Azure Tools/Libraries
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NuGet Package:
MMDB.Azure.Maangement is a simple wrapper around the the [Azure Management REST APIs] ( It allows you to list, create, get, and delete Cloud Services, Deployments, and Storage Accounts. It has everything you need to deploy a Azure Cloud Service project in a few lines of C# code.
First, you need an Azure account. You can sign up at If you have any issuses, check out
Next, you need Azure Management Certificate. There are a lot of complicated ways to get this, but the easiest way to install the Azure Powershell Cmdlets ( and then the following command in Powershell:
That will send you to the Azure site, prompt you to log in (if you're not logged in already) and then it will download a publish settings file. Open up this XML file, and grab the Subscription/@Id and ManagementCertificate values.
For more information, see
string subscriptionIdentifier = "FromYourPublishSettingsFile";
string managementCertificate = "AlsoFromYourPublishSettingsFile";
string serviceName = "MyNewServiceName";
var client = new AzureClient(subscriptionIdentifier, managementCertificate);
string message;
bool nameIsAvailable = client.CheckCloudServiceNameAvailability(serviceName, out message);
throw new Exception("Cannot create " + serviceName + ", service name is not available! Details" + message);
var service = client.CreateCloudService(serviceName);
Console.WriteLine("Successfully created service " + serviceName + "! URL = " + service.Url);
string subscriptionIdentifier = "FromYourPublishSettingsFile";
string managementCertificate = "AlsoFromYourPublishSettingsFile";
string storageAccountName = "MyNewStorageAccount";
var client = new AzureClient(subscriptionIdentifier, managementCertificate);
string message;
bool nameIsAvailable = client.CheckStorageAccountNameAvailability(storageAccountName, out message)
throw new Exception("Cannot create " + storageAccountName + ", service name is not available! Details" + message);
var storageAccount = client.CreateCloudService(storageAccountName);
//Initial setup is complete, but it is still resolving DNS, etc
Console.WriteLine("Initial creation for storage account " + storageAccountName + " complete! URL = " + storageAccount.Url);
//Wait for the entire setup to be complete
client.WaitForStorageAccountStatus(storageAccountName, StorageServiceProperties.EnumStorageServiceStatus.Created, timeout:TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
Console.WriteLine("Final setup " + storageAccountName + ", your storage account is ready to go");
string subscriptionIdentifier = "FromYourPublishSettingsFile";
string managementCertificate = "AlsoFromYourPublishSettingsFile";
var client = new AzureClient(subscriptionIdentifier, managementCertificate);
string serviceName = "MyNewServiceName";
var service = client.CreateCloudService(serviceName);
string storageAccountName = "MyNewStorageAccount";
var storageAccount = client.CreateStorageAccount(storageAccountName);
client.WaitForStorageAccountStatus(storageAccountName, StorageServiceProperties.EnumStorageServiceStatus.Created);
string azureContainerName = "MyDeploymentContainer";
string azurePackageFile = "C:\\Build\\MyAzurePackage.cspkg";
string azureConfigFile = "C:\\Build\\MyAzureConfig.cscfg";
string azureConfigData = File.ReadAllText(azureConfigFile);
string deploymentSlot = "staging";
var storageKeys = client.GetStorageAccountKeys(storageAccountName);
var blobUrl = client.UploadBlobFile(storageAccountName, storageKeys.Primary, azurePackageFile, azureContainerName);
var deployment = client.CreateCloudServiceDeployment(serviceName, blobUrl, azureConfigData, deploymentSlot);
client.WaitForCloudServiceDeploymentStatus(serviceName, deploymentSlot, DeploymentItem.EnumDeploymentItemStatus.Running, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));
client.WaitForAllCloudServiceInstanceStatus(serviceName, deploymentSlot, RoleInstance.EnumInstanceStatus.ReadyRole, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));
return deployment;