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Similarity calculation engine for unary data (e.g. implicit feedback). Designed for item-based collaborative filtering and simple content-based filtering (e.g. for cold-start prevention). Named after Thorvald Sørensen.

WARNING - this is pre-alpha version.




  • multiple similarity metrics: cos, npmi, logdice, jaccard and more
  • IDF-like weighting of features (both content-based and user-based)
  • parallel processing
  • KMV sketch-based acceleration
  • ability to limit output to top N items
  • asymetrical metrics for inactive items
  • easy deployment: single, statically-linked executable
  • unix philosophy


git clone
cd thorvald/src
go build thorvald.go

Simple example

Input file

item	users
i1	u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,u6,u7
i2	u1,u3,u5,u7,u9
i3	u2,u4,u6,u8
i4	u2,u3,u5


thorvald -i input.tsv -o output.tsv -ih -oh

Output file

ida	idb	cos
i1	i2	0.6761
i1	i3	0.5669
i1	i4	0.6547
i2	i4	0.5164
i3	i4	0.2887

Another example

Input file

item	tags	users
i1	t1,t2	u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,u6,u7
i2	t1,t3	u1,u3,u5,u7,u9
i3	t2,t3	u2,u4,u6,u8
i4	t2,t4	u2,u3,u5
i5	t2,t3	

Invocation (collaborative)

thorvald -i input.tsv -o output.tsv -ih -oh -colf 3 -f ida,idb,wcos,lift

Output file

ida	idb	wcos	lift
i1	i2	0.4941	1.1429
i1	i3	0.4479	1.0714
i1	i4	0.4348	1.4286
i2	i4	0.2695	1.3333
i3	i4	0.1386	0.8333

Invocation (content-based)

thorvald -i input.tsv -o output.tsv -ih -oh -colf 2 -f ida,idb,wcos

Output file

ida	idb	wcos
i1	i2	0.8486
i1	i3	0.0947
i1	i4	0.0325
i1	i5	0.0947
i2	i3	0.4462
i2	i5	0.4462
i3	i4	0.0550
i3	i5	1.0000
i4	i5	0.0550

CLI options

option info
i input path
o output path (default: stdout)
f output format, (default: ida,idb,cos)
iinactive inactive items input path (no header!)
w number of workers (default: 1)
k KMV sketch capacity, 0 for not using sketches (default: 0)
ih input has header
oh include header in output
top output only top N results, 0 for all results (default: 0)
topcol output column number for top N selection (1-based) (default: 3)
buf line buffer capacity in MB (default: 100)
coli column number of item id (1-based) (default: 1)
colf column number of features (1-based) (default: 2)
cmin minimum number of common features to show in output (default: 1)
diag include diagonal in the output
full include upper and lower triangle in the output

Output format

option info
ida id of item A
idb id of item B
ia index of item A
ib index of item B
a number of features of item A
b number of features of item B
c number of features common to item A and item B
araw raw number of elements in sketch A (TODO)
braw raw number of elements in sketch B (TODO)
craw raw number of elements in intersection of sketch A and B
cos cosine similarity
dice Sørensen–Dice index
logdice logDice score
jaccard Jaccard index
overlap overlap
lift lift
ilift inverse lift
pmi PMI - Pointwise Mutual Information
npmi NPMI - Normalized Pointwise Mutual Information
wa IDF weighted features of A
wa IDF weighted features of B
wc IDF weighted common features of A and B
wcos IDF weighted cosine similarity
wdice IDF weighted Sørensen–Dice index
wjaccard IDF weighted Jaccard index
woverlap IDF weighted overlap
wlift IDF weighted lift
wpmi IDF weighted PMI
wnpmi IDF weighted NPMI
wlogdice IDF weighted logDice
partition partition/worker ID


Time complexity of calculating item to item similarities: time ~ I * I * FPI where I is the number of elements and FPI is the average number of features per item.

When using KMV sketches, this formula looks like this: time ~ I * I * K where K is the capacity of the sketch.

For I=10k and FPI=1k similarity calculation time on 8 cores is around 3 minutes. The time grows linearly with FPI and quadratic with I.

Selecting only top N result doubles the required time.

Planed features

  • item-item combinations reduction via item features
  • sketch input / output / merge
  • context
  • distributed processing support


Similarity calculation engine for unary data.







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