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shorten proof
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Co-authored-by: Moritz Firsching <[email protected]>
rwst and mo271 authored May 4, 2024
1 parent 6238381 commit 3e5ec94
Showing 1 changed file with 13 additions and 20 deletions.
33 changes: 13 additions & 20 deletions FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -225,26 +225,19 @@ lemma H_P4_1 {k p: ℝ} (hk: k > 0) (hp: p ≥ k + 1): p / (p - 1) ≤ (k + 1) /
exact hp

lemma prod_Icc_succ_div (n : ℕ) (hn : 2 ≤ n) : (∏ x in Icc 1 n, ((x + 1) : ℝ) / x) = n + 1 := by
induction n with
| zero => linarith
| succ n ih =>
have hnpos : 1 ≤ n := by linarith
have hall (hn': n ≥ 1) : ∏ x in Finset.Icc 1 n, ((x + 1) : ℝ) / x = n + 1 := by
cases lt_or_eq_of_le hn'
case inr heq =>
rw [heq.symm]
simp only [Finset.Icc_self, prod_div_distrib, Finset.prod_singleton, Nat.cast_one, div_one]
case inl hlt => exact ih hlt
rw [← mul_prod_Ico_eq_prod_Icc, Nat.cast_succ]
rw [add_assoc, one_add_one_eq_two, prod_Ico_succ_top]
nth_rewrite 1 [mul_comm]
rw [prod_Ico_mul_eq_prod_Icc, hall, mul_div ((n : ℝ) + 1) ((n : ℝ) + 2) ((n : ℝ) + 1)]
rw [mul_comm, mul_div_cancel_of_imp]
. intro hl
have : ¬((n : ℝ) + 1 = 0) := by linarith
. exact Nat.one_le_of_lt hn
rw [← Nat.Ico_succ_right]
induction' n with n h
· simp
· rw [Finset.prod_Ico_succ_top <| Nat.le_add_left 1 n]
cases' lt_or_ge n 2 with _ h2
· interval_cases n
· tauto
· norm_num
specialize h h2
field_simp [Finset.prod_eq_zero_iff] at h ⊢
rw [h]

lemma H_P4_2 (hx : x ≥ 3) (hpi3 : (π 3) = 2): (∏ x in Icc 1 (π x), ((x + 1) : ℝ) / x) = (π x) + 1 := by
rw [prod_Icc_succ_div]

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