A debugger for clientside javascript.
This tool allows you to keep track of your javascript variable values in realtime.
How does it work? This program setups a local websocket-server on your computer. The javascript file that you add into your HTML-code sends the variables to the server.
Add this to your HTMLhead.
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/Bambi-pa-hal-is/Javascript-Debugger/62ccf294/Javascript/Debug.js"/>
Run the JavascripDebugger.exe
Code example:
d.start(); //Start the debugger.
//d.setProduction(); //Run this function if the environment is for production. This allows you to keep your debug code while in production. It replaces all functions with empty functions.
var object = {};
object.x = 42;
var global = 42;
//now change the property x of variable object.