This application seems to be generated or based on Processing. We're not sure how to regenerate it, or how it was originally created.
While most of what is needed is checked into this repo, you will need to install the following homebrew macOS package:
brew install pdf2svg
Later, you will need to know and/or get a copy of the full path (most likely something like this):
To paste into the UI to specify when templatr runs as described below.
NOTE: Contrary to our original understanding, the tool IS needed for correct rendering of the SVG image.
Add your translations to modern_agile_wheel_3L.json
To run on mac, open the templatr in templatr/build/application.macosx (or whatever is appropriate for you).
Check the boxes for the file types you want to generate.
Fill in the copied path for and/or select the binary for pdf2svg described above.
Select the json file you edited with your translation.
Wait. The media kit and images will be generated.
You will need to run packageMediaKit (via node, which expects shelljs package to be installed).
This js program will create package/*zip files for you. You can then take the .zip files and apply them to the ModernAgile site.
You will want to copy the generated media files to the ModernAgile site and continue there as explained in that file.