Mmotkim's ISC301 Project. Forked. Fixed authentication, recipe API, fridge function and modified for showcasing locally
What's In My Fridge is an application that allows users to save money by using their fridge ingredients to find delicious recipes and prevent food waste!
- JavaScript
- React.js
- Express.js
- Node.js
To install this app, please install the project dependencies and run it locally. What's In My Fridge is currently hosted on:
- clone the repo
- Run a terminal and cd into folder Client -npm start -Go to localhost/3000 to start the frontend of the app
- Run a second terminal and cd into folder backend -npm start -go to localhost/5000 to start the backend of the app
More information and details can be found on:
Data Model:
User Flow:
- the orignal recipe API the app utilized was shut down in November 2019 and had to be replaced by the Edamam API.
- The heroku version of the app is not as functional as the local version as Edamam's API only works localy.
- The homepage search button is not redirecting to login as it originally did.
- Users are able to add multiples of the same ingredient when they shouldn't be allowed to.
- Build out favoriting system for recipes.
- Add a feature allowing users to select ingredients from their ingredient list to the search bar.
- When a user adds an ingredient to their fridge, they will be able to add an expiration date which will allow the app to track when ingredients are about to expire.
- Users should be able to edit their ingredients.
- Users have the option to add friends/other users and share fridge information if they wish to.
- Users could add a photo for their profile.