This repository contains a simple API that provides a service for querying and getting relevant data using Embedding AI. It is built using the FastAPI web framework and the OpenAI library.
- Openai
- Fastapi 3.Python
- csv file
- clone the repo into yours machine
- create your virtual environment to install dependencies like this command in git bash
python -m venv env
here you created virtual environment called 'env'
- activate the env using this command
source env/scripts/activate
- install the required packages using this command
pip install -r requirements.txt
here you should prepare you csv file , then you can run script prepare to create the embbeding after getting into backend directory , you can run by
then you can run the fastapi APIs using
uvicorn main:app --reload
This project provides a simple example of how to use FastAPI and OpenAI to create a service for querying and getting relevant data using Embedding AI. The instructions above will help you get started running the code on your local machine,