DAMOVIE is a comprehensive platform for streaming movies, series, and anime. Users can explore various categories, watch their favorite titles, and stay updated with the latest releases. This project till now is a frontend website project, and it is full responsive with all devices and browsers... soon we will add backend to it. It was developed with Omega team in CodeCrafts Bootcamp
- Categories: Access a wide range of content, including Movies, Series, and Animes.
- Search Functionality: Easily find specific titles or genres.
- Popular Titles: Highlighted sections for trending movies and animes.
- Ongoing Series: Stay up-to-date with ongoing series like "One Piece."
- **Page for each movie, series, anime, content selected page and amazing home page
- HTML/CSS for front-end layout and design.
- Bootstrap for nav bar
- JavaScript for interactivity.
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop views.
Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/damovie.git cd damovie
Open in Browser Open
in your preferred web browser to view the project. You can run it from visual studio code and use live server...
- Navigate through the main menu to explore Movies, Series, and Animes.
- Click on titles to access detailed pages and watch options.
- click on button to watch the movie.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request for any changes.
For inquiries, reach out at [[email protected]].