as possible on a given file or files in a given directory and its subdirectories:

$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/dir
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/file

By default --path-mode is set to override, which means, that if you specify the path to a file or a directory via command arguments, then the paths provided to a Finder in config file will be ignored. You can use --path-mode=intersection to merge paths from the config file and from the argument:

$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix --path-mode=intersection /path/to/dir

The --format option for the output format. Supported formats are txt (default one), json, xml, checkstyle, junit and gitlab.

NOTE: the output for the following formats are generated in accordance with XML schemas

The --verbose option will show the applied rules. When using the txt format it will also display progress notifications.

The --rules option limits the rules to apply to the project:

$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/project --rules=@PSR2

By default the PSR1 and PSR2 rules are used.

The --rules option lets you choose the exact rules to apply (the rule names must be separated by a comma):

$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/dir --rules=line_ending,full_opening_tag,indentation_type

You can also blacklist the rules you don't want by placing a dash in front of the rule name, if this is more convenient, using -name_of_fixer:

$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/dir --rules=-full_opening_tag,-indentation_type

When using combinations of exact and blacklist rules, applying exact rules along with above blacklisted results:

$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/project --rules=@Symfony,-@PSR1,-blank_line_before_statement,strict_comparison

Complete configuration for rules can be supplied using a json formatted string.

$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/project --rules='{"concat_space": {"spacing": "none"}}'

The --dry-run flag will run the fixer without making changes to your files.

The --diff flag can be used to let the fixer output all the changes it makes.

The --diff-format option allows to specify in which format the fixer should output the changes it makes:

  • udiff: unified diff format;
  • sbd: Sebastianbergmann/diff format (default when using --diff without specifying diff-format).

The --allow-risky option (pass yes or no) allows you to set whether risky rules may run. Default value is taken from config file. A rule is considered risky if it could change code behaviour. By default no risky rules are run.

The --stop-on-violation flag stops the execution upon first file that needs to be fixed.

The --show-progress option allows you to choose the way process progress is rendered:

  • none: disables progress output;
  • run-in: [deprecated] simple single-line progress output;
  • estimating: [deprecated] multiline progress output with number of files and percentage on each line. Note that with this option, the files list is evaluated before processing to get the total number of files and then kept in memory to avoid using the file iterator twice. This has an impact on memory usage so using this option is not recommended on very large projects;
  • estimating-max: [deprecated] same as dots;
  • dots: same as estimating but using all terminal columns instead of default 80.

If the option is not provided, it defaults to run-in unless a config file that disables output is used, in which case it defaults to none. This option has no effect if the verbosity of the command is less than verbose.

$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix --verbose --show-progress=estimating

The command can also read from standard input, in which case it won't automatically fix anything:

$ cat foo.php | php php-cs-fixer.phar fix --diff -

Finally, if you don't need BC kept on CLI level, you might use PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE to start using options that would be default in next MAJOR release (unified differ, estimating, full-width progress indicator):

$ PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE=1 php php-cs-fixer.phar fix -v --diff

Choose from the list of available rules:

  • align_multiline_comment [@PhpCsFixer]

    Each line of multi-line DocComments must have an asterisk [PSR-5] and must be aligned with the first one.

    Configuration options:

    • comment_type ('all_multiline', 'phpdocs_like', 'phpdocs_only'): whether to fix PHPDoc comments only (phpdocs_only), any multi-line comment whose lines all start with an asterisk (phpdocs_like) or any multi-line comment (all_multiline); defaults to 'phpdocs_only'
  • array_indentation [@PhpCsFixer]

    Each element of an array must be indented exactly once.

  • array_syntax [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    PHP arrays should be declared using the configured syntax.

    Configuration options:

    • syntax ('long', 'short'): whether to use the long or short array syntax; defaults to 'long'
  • backtick_to_shell_exec

    Converts backtick operators to shell_exec calls.

  • binary_operator_spaces [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Binary operators should be surrounded by space as configured.

    Configuration options:

    • align_double_arrow (false, null, true): whether to apply, remove or ignore double arrows alignment; defaults to false. DEPRECATED: use options operators and default instead
    • align_equals (false, null, true): whether to apply, remove or ignore equals alignment; defaults to false. DEPRECATED: use options operators and default instead
    • default ('align', 'align_single_space', 'align_single_space_minimal', 'no_space', 'single_space', null): default fix strategy; defaults to 'single_space'
    • operators (array): dictionary of binary operator => fix strategy values that differ from the default strategy; defaults to []
  • blank_line_after_namespace [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There MUST be one blank line after the namespace declaration.

  • blank_line_after_opening_tag [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Ensure there is no code on the same line as the PHP open tag and it is followed by a blank line.

  • blank_line_before_return

    An empty line feed should precede a return statement. DEPRECATED: use blank_line_before_statement instead.

  • blank_line_before_statement [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    An empty line feed must precede any configured statement.

    Configuration options:

    • statements (a subset of ['break', 'case', 'continue', 'declare', 'default', 'die', 'do', 'exit', 'for', 'foreach', 'goto', 'if', 'include', 'include_once', 'require', 'require_once', 'return', 'switch', 'throw', 'try', 'while', 'yield']): list of statements which must be preceded by an empty line; defaults to ['break', 'continue', 'declare', 'return', 'throw', 'try']
  • braces [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    The body of each structure MUST be enclosed by braces. Braces should be properly placed. Body of braces should be properly indented.

    Configuration options:

    • allow_single_line_closure (bool): whether single line lambda notation should be allowed; defaults to false
    • position_after_anonymous_constructs ('next', 'same'): whether the opening brace should be placed on "next" or "same" line after anonymous constructs (anonymous classes and lambda functions); defaults to 'same'
    • position_after_control_structures ('next', 'same'): whether the opening brace should be placed on "next" or "same" line after control structures; defaults to 'same'
    • position_after_functions_and_oop_constructs ('next', 'same'): whether the opening brace should be placed on "next" or "same" line after classy constructs (non-anonymous classes, interfaces, traits, methods and non-lambda functions); defaults to 'next'
  • cast_spaces [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    A single space or none should be between cast and variable.

    Configuration options:

    • space ('none', 'single'): spacing to apply between cast and variable; defaults to 'single'
  • class_attributes_separation [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Class, trait and interface elements must be separated with one blank line.

    Configuration options:

    • elements (a subset of ['const', 'method', 'property']): list of classy elements; 'const', 'method', 'property'; defaults to ['const', 'method', 'property']
  • class_definition [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Whitespace around the keywords of a class, trait or interfaces definition should be one space.

    Configuration options:

    • multi_line_extends_each_single_line (bool): whether definitions should be multiline; defaults to false; DEPRECATED alias: multiLineExtendsEachSingleLine
    • single_item_single_line (bool): whether definitions should be single line when including a single item; defaults to false; DEPRECATED alias: singleItemSingleLine
    • single_line (bool): whether definitions should be single line; defaults to false; DEPRECATED alias: singleLine
  • class_keyword_remove

    Converts ::class keywords to FQCN strings.

  • combine_consecutive_issets [@PhpCsFixer]

    Using isset($var) && multiple times should be done in one call.

  • combine_consecutive_unsets [@PhpCsFixer]

    Calling unset on multiple items should be done in one call.

  • combine_nested_dirname [@PHP70Migration:risky, @PHP71Migration:risky]

    Replace multiple nested calls of dirname by only one call with second $level parameter. Requires PHP >= 7.0.

    Risky rule: risky when the function ``dirname`` is overridden.

  • comment_to_phpdoc [@PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Comments with annotation should be docblock when used on structural elements.

    Risky rule: risky as new docblocks might mean more, e.g. a Doctrine entity might have a new column in database.

    Configuration options:

    • ignored_tags (array): list of ignored tags; defaults to []
  • compact_nullable_typehint [@PhpCsFixer]

    Remove extra spaces in a nullable typehint.

  • concat_space [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Concatenation should be spaced according configuration.

    Configuration options:

    • spacing ('none', 'one'): spacing to apply around concatenation operator; defaults to 'none'
  • constant_case [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    The PHP constants true, false, and null MUST be written using the correct casing.

    Configuration options:

    • case ('lower', 'upper'): whether to use the upper or lower case syntax; defaults to 'lower'
  • date_time_immutable

    Class DateTimeImmutable should be used instead of DateTime.

    Risky rule: risky when the code relies on modifying ``DateTime`` objects or if any of the ``date_create*`` functions are overridden.

  • declare_equal_normalize [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Equal sign in declare statement should be surrounded by spaces or not following configuration.

    Configuration options:

    • space ('none', 'single'): spacing to apply around the equal sign; defaults to 'none'
  • declare_strict_types [@PHP70Migration:risky, @PHP71Migration:risky]

    Force strict types declaration in all files. Requires PHP >= 7.0.

    Risky rule: forcing strict types will stop non strict code from working.

  • dir_constant [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Replaces dirname(__FILE__) expression with equivalent __DIR__ constant.

    Risky rule: risky when the function ``dirname`` is overridden.

  • doctrine_annotation_array_assignment [@DoctrineAnnotation]

    Doctrine annotations must use configured operator for assignment in arrays.

    Configuration options:

    • ignored_tags (array): list of tags that must not be treated as Doctrine Annotations; defaults to ['abstract', 'access', 'code', 'deprec', 'encode', 'exception', 'final', 'ingroup', 'inheritdoc', 'inheritDoc', 'magic', 'name', 'toc', 'tutorial', 'private', 'static', 'staticvar', 'staticVar', 'throw', 'api', 'author', 'category', 'copyright', 'deprecated', 'example', 'filesource', 'global', 'ignore', 'internal', 'license', 'link', 'method', 'package', 'param', 'property', 'property-read', 'property-write', 'return', 'see', 'since', 'source', 'subpackage', 'throws', 'todo', 'TODO', 'usedBy', 'uses', 'var', 'version', 'after', 'afterClass', 'backupGlobals', 'backupStaticAttributes', 'before', 'beforeClass', 'codeCoverageIgnore', 'codeCoverageIgnoreStart', 'codeCoverageIgnoreEnd', 'covers', 'coversDefaultClass', 'coversNothing', 'dataProvider', 'depends', 'expectedException', 'expectedExceptionCode', 'expectedExceptionMessage', 'expectedExceptionMessageRegExp', 'group', 'large', 'medium', 'preserveGlobalState', 'requires', 'runTestsInSeparateProcesses', 'runInSeparateProcess', 'small', 'test', 'testdox', 'ticket', 'uses', 'SuppressWarnings', 'noinspection', 'package_version', 'enduml', 'startuml', 'fix', 'FIXME', 'fixme', 'override']
    • operator (':', '='): the operator to use; defaults to '='
  • doctrine_annotation_braces [@DoctrineAnnotation]

    Doctrine annotations without arguments must use the configured syntax.

    Configuration options:

    • ignored_tags (array): list of tags that must not be treated as Doctrine Annotations; defaults to ['abstract', 'access', 'code', 'deprec', 'encode', 'exception', 'final', 'ingroup', 'inheritdoc', 'inheritDoc', 'magic', 'name', 'toc', 'tutorial', 'private', 'static', 'staticvar', 'staticVar', 'throw', 'api', 'author', 'category', 'copyright', 'deprecated', 'example', 'filesource', 'global', 'ignore', 'internal', 'license', 'link', 'method', 'package', 'param', 'property', 'property-read', 'property-write', 'return', 'see', 'since', 'source', 'subpackage', 'throws', 'todo', 'TODO', 'usedBy', 'uses', 'var', 'version', 'after', 'afterClass', 'backupGlobals', 'backupStaticAttributes', 'before', 'beforeClass', 'codeCoverageIgnore', 'codeCoverageIgnoreStart', 'codeCoverageIgnoreEnd', 'covers', 'coversDefaultClass', 'coversNothing', 'dataProvider', 'depends', 'expectedException', 'expectedExceptionCode', 'expectedExceptionMessage', 'expectedExceptionMessageRegExp', 'group', 'large', 'medium', 'preserveGlobalState', 'requires', 'runTestsInSeparateProcesses', 'runInSeparateProcess', 'small', 'test', 'testdox', 'ticket', 'uses', 'SuppressWarnings', 'noinspection', 'package_version', 'enduml', 'startuml', 'fix', 'FIXME', 'fixme', 'override']
    • syntax ('with_braces', 'without_braces'): whether to add or remove braces; defaults to 'without_braces'
  • doctrine_annotation_indentation [@DoctrineAnnotation]

    Doctrine annotations must be indented with four spaces.

    Configuration options:

    • ignored_tags (array): list of tags that must not be treated as Doctrine Annotations; defaults to ['abstract', 'access', 'code', 'deprec', 'encode', 'exception', 'final', 'ingroup', 'inheritdoc', 'inheritDoc', 'magic', 'name', 'toc', 'tutorial', 'private', 'static', 'staticvar', 'staticVar', 'throw', 'api', 'author', 'category', 'copyright', 'deprecated', 'example', 'filesource', 'global', 'ignore', 'internal', 'license', 'link', 'method', 'package', 'param', 'property', 'property-read', 'property-write', 'return', 'see', 'since', 'source', 'subpackage', 'throws', 'todo', 'TODO', 'usedBy', 'uses', 'var', 'version', 'after', 'afterClass', 'backupGlobals', 'backupStaticAttributes', 'before', 'beforeClass', 'codeCoverageIgnore', 'codeCoverageIgnoreStart', 'codeCoverageIgnoreEnd', 'covers', 'coversDefaultClass', 'coversNothing', 'dataProvider', 'depends', 'expectedException', 'expectedExceptionCode', 'expectedExceptionMessage', 'expectedExceptionMessageRegExp', 'group', 'large', 'medium', 'preserveGlobalState', 'requires', 'runTestsInSeparateProcesses', 'runInSeparateProcess', 'small', 'test', 'testdox', 'ticket', 'uses', 'SuppressWarnings', 'noinspection', 'package_version', 'enduml', 'startuml', 'fix', 'FIXME', 'fixme', 'override']
    • indent_mixed_lines (bool): whether to indent lines that have content before closing parenthesis; defaults to false
  • doctrine_annotation_spaces [@DoctrineAnnotation]

    Fixes spaces in Doctrine annotations.

    Configuration options:

    • after_argument_assignments (null, bool): whether to add, remove or ignore spaces after argument assignment operator; defaults to false
    • after_array_assignments_colon (null, bool): whether to add, remove or ignore spaces after array assignment : operator; defaults to true
    • after_array_assignments_equals (null, bool): whether to add, remove or ignore spaces after array assignment = operator; defaults to true
    • around_argument_assignments (bool): whether to fix spaces around argument assignment operator; defaults to true. DEPRECATED: use options before_argument_assignments and after_argument_assignments instead
    • around_array_assignments (bool): whether to fix spaces around array assignment operators; defaults to true. DEPRECATED: use options before_array_assignments_equals, after_array_assignments_equals, before_array_assignments_colon and after_array_assignments_colon instead
    • around_commas (bool): whether to fix spaces around commas; defaults to true
    • around_parentheses (bool): whether to fix spaces around parentheses; defaults to true
    • before_argument_assignments (null, bool): whether to add, remove or ignore spaces before argument assignment operator; defaults to false
    • before_array_assignments_colon (null, bool): whether to add, remove or ignore spaces before array : assignment operator; defaults to true
    • before_array_assignments_equals (null, bool): whether to add, remove or ignore spaces before array = assignment operator; defaults to true
    • ignored_tags (array): list of tags that must not be treated as Doctrine Annotations; defaults to ['abstract', 'access', 'code', 'deprec', 'encode', 'exception', 'final', 'ingroup', 'inheritdoc', 'inheritDoc', 'magic', 'name', 'toc', 'tutorial', 'private', 'static', 'staticvar', 'staticVar', 'throw', 'api', 'author', 'category', 'copyright', 'deprecated', 'example', 'filesource', 'global', 'ignore', 'internal', 'license', 'link', 'method', 'package', 'param', 'property', 'property-read', 'property-write', 'return', 'see', 'since', 'source', 'subpackage', 'throws', 'todo', 'TODO', 'usedBy', 'uses', 'var', 'version', 'after', 'afterClass', 'backupGlobals', 'backupStaticAttributes', 'before', 'beforeClass', 'codeCoverageIgnore', 'codeCoverageIgnoreStart', 'codeCoverageIgnoreEnd', 'covers', 'coversDefaultClass', 'coversNothing', 'dataProvider', 'depends', 'expectedException', 'expectedExceptionCode', 'expectedExceptionMessage', 'expectedExceptionMessageRegExp', 'group', 'large', 'medium', 'preserveGlobalState', 'requires', 'runTestsInSeparateProcesses', 'runInSeparateProcess', 'small', 'test', 'testdox', 'ticket', 'uses', 'SuppressWarnings', 'noinspection', 'package_version', 'enduml', 'startuml', 'fix', 'FIXME', 'fixme', 'override']
  • elseif [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    The keyword elseif should be used instead of else if so that all control keywords look like single words.

  • encoding [@PSR1, @PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    PHP code MUST use only UTF-8 without BOM (remove BOM).

  • ereg_to_preg [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Replace deprecated ereg regular expression functions with preg.

    Risky rule: risky if the ``ereg`` function is overridden.

  • error_suppression [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Error control operator should be added to deprecation notices and/or removed from other cases.

    Risky rule: risky because adding/removing ``@`` might cause changes to code behaviour or if ``trigger_error`` function is overridden.

    Configuration options:

    • mute_deprecation_error (bool): whether to add @ in deprecation notices; defaults to true
    • noise_remaining_usages (bool): whether to remove @ in remaining usages; defaults to false
    • noise_remaining_usages_exclude (array): list of global functions to exclude from removing @; defaults to []
  • escape_implicit_backslashes [@PhpCsFixer]

    Escape implicit backslashes in strings and heredocs to ease the understanding of which are special chars interpreted by PHP and which not.

    Configuration options:

    • double_quoted (bool): whether to fix double-quoted strings; defaults to true
    • heredoc_syntax (bool): whether to fix heredoc syntax; defaults to true
    • single_quoted (bool): whether to fix single-quoted strings; defaults to false
  • explicit_indirect_variable [@PhpCsFixer]

    Add curly braces to indirect variables to make them clear to understand. Requires PHP >= 7.0.

  • explicit_string_variable [@PhpCsFixer]

    Converts implicit variables into explicit ones in double-quoted strings or heredoc syntax.

  • final_class

    All classes must be final, except abstract ones and Doctrine entities.

    Risky rule: risky when subclassing non-abstract classes.

  • final_internal_class [@PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Internal classes should be final.

    Risky rule: changing classes to ``final`` might cause code execution to break.

    Configuration options:

    • annotation-black-list (array): class level annotations tags that must be omitted to fix the class, even if all of the white list ones are used as well. (case insensitive); defaults to ['@final', '@Entity', '@ORM\\Entity']
    • annotation-white-list (array): class level annotations tags that must be set in order to fix the class. (case insensitive); defaults to ['@internal']
    • consider-absent-docblock-as-internal-class (bool): should classes without any DocBlock be fixed to final?; defaults to false
  • final_public_method_for_abstract_class

    All public methods of abstract classes should be final.

    Risky rule: risky when overriding ``public`` methods of ``abstract`` classes.

  • final_static_access

    Converts static access to self access in final classes.

  • fopen_flag_order [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Order the flags in fopen calls, b and t must be last.

    Risky rule: risky when the function ``fopen`` is overridden.

  • fopen_flags [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    The flags in fopen calls must omit t, and b must be omitted or included consistently.

    Risky rule: risky when the function ``fopen`` is overridden.

    Configuration options:

    • b_mode (bool): the b flag must be used (true) or omitted (false); defaults to true
  • full_opening_tag [@PSR1, @PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    PHP code must use the long <?php tags or short-echo <?= tags and not other tag variations.

  • fully_qualified_strict_types [@PhpCsFixer]

    Transforms imported FQCN parameters and return types in function arguments to short version.

  • function_declaration [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Spaces should be properly placed in a function declaration.

    Configuration options:

    • closure_function_spacing ('none', 'one'): spacing to use before open parenthesis for closures; defaults to 'one'
  • function_to_constant [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Replace core functions calls returning constants with the constants.

    Risky rule: risky when any of the configured functions to replace are overridden.

    Configuration options:

    • functions (a subset of ['get_called_class', 'get_class', 'php_sapi_name', 'phpversion', 'pi']): list of function names to fix; defaults to ['get_class', 'php_sapi_name', 'phpversion', 'pi']
  • function_typehint_space [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Ensure single space between function's argument and its typehint.

  • general_phpdoc_annotation_remove

    Configured annotations should be omitted from PHPDoc.

    Configuration options:

    • annotations (array): list of annotations to remove, e.g. ["author"]; defaults to []
  • global_namespace_import

    Imports or fully qualifies global classes/functions/constants.

    Configuration options:

    • import_classes (false, null, true): whether to import, not import or ignore global classes; defaults to true
    • import_constants (false, null, true): whether to import, not import or ignore global constants; defaults to null
    • import_functions (false, null, true): whether to import, not import or ignore global functions; defaults to null
  • hash_to_slash_comment

    Single line comments should use double slashes // and not hash #. DEPRECATED: use single_line_comment_style instead.

  • header_comment

    Add, replace or remove header comment.

    Configuration options:

    • comment_type ('comment', 'PHPDoc'): comment syntax type; defaults to 'comment'; DEPRECATED alias: commentType
    • header (string): proper header content; required
    • location ('after_declare_strict', 'after_open'): the location of the inserted header; defaults to 'after_declare_strict'
    • separate ('both', 'bottom', 'none', 'top'): whether the header should be separated from the file content with a new line; defaults to 'both'
  • heredoc_indentation [@PHP73Migration]

    Heredoc/nowdoc content must be properly indented. Requires PHP >= 7.3.

  • heredoc_to_nowdoc [@PhpCsFixer]

    Convert heredoc to nowdoc where possible.

  • implode_call [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Function implode must be called with 2 arguments in the documented order.

    Risky rule: risky when the function ``implode`` is overridden.

  • include [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Include/Require and file path should be divided with a single space. File path should not be placed under brackets.

  • increment_style [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Pre- or post-increment and decrement operators should be used if possible.

    Configuration options:

    • style ('post', 'pre'): whether to use pre- or post-increment and decrement operators; defaults to 'pre'
  • indentation_type [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Code MUST use configured indentation type.

  • is_null [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Replaces is_null($var) expression with null === $var.

    Risky rule: risky when the function ``is_null`` is overridden.

    Configuration options:

    • use_yoda_style (bool): whether Yoda style conditions should be used; defaults to true. DEPRECATED: use yoda_style fixer instead
  • line_ending [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    All PHP files must use same line ending.

  • linebreak_after_opening_tag

    Ensure there is no code on the same line as the PHP open tag.

  • list_syntax

    List (array destructuring) assignment should be declared using the configured syntax. Requires PHP >= 7.1.

    Configuration options:

    • syntax ('long', 'short'): whether to use the long or short list syntax; defaults to 'long'
  • logical_operators [@PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Use && and || logical operators instead of and and or.

    Risky rule: risky, because you must double-check if using and/or with lower precedence was intentional.

  • lowercase_cast [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Cast should be written in lower case.

  • lowercase_constants

    The PHP constants true, false, and null MUST be in lower case. DEPRECATED: use constant_case instead.

  • lowercase_keywords [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    PHP keywords MUST be in lower case.

  • lowercase_static_reference [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Class static references self, static and parent MUST be in lower case.

  • magic_constant_casing [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Magic constants should be referred to using the correct casing.

  • magic_method_casing [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Magic method definitions and calls must be using the correct casing.

  • mb_str_functions

    Replace non multibyte-safe functions with corresponding mb function.

    Risky rule: risky when any of the functions are overridden.

  • method_argument_space [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    In method arguments and method call, there MUST NOT be a space before each comma and there MUST be one space after each comma. Argument lists MAY be split across multiple lines, where each subsequent line is indented once. When doing so, the first item in the list MUST be on the next line, and there MUST be only one argument per line.

    Configuration options:

    • after_heredoc (bool): whether the whitespace between heredoc end and comma should be removed; defaults to false
    • ensure_fully_multiline (bool): ensure every argument of a multiline argument list is on its own line; defaults to false. DEPRECATED: use option on_multiline instead
    • keep_multiple_spaces_after_comma (bool): whether keep multiple spaces after comma; defaults to false
    • on_multiline ('ensure_fully_multiline', 'ensure_single_line', 'ignore'): defines how to handle function arguments lists that contain newlines; defaults to 'ignore'
  • method_chaining_indentation [@PhpCsFixer]

    Method chaining MUST be properly indented. Method chaining with different levels of indentation is not supported.

  • method_separation

    Methods must be separated with one blank line. DEPRECATED: use class_attributes_separation instead.

  • modernize_types_casting [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Replaces intval, floatval, doubleval, strval and boolval function calls with according type casting operator.

    Risky rule: risky if any of the functions ``intval``, ``floatval``, ``doubleval``, ``strval`` or ``boolval`` are overridden.

  • multiline_comment_opening_closing [@PhpCsFixer]

    DocBlocks must start with two asterisks, multiline comments must start with a single asterisk, after the opening slash. Both must end with a single asterisk before the closing slash.

  • multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons [@PhpCsFixer]

    Forbid multi-line whitespace before the closing semicolon or move the semicolon to the new line for chained calls.

    Configuration options:

    • strategy ('new_line_for_chained_calls', 'no_multi_line'): forbid multi-line whitespace or move the semicolon to the new line for chained calls; defaults to 'no_multi_line'
  • native_constant_invocation [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Add leading \ before constant invocation of internal constant to speed up resolving. Constant name match is case-sensitive, except for null, false and true.

    Risky rule: risky when any of the constants are namespaced or overridden.

    Configuration options:

    • exclude (array): list of constants to ignore; defaults to ['null', 'false', 'true']
    • fix_built_in (bool): whether to fix constants returned by get_defined_constants. User constants are not accounted in this list and must be specified in the include one; defaults to true
    • include (array): list of additional constants to fix; defaults to []
    • scope ('all', 'namespaced'): only fix constant invocations that are made within a namespace or fix all; defaults to 'all'
  • native_function_casing [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Function defined by PHP should be called using the correct casing.

  • native_function_invocation [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Add leading \ before function invocation to speed up resolving.

    Risky rule: risky when any of the functions are overridden.

    Configuration options:

    • exclude (array): list of functions to ignore; defaults to []
    • include (array): list of function names or sets to fix. Defined sets are @internal (all native functions), @all (all global functions) and @compiler_optimized (functions that are specially optimized by Zend); defaults to ['@internal']
    • scope ('all', 'namespaced'): only fix function calls that are made within a namespace or fix all; defaults to 'all'
    • strict (bool): whether leading \ of function call not meant to have it should be removed; defaults to false
  • native_function_type_declaration_casing [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Native type hints for functions should use the correct case.

  • new_with_braces [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    All instances created with new keyword must be followed by braces.

  • no_alias_functions [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Master functions shall be used instead of aliases.

    Risky rule: risky when any of the alias functions are overridden.

    Configuration options:

    • sets (a subset of ['@internal', '@IMAP', '@mbreg', '@all']): list of sets to fix. Defined sets are @internal (native functions), @IMAP (IMAP functions), @mbreg (from ext-mbstring) @all (all listed sets); defaults to ['@internal', '@IMAP']
  • no_alternative_syntax [@PhpCsFixer]

    Replace control structure alternative syntax to use braces.

  • no_binary_string [@PhpCsFixer]

    There should not be a binary flag before strings.

  • no_blank_lines_after_class_opening [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There should be no empty lines after class opening brace.

  • no_blank_lines_after_phpdoc [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There should not be blank lines between docblock and the documented element.

  • no_blank_lines_before_namespace

    There should be no blank lines before a namespace declaration.

  • no_break_comment [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There must be a comment when fall-through is intentional in a non-empty case body.

    Configuration options:

    • comment_text (string): the text to use in the added comment and to detect it; defaults to 'no break'
  • no_closing_tag [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    The closing ?> tag MUST be omitted from files containing only PHP.

  • no_empty_comment [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There should not be any empty comments.

  • no_empty_phpdoc [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There should not be empty PHPDoc blocks.

  • no_empty_statement [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Remove useless semicolon statements.

  • no_extra_blank_lines [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Removes extra blank lines and/or blank lines following configuration.

    Configuration options:

    • tokens (a subset of ['break', 'case', 'continue', 'curly_brace_block', 'default', 'extra', 'parenthesis_brace_block', 'return', 'square_brace_block', 'switch', 'throw', 'use', 'useTrait', 'use_trait']): list of tokens to fix; defaults to ['extra']
  • no_extra_consecutive_blank_lines

    Removes extra blank lines and/or blank lines following configuration. DEPRECATED: use no_extra_blank_lines instead.

    Configuration options:

    • tokens (a subset of ['break', 'case', 'continue', 'curly_brace_block', 'default', 'extra', 'parenthesis_brace_block', 'return', 'square_brace_block', 'switch', 'throw', 'use', 'useTrait', 'use_trait']): list of tokens to fix; defaults to ['extra']
  • no_homoglyph_names [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Replace accidental usage of homoglyphs (non ascii characters) in names.

    Risky rule: renames classes and cannot rename the files. You might have string references to renamed code (``$$name``).

  • no_leading_import_slash [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Remove leading slashes in use clauses.

  • no_leading_namespace_whitespace [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    The namespace declaration line shouldn't contain leading whitespace.

  • no_mixed_echo_print [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Either language construct print or echo should be used.

    Configuration options:

    • use ('echo', 'print'): the desired language construct; defaults to 'echo'
  • no_multiline_whitespace_around_double_arrow [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Operator => should not be surrounded by multi-line whitespaces.

  • no_multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons

    Multi-line whitespace before closing semicolon are prohibited. DEPRECATED: use multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons instead.

  • no_null_property_initialization [@PhpCsFixer]

    Properties MUST not be explicitly initialized with null except when they have a type declaration (PHP 7.4).

  • no_php4_constructor

    Convert PHP4-style constructors to __construct.

    Risky rule: risky when old style constructor being fixed is overridden or overrides parent one.

  • no_short_bool_cast [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Short cast bool using double exclamation mark should not be used.

  • no_short_echo_tag [@PhpCsFixer]

    Replace short-echo <?= with long format <?php echo syntax.

  • no_singleline_whitespace_before_semicolons [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Single-line whitespace before closing semicolon are prohibited.

  • no_spaces_after_function_name [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    When making a method or function call, there MUST NOT be a space between the method or function name and the opening parenthesis.

  • no_spaces_around_offset [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There MUST NOT be spaces around offset braces.

    Configuration options:

    • positions (a subset of ['inside', 'outside']): whether spacing should be fixed inside and/or outside the offset braces; defaults to ['inside', 'outside']
  • no_spaces_inside_parenthesis [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There MUST NOT be a space after the opening parenthesis. There MUST NOT be a space before the closing parenthesis.

  • no_superfluous_elseif [@PhpCsFixer]

    Replaces superfluous elseif with if.

  • no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Removes @param and @return tags that don't provide any useful information.

    Configuration options:

    • allow_mixed (bool): whether type mixed without description is allowed (true) or considered superfluous (false); defaults to false
    • allow_unused_params (bool): whether param annontation without actual signature is allowed (true) or considered superfluous (false); defaults to false
    • remove_inheritdoc (bool): remove @inheritDoc tags; defaults to false
  • no_trailing_comma_in_list_call [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Remove trailing commas in list function calls.

  • no_trailing_comma_in_singleline_array [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    PHP single-line arrays should not have trailing comma.

  • no_trailing_whitespace [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Remove trailing whitespace at the end of non-blank lines.

  • no_trailing_whitespace_in_comment [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There MUST be no trailing spaces inside comment or PHPDoc.

  • no_unneeded_control_parentheses [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Removes unneeded parentheses around control statements.

    Configuration options:

    • statements (array): list of control statements to fix; defaults to ['break', 'clone', 'continue', 'echo_print', 'return', 'switch_case', 'yield']
  • no_unneeded_curly_braces [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Removes unneeded curly braces that are superfluous and aren't part of a control structure's body.

  • no_unneeded_final_method [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    A final class must not have final methods.

  • no_unreachable_default_argument_value [@PhpCsFixer:risky]

    In function arguments there must not be arguments with default values before non-default ones.

    Risky rule: modifies the signature of functions; therefore risky when using systems (such as some Symfony components) that rely on those (for example through reflection).

  • no_unset_cast [@PhpCsFixer]

    Variables must be set null instead of using (unset) casting.

  • no_unset_on_property [@PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Properties should be set to null instead of using unset.

    Risky rule: changing variables to ``null`` instead of unsetting them will mean they still show up when looping over class variables. With PHP 7.4, this rule might introduce ``null`` assignments to property whose type declaration does not allow it.

  • no_unused_imports [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Unused use statements must be removed.

  • no_useless_else [@PhpCsFixer]

    There should not be useless else cases.

  • no_useless_return [@PhpCsFixer]

    There should not be an empty return statement at the end of a function.

  • no_whitespace_before_comma_in_array [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    In array declaration, there MUST NOT be a whitespace before each comma.

    Configuration options:

    • after_heredoc (bool): whether the whitespace between heredoc end and comma should be removed; defaults to false
  • no_whitespace_in_blank_line [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Remove trailing whitespace at the end of blank lines.

  • non_printable_character [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky, @PHP70Migration:risky, @PHP71Migration:risky]

    Remove Zero-width space (ZWSP), Non-breaking space (NBSP) and other invisible unicode symbols.

    Risky rule: risky when strings contain intended invisible characters.

    Configuration options:

    • use_escape_sequences_in_strings (bool): whether characters should be replaced with escape sequences in strings; defaults to false
  • normalize_index_brace [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Array index should always be written by using square braces.

  • not_operator_with_space

    Logical NOT operators (!) should have leading and trailing whitespaces.

  • not_operator_with_successor_space

    Logical NOT operators (!) should have one trailing whitespace.

  • nullable_type_declaration_for_default_null_value

    Adds or removes ? before type declarations for parameters with a default null value.

    Configuration options:

    • use_nullable_type_declaration (bool): whether to add or remove ? before type declarations for parameters with a default null value; defaults to true
  • object_operator_without_whitespace [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There should not be space before or after object T_OBJECT_OPERATOR ->.

  • ordered_class_elements [@PhpCsFixer]

    Orders the elements of classes/interfaces/traits.

    Configuration options:

    • order (a subset of ['use_trait', 'public', 'protected', 'private', 'constant', 'constant_public', 'constant_protected', 'constant_private', 'property', 'property_static', 'property_public', 'property_protected', 'property_private', 'property_public_static', 'property_protected_static', 'property_private_static', 'method', 'method_static', 'method_public', 'method_protected', 'method_private', 'method_public_static', 'method_protected_static', 'method_private_static', 'construct', 'destruct', 'magic', 'phpunit']): list of strings defining order of elements; defaults to ['use_trait', 'constant_public', 'constant_protected', 'constant_private', 'property_public', 'property_protected', 'property_private', 'construct', 'destruct', 'magic', 'phpunit', 'method_public', 'method_protected', 'method_private']
    • sortAlgorithm ('alpha', 'none'): how multiple occurrences of same type statements should be sorted; defaults to 'none'
  • ordered_imports [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Ordering use statements.

    Configuration options:

    • imports_order (array, null): defines the order of import types; defaults to null; DEPRECATED alias: importsOrder
    • sort_algorithm ('alpha', 'length', 'none'): whether the statements should be sorted alphabetically or by length, or not sorted; defaults to 'alpha'; DEPRECATED alias: sortAlgorithm
  • ordered_interfaces

    Orders the interfaces in an implements or interface extends clause.

    Risky rule: risky for ``implements`` when specifying both an interface and its parent interface, because PHP doesn't break on ``parent, child`` but does on ``child, parent``.

    Configuration options:

    • direction ('ascend', 'descend'): which direction the interfaces should be ordered; defaults to 'ascend'
    • order ('alpha', 'length'): how the interfaces should be ordered; defaults to 'alpha'
  • php_unit_construct [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    PHPUnit assertion method calls like ->assertSame(true, $foo) should be written with dedicated method like ->assertTrue($foo).

    Risky rule: fixer could be risky if one is overriding PHPUnit's native methods.

    Configuration options:

    • assertions (a subset of ['assertSame', 'assertEquals', 'assertNotEquals', 'assertNotSame']): list of assertion methods to fix; defaults to ['assertEquals', 'assertSame', 'assertNotEquals', 'assertNotSame']
  • php_unit_dedicate_assert [@PHPUnit30Migration:risky, @PHPUnit32Migration:risky, @PHPUnit35Migration:risky, @PHPUnit43Migration:risky, @PHPUnit48Migration:risky, @PHPUnit50Migration:risky, @PHPUnit52Migration:risky, @PHPUnit54Migration:risky, @PHPUnit55Migration:risky, @PHPUnit56Migration:risky, @PHPUnit57Migration:risky, @PHPUnit60Migration:risky, @PHPUnit75Migration:risky]

    PHPUnit assertions like assertInternalType, assertFileExists, should be used over assertTrue.

    Risky rule: fixer could be risky if one is overriding PHPUnit's native methods.

    Configuration options:

    • functions (a subset of ['array_key_exists', 'empty', 'file_exists', 'is_array', 'is_bool', 'is_callable', 'is_double', 'is_float', 'is_infinite', 'is_int', 'is_integer', 'is_long', 'is_nan', 'is_null', 'is_numeric', 'is_object', 'is_real', 'is_resource', 'is_scalar', 'is_string'], null): list of assertions to fix (overrides target); defaults to null. DEPRECATED: use option target instead
    • target ('3.0', '3.5', '5.0', '5.6', 'newest'): target version of PHPUnit; defaults to '5.0'
  • php_unit_dedicate_assert_internal_type [@PHPUnit75Migration:risky]

    PHPUnit assertions like assertIsArray should be used over assertInternalType.

    Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit methods are overridden or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.

    Configuration options:

    • target ('7.5', 'newest'): target version of PHPUnit; defaults to 'newest'
  • php_unit_expectation [@PHPUnit52Migration:risky, @PHPUnit54Migration:risky, @PHPUnit55Migration:risky, @PHPUnit56Migration:risky, @PHPUnit57Migration:risky, @PHPUnit60Migration:risky, @PHPUnit75Migration:risky]

    Usages of ->setExpectedException* methods MUST be replaced by ->expectException* methods.

    Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit classes are overridden or not accessible, or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.

    Configuration options:

    • target ('5.2', '5.6', 'newest'): target version of PHPUnit; defaults to 'newest'
  • php_unit_fqcn_annotation [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    PHPUnit annotations should be a FQCNs including a root namespace.

  • php_unit_internal_class [@PhpCsFixer]

    All PHPUnit test classes should be marked as internal.

    Configuration options:

    • types (a subset of ['normal', 'final', 'abstract']): what types of classes to mark as internal; defaults to ['normal', 'final']
  • php_unit_method_casing [@PhpCsFixer]

    Enforce camel (or snake) case for PHPUnit test methods, following configuration.

    Configuration options:

    • case ('camel_case', 'snake_case'): apply camel or snake case to test methods; defaults to 'camel_case'
  • php_unit_mock [@PHPUnit54Migration:risky, @PHPUnit55Migration:risky, @PHPUnit56Migration:risky, @PHPUnit57Migration:risky, @PHPUnit60Migration:risky, @PHPUnit75Migration:risky]

    Usages of ->getMock and ->getMockWithoutInvokingTheOriginalConstructor methods MUST be replaced by ->createMock or ->createPartialMock methods.

    Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit classes are overridden or not accessible, or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.

    Configuration options:

    • target ('5.4', '5.5', 'newest'): target version of PHPUnit; defaults to 'newest'
  • php_unit_mock_short_will_return [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Usage of PHPUnit's mock e.g. ->will($this->returnValue(..)) must be replaced by its shorter equivalent such as ->willReturn(...).

    Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit classes are overridden or not accessible, or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.

  • php_unit_namespaced [@PHPUnit48Migration:risky, @PHPUnit50Migration:risky, @PHPUnit52Migration:risky, @PHPUnit54Migration:risky, @PHPUnit55Migration:risky, @PHPUnit56Migration:risky, @PHPUnit57Migration:risky, @PHPUnit60Migration:risky, @PHPUnit75Migration:risky]

    PHPUnit classes MUST be used in namespaced version, e.g. \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase instead of \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase.

    Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit classes are overridden or not accessible, or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.

    Configuration options:

    • target ('4.8', '5.7', '6.0', 'newest'): target version of PHPUnit; defaults to 'newest'
  • php_unit_no_expectation_annotation [@PHPUnit32Migration:risky, @PHPUnit35Migration:risky, @PHPUnit43Migration:risky, @PHPUnit48Migration:risky, @PHPUnit50Migration:risky, @PHPUnit52Migration:risky, @PHPUnit54Migration:risky, @PHPUnit55Migration:risky, @PHPUnit56Migration:risky, @PHPUnit57Migration:risky, @PHPUnit60Migration:risky, @PHPUnit75Migration:risky]

    Usages of @expectedException* annotations MUST be replaced by ->setExpectedException* methods.

    Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit classes are overridden or not accessible, or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.

    Configuration options:

    • target ('3.2', '4.3', 'newest'): target version of PHPUnit; defaults to 'newest'
    • use_class_const (bool): use ::class notation; defaults to true
  • php_unit_ordered_covers [@PhpCsFixer]

    Order @covers annotation of PHPUnit tests.

  • php_unit_set_up_tear_down_visibility [@PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Changes the visibility of the setUp() and tearDown() functions of PHPUnit to protected, to match the PHPUnit TestCase.

    Risky rule: this fixer may change functions named ``setUp()`` or ``tearDown()`` outside of PHPUnit tests, when a class is wrongly seen as a PHPUnit test.

  • php_unit_size_class

    All PHPUnit test cases should have @small, @medium or @large annotation to enable run time limits.

    Configuration options:

    • group ('large', 'medium', 'small'): define a specific group to be used in case no group is already in use; defaults to 'small'
  • php_unit_strict [@PhpCsFixer:risky]

    PHPUnit methods like assertSame should be used instead of assertEquals.

    Risky rule: risky when any of the functions are overridden or when testing object equality.

    Configuration options:

    • assertions (a subset of ['assertAttributeEquals', 'assertAttributeNotEquals', 'assertEquals', 'assertNotEquals']): list of assertion methods to fix; defaults to ['assertAttributeEquals', 'assertAttributeNotEquals', 'assertEquals', 'assertNotEquals']
  • php_unit_test_annotation [@PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Adds or removes @test annotations from tests, following configuration.

    Risky rule: this fixer may change the name of your tests, and could cause incompatibility with abstract classes or interfaces.

    Configuration options:

    • case ('camel', 'snake'): whether to camel or snake case when adding the test prefix; defaults to 'camel'. DEPRECATED: use php_unit_method_casing fixer instead
    • style ('annotation', 'prefix'): whether to use the @test annotation or not; defaults to 'prefix'
  • php_unit_test_case_static_method_calls [@PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Calls to PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase static methods must all be of the same type, either $this->, self:: or static::.

    Risky rule: risky when PHPUnit methods are overridden or not accessible, or when project has PHPUnit incompatibilities.

    Configuration options:

    • call_type ('self', 'static', 'this'): the call type to use for referring to PHPUnit methods; defaults to 'static'
    • methods (array): dictionary of method => call_type values that differ from the default strategy; defaults to []
  • php_unit_test_class_requires_covers [@PhpCsFixer]

    Adds a default @coversNothing annotation to PHPUnit test classes that have no @covers* annotation.

  • phpdoc_add_missing_param_annotation [@PhpCsFixer]

    PHPDoc should contain @param for all params.

    Configuration options:

    • only_untyped (bool): whether to add missing @param annotations for untyped parameters only; defaults to true
  • phpdoc_align [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    All items of the given phpdoc tags must be either left-aligned or (by default) aligned vertically.

    Configuration options:

    • align ('left', 'vertical'): align comments; defaults to 'vertical'
    • tags (a subset of ['param', 'property', 'property-read', 'property-write', 'return', 'throws', 'type', 'var', 'method']): the tags that should be aligned; defaults to ['param', 'return', 'throws', 'type', 'var']
  • phpdoc_annotation_without_dot [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    PHPDoc annotation descriptions should not be a sentence.

  • phpdoc_indent [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Docblocks should have the same indentation as the documented subject.

  • phpdoc_inline_tag [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Fix PHPDoc inline tags, make @inheritdoc always inline.

  • phpdoc_line_span

    Changes doc blocks from single to multi line, or reversed. Works for class constants, properties and methods only.

    Configuration options:

    • const ('multi', 'single'): whether const blocks should be single or multi line; defaults to 'multi'
    • method ('multi', 'single'): whether method doc blocks should be single or multi line; defaults to 'multi'
    • property ('multi', 'single'): whether property doc blocks should be single or multi line; defaults to 'multi'
  • phpdoc_no_access [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    @access annotations should be omitted from PHPDoc.

  • phpdoc_no_alias_tag [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    No alias PHPDoc tags should be used.

    Configuration options:

    • replacements (array): mapping between replaced annotations with new ones; defaults to ['property-read' => 'property', 'property-write' => 'property', 'type' => 'var', 'link' => 'see']
  • phpdoc_no_empty_return [@PhpCsFixer]

    @return void and @return null annotations should be omitted from PHPDoc.

  • phpdoc_no_package [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    @package and @subpackage annotations should be omitted from PHPDoc.

  • phpdoc_no_useless_inheritdoc [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Classy that does not inherit must not have @inheritdoc tags.

  • phpdoc_order [@PhpCsFixer]

    Annotations in PHPDoc should be ordered so that @param annotations come first, then @throws annotations, then @return annotations.

  • phpdoc_return_self_reference [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    The type of @return annotations of methods returning a reference to itself must the configured one.

    Configuration options:

    • replacements (array): mapping between replaced return types with new ones; defaults to ['this' => '$this', '@this' => '$this', '$self' => 'self', '@self' => 'self', '$static' => 'static', '@static' => 'static']
  • phpdoc_scalar [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Scalar types should always be written in the same form. int not integer, bool not boolean, float not real or double.

    Configuration options:

    • types (a subset of ['boolean', 'callback', 'double', 'integer', 'real', 'str']): a map of types to fix; defaults to ['boolean', 'double', 'integer', 'real', 'str']
  • phpdoc_separation [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Annotations in PHPDoc should be grouped together so that annotations of the same type immediately follow each other, and annotations of a different type are separated by a single blank line.

  • phpdoc_single_line_var_spacing [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Single line @var PHPDoc should have proper spacing.

  • phpdoc_summary [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    PHPDoc summary should end in either a full stop, exclamation mark, or question mark.

  • phpdoc_to_comment [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Docblocks should only be used on structural elements.

  • phpdoc_to_param_type

    EXPERIMENTAL: Takes @param annotations of non-mixed types and adjusts accordingly the function signature. Requires PHP >= 7.0.

    Risky rule: [1] This rule is EXPERIMENTAL and is not covered with backward compatibility promise. [2] ``@param`` annotation is mandatory for the fixer to make changes, signatures of methods without it (no docblock, inheritdocs) will not be fixed. [3] Manual actions are required if inherited signatures are not properly documented.

    Configuration options:

    • scalar_types (bool): fix also scalar types; may have unexpected behaviour due to PHP bad type coercion system; defaults to true
  • phpdoc_to_return_type

    EXPERIMENTAL: Takes @return annotation of non-mixed types and adjusts accordingly the function signature. Requires PHP >= 7.0.

    Risky rule: [1] This rule is EXPERIMENTAL and is not covered with backward compatibility promise. [2] ``@return`` annotation is mandatory for the fixer to make changes, signatures of methods without it (no docblock, inheritdocs) will not be fixed. [3] Manual actions are required if inherited signatures are not properly documented. [4] ``@inheritdocs`` support is under construction.

    Configuration options:

    • scalar_types (bool): fix also scalar types; may have unexpected behaviour due to PHP bad type coercion system; defaults to true
  • phpdoc_trim [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    PHPDoc should start and end with content, excluding the very first and last line of the docblocks.

  • phpdoc_trim_consecutive_blank_line_separation [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Removes extra blank lines after summary and after description in PHPDoc.

  • phpdoc_types [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    The correct case must be used for standard PHP types in PHPDoc.

    Configuration options:

    • groups (a subset of ['simple', 'alias', 'meta']): type groups to fix; defaults to ['simple', 'alias', 'meta']
  • phpdoc_types_order [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Sorts PHPDoc types.

    Configuration options:

    • null_adjustment ('always_first', 'always_last', 'none'): forces the position of null (overrides sort_algorithm); defaults to 'always_first'
    • sort_algorithm ('alpha', 'none'): the sorting algorithm to apply; defaults to 'alpha'
  • phpdoc_var_annotation_correct_order [@PhpCsFixer]

    @var and @type annotations must have type and name in the correct order.

  • phpdoc_var_without_name [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    @var and @type annotations should not contain the variable name.

  • pow_to_exponentiation [@PHP56Migration:risky, @PHP70Migration:risky, @PHP71Migration:risky]

    Converts pow to the ** operator.

    Risky rule: risky when the function ``pow`` is overridden.

  • pre_increment

    Pre incrementation/decrementation should be used if possible. DEPRECATED: use increment_style instead.

  • protected_to_private [@PhpCsFixer]

    Converts protected variables and methods to private where possible.

  • psr0

    Classes must be in a path that matches their namespace, be at least one namespace deep and the class name should match the file name.

    Risky rule: this fixer may change your class name, which will break the code that depends on the old name.

    Configuration options:

    • dir (string): the directory where the project code is placed; defaults to ''
  • psr4 [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Class names should match the file name.

    Risky rule: this fixer may change your class name, which will break the code that depends on the old name.

  • random_api_migration [@PHP70Migration:risky, @PHP71Migration:risky]

    Replaces rand, srand, getrandmax functions calls with their mt_* analogs.

    Risky rule: risky when the configured functions are overridden.

    Configuration options:

    • replacements (array): mapping between replaced functions with the new ones; defaults to ['getrandmax' => 'mt_getrandmax', 'rand' => 'mt_rand', 'srand' => 'mt_srand']
  • return_assignment [@PhpCsFixer]

    Local, dynamic and directly referenced variables should not be assigned and directly returned by a function or method.

  • return_type_declaration [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There should be one or no space before colon, and one space after it in return type declarations, according to configuration.

    Configuration options:

    • space_before ('none', 'one'): spacing to apply before colon; defaults to 'none'
  • self_accessor [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Inside class or interface element self should be preferred to the class name itself.

    Risky rule: risky when using dynamic calls like get_called_class() or late static binding.

  • self_static_accessor

    Inside a final class or anonymous class self should be preferred to static.

  • semicolon_after_instruction [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Instructions must be terminated with a semicolon.

  • set_type_to_cast [@Symfony:risky, @PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Cast shall be used, not settype.

    Risky rule: risky when the ``settype`` function is overridden or when used as the 2nd or 3rd expression in a ``for`` loop .

  • short_scalar_cast [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Cast (boolean) and (integer) should be written as (bool) and (int), (double) and (real) as (float), (binary) as (string).

  • silenced_deprecation_error

    Ensures deprecation notices are silenced. DEPRECATED: use error_suppression instead.

    Risky rule: silencing of deprecation errors might cause changes to code behaviour.

  • simple_to_complex_string_variable [@PhpCsFixer]

    Converts explicit variables in double-quoted strings and heredoc syntax from simple to complex format (${ to {$).

  • simplified_null_return

    A return statement wishing to return void should not return null.

  • single_blank_line_at_eof [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    A PHP file without end tag must always end with a single empty line feed.

  • single_blank_line_before_namespace [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There should be exactly one blank line before a namespace declaration.

  • single_class_element_per_statement [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There MUST NOT be more than one property or constant declared per statement.

    Configuration options:

    • elements (a subset of ['const', 'property']): list of strings which element should be modified; defaults to ['const', 'property']
  • single_import_per_statement [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    There MUST be one use keyword per declaration.

  • single_line_after_imports [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Each namespace use MUST go on its own line and there MUST be one blank line after the use statements block.

  • single_line_comment_style [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Single-line comments and multi-line comments with only one line of actual content should use the // syntax.

    Configuration options:

    • comment_types (a subset of ['asterisk', 'hash']): list of comment types to fix; defaults to ['asterisk', 'hash']
  • single_line_throw [@Symfony]

    Throwing exception must be done in single line.

  • single_quote [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Convert double quotes to single quotes for simple strings.

    Configuration options:

    • strings_containing_single_quote_chars (bool): whether to fix double-quoted strings that contains single-quotes; defaults to false
  • single_trait_insert_per_statement [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Each trait use must be done as single statement.

  • space_after_semicolon [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Fix whitespace after a semicolon.

    Configuration options:

    • remove_in_empty_for_expressions (bool): whether spaces should be removed for empty for expressions; defaults to false
  • standardize_increment [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Increment and decrement operators should be used if possible.

  • standardize_not_equals [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Replace all <> with !=.

  • static_lambda

    Lambdas not (indirect) referencing $this must be declared static.

    Risky rule: risky when using "->bindTo" on lambdas without referencing to ``$this``.

  • strict_comparison [@PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Comparisons should be strict.

    Risky rule: changing comparisons to strict might change code behavior.

  • strict_param [@PhpCsFixer:risky]

    Functions should be used with $strict param set to true.

    Risky rule: risky when the fixed function is overridden or if the code relies on non-strict usage.

  • string_line_ending [@PhpCsFixer:risky]

    All multi-line strings must use correct line ending.

    Risky rule: changing the line endings of multi-line strings might affect string comparisons and outputs.

  • switch_case_semicolon_to_colon [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    A case should be followed by a colon and not a semicolon.

  • switch_case_space [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Removes extra spaces between colon and case value.

  • ternary_operator_spaces [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Standardize spaces around ternary operator.

  • ternary_to_null_coalescing [@PHP70Migration, @PHP71Migration, @PHP73Migration]

    Use null coalescing operator ?? where possible. Requires PHP >= 7.0.

  • trailing_comma_in_multiline_array [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    PHP multi-line arrays should have a trailing comma.

    Configuration options:

    • after_heredoc (bool): whether a trailing comma should also be placed after heredoc end; defaults to false
  • trim_array_spaces [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Arrays should be formatted like function/method arguments, without leading or trailing single line space.

  • unary_operator_spaces [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Unary operators should be placed adjacent to their operands.

  • visibility_required [@PSR2, @Symfony, @PhpCsFixer, @PHP71Migration, @PHP73Migration]

    Visibility MUST be declared on all properties and methods; abstract and final MUST be declared before the visibility; static MUST be declared after the visibility.

    Configuration options:

    • elements (a subset of ['property', 'method', 'const']): the structural elements to fix (PHP >= 7.1 required for const); defaults to ['property', 'method']
  • void_return [@PHP71Migration:risky]

    Add void return type to functions with missing or empty return statements, but priority is given to @return annotations. Requires PHP >= 7.1.

    Risky rule: modifies the signature of functions.

  • whitespace_after_comma_in_array [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    In array declaration, there MUST be a whitespace after each comma.

  • yoda_style [@Symfony, @PhpCsFixer]

    Write conditions in Yoda style (true), non-Yoda style (false) or ignore those conditions (null) based on configuration.

    Configuration options:

    • always_move_variable (bool): whether variables should always be on non assignable side when applying Yoda style; defaults to false
    • equal (bool, null): style for equal (==, !=) statements; defaults to true
    • identical (bool, null): style for identical (===, !==) statements; defaults to true
    • less_and_greater (bool, null): style for less and greater than (<, <=, >, >=) statements; defaults to null

The --dry-run option displays the files that need to be fixed but without actually modifying them:

$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/code --dry-run

Config file

Instead of using command line options to customize the rule, you can save the project configuration in a .php_cs.dist file in the root directory of your project. The file must return an instance of PhpCsFixer\ConfigInterface which lets you configure the rules, the files and directories that need to be analyzed. You may also create .php_cs file, which is the local configuration that will be used instead of the project configuration. It is a good practice to add that file into your .gitignore file. With the --config option you can specify the path to the .php_cs file.

The example below will add two rules to the default list of PSR2 set rules:


$finder = PhpCsFixer\Finder::create()

return PhpCsFixer\Config::create()
        '@PSR2' => true,
        'strict_param' => true,
        'array_syntax' => ['syntax' => 'short'],

NOTE: exclude will work only for directories, so if you need to exclude file, try notPath. Both exclude and notPath methods accept only relative paths to the ones defined with the in method.

See Symfony\Finder online documentation for other Finder methods.

You may also use a blacklist for the rules instead of the above shown whitelist approach. The following example shows how to use all Symfony rules but the full_opening_tag rule.


$finder = PhpCsFixer\Finder::create()

return PhpCsFixer\Config::create()
        '@Symfony' => true,
        'full_opening_tag' => false,

You may want to use non-linux whitespaces in your project. Then you need to configure them in your config file.


return PhpCsFixer\Config::create()

By using --using-cache option with yes or no you can set if the caching mechanism should be used.


The caching mechanism is enabled by default. This will speed up further runs by fixing only files that were modified since the last run. The tool will fix all files if the tool version has changed or the list of rules has changed. Cache is supported only for tool downloaded as phar file or installed via composer.

Cache can be disabled via --using-cache option or config file:


return PhpCsFixer\Config::create()

Cache file can be specified via --cache-file option or config file:


return PhpCsFixer\Config::create()

Using PHP CS Fixer on CI

Require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer as a dev dependency:

$ ./composer.phar require --dev friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer

Then, add the following command to your CI:

$ IFS='
$ '
$ CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRTUXB "${COMMIT_RANGE}")
$ if ! echo "${CHANGED_FILES}" | grep -qE "^(\\.php_cs(\\.dist)?|composer\\.lock)$"; then EXTRA_ARGS=$(printf -- '--path-mode=intersection\n--\n%s' "${CHANGED_FILES}"); else EXTRA_ARGS=''; fi
$ vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php_cs.dist -v --dry-run --stop-on-violation --using-cache=no ${EXTRA_ARGS}

Where $COMMIT_RANGE is your range of commits, e.g. $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE or HEAD~..HEAD.

Exit code

Exit code is built using following bit flags:

  • 0 - OK.
  • 1 - General error (or PHP minimal requirement not matched).
  • 4 - Some files have invalid syntax (only in dry-run mode).
  • 8 - Some files need fixing (only in dry-run mode).
  • 16 - Configuration error of the application.
  • 32 - Configuration error of a Fixer.
  • 64 - Exception raised within the application.

(Applies to exit code of the fix command only)


Dedicated plugins exist for:


The tool comes with quite a few built-in fixers, but everyone is more than welcome to contribute more of them.


A fixer is a class that tries to fix one CS issue (a Fixer class must implement FixerInterface).


A config knows about the CS rules and the files and directories that must be scanned by the tool when run in the directory of your project. It is useful for projects that follow a well-known directory structures (like for Symfony projects for instance).


A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues







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  • PHP 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%