Rick and Morty web is a web application that allows users to browse and search for information about characters, locations, and episodes from the popular animated television series "Rick and Morty".
- TypeScript
- Express
- MongoDB
- mongoose for object modeling and connecting to mongo
- connect-mongo for saving user session in mongoDB
- Sign up new user
- Login
- Logout from current session
- Get current user information
- Get user information with userId
- create new character
- update character
- delete character
- get all characters with paging
- get character with id
- populate database with RickAndMortyApi.com charcters
- TypeScript
- React.js
- React-Router
- Immer
- React hook form - Form Validation
- Zustand
- Tailwind - CSS Utility classes
- Material Tailwind - Component library
- React Buddy - Preview components in IDE
- Sign Up
- Login
- Main (Navigation rail + Current Session + Logout + nested routes)
- Home (Shows first page of characters + Shimmer Loading)
- Characters (Shows all characters with infinite scroll + Shimmer Loading)
- Locations (TODO)
- Episodes (TODO)
- NavBar (Responsive Side Navigation)
- React Router Utils - utility functions to deffer type to useLoaderData hook
- CharactersLoader - hold charactersLoader type
- UserLoader - hold userLoader type
- Sources - hold the singleton instance of remote sources
- CharactersRemoteSource - An interface and implementation of it for CRUD operations on characters with api
- UserRemoteSource - An interface and implementation of it for user operations with api
A pure typescript module that holds domain models of backend and frontend packages
Create a .env file in backend directory with this format:
you can use https://cloud.mongodb.com for create a mongoDB in cloud or just create a local mongoDB it's up to you.
then create another .env inside frontend with this format:
finally you can use docker compose:
docker compose up -d
or if you don't want to use docker. run backend app:
cd backend
npm install
npm run start
run frontend app:
cd frontend
npm install
npm install -g serve
serve -s build