Manage your (awesome) LIFX bulbs, right from notification center.
Change their colours, turn them off an on, without having to open the main app.
All screenshots here
Simply press your light name, then pick a colour. Toogle the selected light using the bottom switch.
A greyed out light name means that it couldn't be found on the network.
If the widget can't detect your light, make sure you're on the same wireless network and the light bulb isn't electrically switched off.
The companion app is used to configure the widget itself. It allows you to :
- Pick your favourite lights to be displayed in the widget (Since you might own 40 bulbs, display all of them in the notification center wouldn't be the best solution),
- Nickname a favourite light (The light won't be renamed, only the name displayed in the widget will be changed),
- Configure the colours to be displayed in the widget.
Here you go : App store link.
You can build and install it yourself, but if you like it, please buy a copy 😘