Hands-on exercises, from the book https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook This Crytocoin uses ECDSA digital signature scheme, as suggested in the book. The code should be faily self-explanatory.
- Goofy can create new coins by simplly signing the statement that hes making a new coin with a unqiue coin ID
- Whoever owns a coin can pass it on to someone else by signing a statement that saying, "Pass on this coin to X" where X is specified as a public key
- Anyone can verify the validity of a coin by following the chain of hash pointers back to its creation by Goofy, verifying all the signatures along the way.
- Double spending is a problem with GoofyCoin
- Persist the BlockChain
- Persist user keys on drive
- Create a virtual environment
- source virtualenvironment file
- python scratchpad.py