We have a detailed guide on our YouTube channel on How to use GitHub for Social Coding by Devrat Patel as part of our Mobi Byte series.
Go to github.com Click on the "Sign up" button at the top-right corner of the screen and create an account.
Enter your email address.
Create a password.
Enter a username.
Verify your account.
Enter the code that is sent to your email address.
Now that you have a GitHub, you can now visit the GitHub repository for Social Coding
In the top-right corner, click on the Star button! :D
Next, click on the Fork button.
We recommend you choose your own username as the owner.
The repository name can stay as "social-coding".
Copy the main branch only should remain ticked.
Click on the "Create fork" button.
Now you have your own forked social-coding repository. This will act as a copy and a symbolic link between you and us. This is beneficial because unlike the main mobiclub social-coding repository, you will be able to make changes to your own forked social-coding repository. Afterwards, you'll be able to send us your changes in the form of pull requests.
We'll show you how to do that now.
Install GitHub Desktop