Basquiat is library aimed to hide (almost) all the complexity when working with some kind of message queue from the application internals.
All the exchanges, connections, queues and sessions declarations are swept under rug. The aim is to provide a simple yet flexible interface to work with message queues.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'basquiat'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install basquiat
You will also need the right gem for your Message Queue (MQ) system. Bundled in this gem you will find 1 adapter, for RabbitMQ, which depends on the gem bunny.
First of all require the gem, the dependency for the adapter and the adapter itself
require 'basquiat'
require 'bunny'
require 'basquiat/adapters/rabbitmq_adapter'
Then you can extend the class that you will use for communicating with the MQ, setting the adapter:
class TownCrier
extend Basquiat::Base
self.event_adapter Basquiat::Adapters::RabbitMq
From there you can publish events to the queue
TownCrier.publish('some.nifty.event', {a: 'hash', of: 'values'})
And you can subscribe to one or more events using a proc that will get called when the message is received:
class TownCrier
extend Basquiat::Base
subscribe_to 'some.nifty.event', ->(msg) { msg.fetch(:of, '').upcase }
You can setup Basquiat using the configure method. This method will yield a Configuration object:
Basquiat.configure do |config|
config.exchange_name = 'my_exchange'
The available options are:
- config_file= Receive a path to an YAML file (example here)
- connection= Makes Basquiat to use a provided Bunny connection
- queue_name= The default queue name
- exchange_name= The default exchange name
- environment= Forces the environment to something other than the value of BASQUIAT_ENV
- logger= The logger to be used. Defaults to a null object logger.
The configuration can be reset using the Basquiat.reset
YAML File configuration example:
test: #environment
default_adapter: Basquiat::Adapters::Test #it will overwrite the adapter on all classes that extend Basquiat::Base
adapter_options: #Adapter specific options
host: 'localhost'
port: '98765'
development: #full example of the RabbitMq options
exchange_name: ''
queue_name: 'basquiat.queue'
default_adapter: Basquiat::Adapters::RabbitMq
- 'localhost'
port: 5672
vhost: '/'
user: 'guest'
password: 'guest'
tls: false
confirm: true
persistent: true
size: 10
timeout: 5
enabled: true
strategy: delayed_delivery
retries: 10
queue_name_preffix: wait.for_it
exchange_name: legendary