Looks up artists using the last.fm API artist.search.
This repository was created to solve the following Coding Challenge:
Write a Node.js REST API application that handles the following:
Search for an artist by name based on the following endpoint [artist.search](https://www.last.fm/api/show/artist.search),
return all the results for this artist.
Write the result to a user-supplied CSV filename.
The CSV file should include the following information (name, mbid, url, image_small, image)
⇒ If no results returned from the artist.search endpoint,
retrieve random artist names from a JSON dictionary source file for example:
['artistName1', 'artistName2', 'artistName3']
Repeat as necessary until you have gathered a list of artists.
Though this is a small app, please pay attention to your application structure.
Host your code on github or bitbucket and include a README with instructions on how to install and run your application.
Rename the '.env.default' file to '.env'
To run the project install the npm packages:
$ npm install
Then build and serve it using:
$ npm run build
$ npm install -g serve
$ serve -s dist
The application will be available on http://localhost:3000
Rename the '.env.default' file to '.env' and set the VITE_API_KEY value to the API Key you receive from last.fm.
To run the project install the npm packages:
$ npm install
Then build and serve it using:
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
The API will be available on http://localhost:3001