This is a small API test framework using RestAssured and Cucumber to Automate the Slack API's.
This repo has a small BDD framework using Cucumber and RestAssured to automate the Slack API's.
Language: Java 8
Testing framework: RestAssured
BDD framework: Cucumber jvm
Build tool: maven
Reporting: Cucumber-reporting
package: src/main/java This package contains the ApiClient,LOGGER,Payload generators and other utilities.
package: src/test/java This package contains the TestRunner Class and the StepDefinition Class.
package: src/test/resources This folder contains the cucumber feature file, and other needed property files.
Pre-requisites : Java and maven should be configured in the system. If not, configure both before moving to the next step.
- Clone the build using the below command.
git clone [email protected]:Gaurav-Shankar/slack-api-automation.git
- Navigate to the project directory.
cd slack-api-automation
Before running the tests please open the file and add you slack token. The one in the file is revoked.
- Run the following maven command to execute the tests.
mvn test
To view the cucumber run report, run the following command
open target/cucumber-reports/overview-features.html
Additionally, to view the generated log file, please navigate to log/ directory.