E-tutors Documentation. All Routes with the exception of the signup and login routes are protected and can only be accessed when logged in.
API LINK : https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com Note At all instances where is provided, replace with the relevant Id without the <>
Admin Log-in details email:[email protected] password:test1234
Signing up There are two routes for signing up
- https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/user/tutor/signup which is to sign up as a tutor.
- https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/user/student/signup which is to sign up as a student.
when signing-up the following fields must be provided:
- firstname : test
- lastname : testlastname
- email : [email protected]
- password : test1234
- passwordconfirm : test1234
upon signing up a jwt token is issued and sent along in the response. This token must be prefixed with Bearer and sent alongside every request in an Authorization header eg if token : 12356789abc "Authorization" : "Bearer 12356789abc"
Signing-in All users both tutors and students can log in via the same route : https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/user/login
when logging in, the following fields must be provided:
- email:[email protected]
- password: test1234
upon a successful login, a jwt token is issued and sent alongside the response. This token must be prefixed with Bearer and sent alongside every request in an Authorization header eg if token : 12356789abc "Authorization" : "Bearer 12356789abc"
CREATING A CATEGORY You can create a category by making a Post Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category/newcategory This will add a new category the categories collection. The request also allows for a user to add subject to the catgeory by adding the subject Id to the subjects field which accepts an array of Id's eg: "category": "testCategory" "subjects":["subjectId1", "subjectId2", "subjectId3"] } Note: this route is restricted to admins only.
GET ALL CATEGORIES You can get all categories by maing a Get Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category/all This will get all categories that currently exist in the categories collection. This route is not restricted to any role, however as stated earlier you must be logged in to access this route.
GET A CATEGORY You can get a specific category from the categories collection by making Get Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category/ and adding the categoryId to the route eg: https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category/ This will get the category whose Id was added to the route.
CREATING A SUBJECT UNDER A CATEGORY You can add a subject to a category by making a Post Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category//subject The category id must be provided in the request URI as seen in the route above. The subject field must be present in the req.body eg: "subject": "Maths" This action is restricted to admins alone.
GET ALL SUBJECTS IN A CATEGORY You can get all subjects in a category by making a Get Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category//subject The category id must be provided in the request URI as seen in the route above. This action is not restricted to any role. However you must be logged in before access.
GET A SUBJECT IN A CATEGORY You can get a specific subject in a category by making a Get Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category//subject/ The category id as well as the subject Id must be provided in the request URI as seen in the route above. This route is not restricted to any role. However you must be logged in before access.
UPDATING A SUBJECT IN A CATEGEORY You can update a subject in a category by making a patch request to : https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category//subject/ The category id as well as the subject Id must be provided in the request URI as seen in the route above. The subjectfield must be present in the req.body eg: "subject":"Maths2" This action is restricted to admins alone
DELETING A SUBJECT IN A CATEGORY You can delete a subject in category my making a delete request to : https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category//subject/ The category id as well as the subject Id must be provided in the request URI as seen in the route above. This will delete the subject whose Id was in the URI. This action is restricted to admins alone.
UPDATE A CATEGORY You can update a category by making a patch request to : https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category/ The URI must contain the categoryId as seen in the above example. The req.body must conatin the category field eg: "category":"primary" This route is restricted to admins alone.
DELETE A CATEGORY You can delete a category by making a delete request to: https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category/ The URI must contain the categoryId as seen in the above example. This route is restricted to admins alone.
GET ALL TUTORS You can get all tutors registered by making a get request to : https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/user/all/tutors This route is restricted to admins only.
GET A TUTOR You can get a specific tutor from the tutors collection, by making a Get Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/user/tutors/ This route is restricted to admins only
DEACTIVATE A TUTOR You can deactivate a tutor by making a delete request to : https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/user/tutors/ the tutor id must be added to the URI as seen in the example above.
MAKE A TUTOR AN ADMIN. You can give a tutor the role of admin by making a patch request to the following route: https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/user/tutors//makeadmin The id os the tutor to be promoted must be present on the URI. This route is restricted to admins only
CREATE A LESSON (BOOK A LESSON) You can create a lesson by making a Post request to : https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/lesson/addlesson the lessonname must be provided in the req.body you can also provide the Id's of the tutors who will be handling the lesson in the the tutors field, which accepts an array of Id's. you can also provide the Id of the subject to which the lesson belongs to in the subject field, which accepts an Id. It is also possible to provide the Id's of the student's which will belong to the course in the student's field which accepts an array of Id's This route is limited to admins only.
Eg : "lessonname":"The Reproductive System", "tutors": ["5eb0837613f4e069a057ac02", "5eb0838413f4e069a057ac03"], "subject": "5eb081e113f4e069a057abfe", "students": []
GET ALL LESSONS You can get all lessons in the Lessons collection by making a Get Request to: https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/lesson This route is limited to admins only.
You can get a specific lesson from the lessons collection by manking a Get Request to:
The lessonId must be provided in the URI
This route is limited to admins only.
UPDATE A LESSON You can update a specific lesson by making Patch Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/lesson The lessonId must be provided in the URI This route is limited to admins only.
DELETE LESSON You can delete a lesson from the lessons category by making a Delete Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/lesson The lessonId must be provided in the URI This route is limited to admins only.
A Tutor Perform the following actions.
Register TO TAKE A SUBJECT IN A CATEGORY A tutor can register to take a subject by making a Patch Request to : https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/subject//addtutor The subjectId must be present in the URI as well as the tutor Id as seen in the URI above This route is limited to Tutors only.
GET ALL SUBJECTS A TUTOR HAS REGISTERED FOR A tutor can get all the subjects he has registered for by making a get request to : https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/user/tutors//subjects This route is limited to tutors only.
UPDATE A REGISTERED SUBJECT A tutor can update a subject he has registered for, by making a patch request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/user/tutors//subjects/ The TutorId as well as the Id of the subject to be updated must be present on the URI, as seen in the URI above. This route is limited to tutors only.
DELETE A REGISTERED SUBJECT A tutor can delete a subject he has registered for, by making a delete request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/user/tutors//subjects/ The TutorId as well as the Id of the subject to be updated must be present on the URI, as seen in the URI above. This route is limited to tutors only.
STUDENTS Students can perform the following actions.
SIGN UP Students can sign up by using the dedicated student sign up route stated earlier.
SEE ALL TUTORS TAKING A SUBJECT IN A CATEGORY Students can see all the tutors taking a particular subject by making a Get Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/user/tutors/subjects/ The subject Id must be provided in the URI as seen in the above URI. This route is restricted to Students alone.
BOOK LESSONS Students can book a lesson by submitting a patch request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/user/students//booklesson/ The Studnet Id as well as the Lesson Id must be present in the URI as seen in the above example There is no need to send along a request body along with the request. This route is restricted to studnets only.
GENERAL ROUTES. All users can
GET ALL SUBJECTS IN A CATEGORY You can get all subjects in a category by making a Get Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category//subject The category id must be provided in the request URI as seen in the route above. This action is not restricted to any role. However you must be logged in before access.
GET A SUBJECT IN A CATEGORY You can get a specific subject in a category by making a Get Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category//subject/ The category id as well as the subject Id must be provided in the request URI as seen in the route above. This route is not restricted to any role. However you must be logged in before access.
GET ALL CATEGORIES You can get all categories by maing a Get Request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/category/all This will get all categories that currently exist in the categories collection. This route is not restricted to any role, however as stated earlier you must be logged in to access this route.
SEARCH FOR SUBJECTS BY NAME. You can search for a subject by name by sending a Get Request to: https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/subject?= The Key and Value for the query must be provided in the URI The key used to search for a specific subject is "subject" while the value is the name of the desired subject. the Key must be preceded by a '?' while the value must be preceded by '=' eg: www.example.com/api/v1/subject?subject=maths
To chain multiple queries, the & figure must be used before any subsequent query replacing the ? eg: www.example.com/api/v1/subject?subject=biology&subject=maths The above example will return all subjects with the subjectname of biology and maths in sorted alphabetically in an ascending order.
SEARCH FOR A TUTOR BY FIRST NAME. You can search for a tutor by his first name by making a get request to https://etutors-start.herokuapp.com/api/v1/user/all/tutors?= the Key and Value for the query must be provided in the URI The key used to search for a specific tutor is "firstname" while the value is the name of the tutor's firstname. the Key must be preceded by a '?' while the value must be preceded by '=' eg: www.example.com/api/v1/user/all/tutors?firtsname=tayo
To chain multiple queries, the & figure must be used before any subsequent query replacing the ? eg: www.example.com/api/v1/user/all/tutors?firstname=tayo&firstname=mofe The above example will return all tutors with the firstname of tayo and mofe in sorted alphabetically in an ascending order.