image generated with Midjourney v6
- Node.js v18+
- VS Code
- React developer tools (browser extension)
- Vercel free account
- React v18 - reactive UI library
- Next.js v14 - web framework for React
- modern-normalize - normalize browser's default styles
- tailwindcss-preflight - apply some basic global rules
- Vercel - application hosting and PostgreSQL database
This project can be deployed on any Node.js hosting, but to keep things simple & easy we will use the Vercel free tier.
Clone the repo
$ git clone
change to project folder
$ cd next-workshop
install the dependencies
$ npm ci
start the local development server
$ npm run dev
you can now check your application at http://localhost:3000
You can enhance the application in many ways:
- design a complete different UI
- add separated lists/folders of tasks
- add task creation date
- add task deadline date
- handle API errors
- add tags or color label to tasks
- search/sort tasks
- use a different persistance solution (Neon, MongoDB Atlas, Supabase, Appwrite, etc..)
- add authentication(Supabase, Appwrite, Firebase)
or more in general:
- use a pre-built UI library (DaisyUI, Ant, etc...)
- use a different styling solution (CSS Modules, Tailwind, etc..)
- adapt the concept and patterns to a different use case (blog, catalog, contacts management, etc...)
Released under the MIT License.