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Plugin configuration

Christian Dangl edited this page Sep 29, 2022 · 27 revisions

There are many things you can configure in this plugin. Here is a description about every single configuration option.


Please configure these settings to make sure the communication from and to Mollie works correctly.

Configuration Default Description
LIVE API-Key - This is the API key that is used when in production mode (testing mode disabled). You need this is you are in production mode, and also if you want to test Apple Pay Direct. You can use separate keys for each subshop if you'd like.
TEST API-Key - This is the API key that is used when testing mode is enabled. You need this if you are in testing mode.
Test Mode NO This enables or disables the testing mode. If enabled, all payments will show (Mollie Test Mode) in your shop and will be done with the Mollie sandbox/testing environment. If disabled (default) your plugin is in production mode and real payments will be done.
Log Level INFO Mollie will create a custom log file for your events and errors. Here you can set the minimum severity that should be logged. We recommend ERROR, or even INFO. Set it as low as possible to get more insights. However, the lower it is, the more disk space is being used.


These settings are related to orders and help you to configure your payment flow and how you want to treat orders.

Configuration Default Description
Create Shopware Order before payment - This function was created for Klarna Pay Later, which required the order number. The order number in Shopware 5 isn't known until the order is created. The order isn't created before you completed the payment, though. So therefore we created a function to create the order before going to the payments screen. Though it was built for Klarna Pay Later, it also serves a purpose within Shopware 5. Storing the order before going to the payments screen of Mollie secures that the order is available in Shopware.
API Method - Mollie has two APIs for creating payments, the Payments API and the Orders API. Use the payments API to create only simple transactions in Mollie. With Orders API you will also get orders in Mollie with full details like line items and more in addition to these transactions. Klarna will always create orders. For partial refunds you need information on line item level in Mollie, so make sure this option is OFF if required.
Status for authorized payments - Some payments have "authorized" as their first status. Here you can set an individual status that will be used instead. Please note, your setting might not be the correct status that it is in Mollie.
Transaction number for orders - Mollie has transaction numbers like ord_12u4kwe1 or tr_n1ad124i. Some payment methods have their own transaction numbers, for instance Paypal. You can choose here which transaction number you'd like to store on and order in Shopware in these cases.
Update Order Status automatically - You can choose here whether to take over the status of orders in the Mollie dashboard in Shopware. This is for very specific setups only, most merchants choose No here.
Order Status for shipped orders - Orders that contain also an order in Mollie can be partially shipped. If partially shipped, Mollie will notify Shopware that items might be shipped. You can assign a custom order status that you want to use in this case in Shopware. Please note, this feature requires the configuration "Update Order Status automatically" to be enabled. Don't use this setting if another plugin (for instance Pickware) handles your shipments.
Cancel failed orders - This setting is related to creating an order before finishing the payment (see below). When creating the order before finishing the payment, the order exists whether the payment went through or not. In these cases, you might like the order to be canceled automatically if the payment fails.
Cancellation of all amounts - If enabled, all amounts (total amount, shipping costs) are reset when an order is cancelled. If you do not want sums of cancelled orders to appear in your lists, you might want to use this feature.
Reset stock on failed payment - This will reset the capture of the order positions and increase the Shopware stock again. Thus, it will also substract the item amount from the total amount of the order. Do not use it, if you have another system that does the same. If you have Pickware please read our guide about Pickware.
Automatic shipping status - If you select a status here, the order payments will automatically be shipped as soon as a transition to this status happens.
Mollie Payment Method Limits no Automatically hides payment methods in the checkout based on the limits of Mollie. For instance, if you can only accept credit card payments up to 500 euros, the checkout for a cart of 600 euros will not display credit card as a payment method.
Display detailed errors no If enabled, the frontend will show detailed errors from Mollie like "invalid card number", "minimum total amount not eligible for payment method". If disabled, only generic error messages will be displayed.


Configuration Default Description
Send payment status mail - Shopware can send send status e-mails for every change in payments. You can turn these e-mails on or off here.

Payment Methods

Credit Card

Configuration Default Description
Enable Components - Here you can enable Mollie's credit card components, which enables a form in the checkout where a customer can fill out it's credit card details right in the checkout process. Read more about the credit card components here:
Enable styling for components - When using the default theme of Shopware, you can choose to enable styling of the credit card components here. If you've installed custom theme, please ask the creator of this theme, or your agency, to style Mollie components to your liking.

Apple Pay

Configuration Default Description
Display Restrictions - Avoid the Apple Pay button from being displayed on specific pages in your shop without the need to code anything. Add a new restricted slot from the list and it will not be displayed anymore.

Bank Transfer

Configuration Default Description
Payment term (days) - Set your custom payment term in days. Please note that this is only the time your customer has to be. Mollie will also add 2 additional days for the transfer to happen, and also consider weekends and holidays.
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