Fixes issue reported in #336 where automatic load/store generation does not work for boolean function arguments or return values.
Adds an Adopters README section and full adopters list to showcase exciting uses of avo
across the Go ecosystem. The list is auto-generated from the third-party test suite. If you'd like to see your project listed, please reach out.
The third-party test suite now includes:
- Standard library
Includes small tweaks to support Go 1.18 and 1.19 releases. The go.mod
file bumps the minimum Go version to 1.16.
Implements bot automation for upgrading direct module dependencies and keeping third-party package metadata up-to-date.
What's Changed
- tests/thirdparty: add lukechampine/blake3 by @mmcloughlin in #231
- tests/thirdparty: re-enable segmentio/asm by @mmcloughlin in #232
- all: upgrade golangci-lint and formatters by @mmcloughlin in #240
- ci: bump to go 1.18 by @mmcloughlin in #239
- all: upgrade direct dependencies by @mmcloughlin in #244
- tests/thirdparty: add github.com/oasisprotocol/deoxysii by @mmcloughlin in #247
- tests/thirdparty: add mmcloughlin/md4 by @mmcloughlin in #249
- go.mod: require go 1.16 by @mmcloughlin in #250
- doc: generate README with docgen tool by @mmcloughlin in #251
- .github: configure dependabot by @mmcloughlin in #253
- doc: Adopters list in README by @mmcloughlin in #252
- doc: Adopters page by @mmcloughlin in #254
- doc: rounded avatars by @mmcloughlin in #256
- .github: upgrade setup-go action by @mmcloughlin in #259
- tests/thirdparty: standard library crypto/ed25519 by @mmcloughlin in #225
- script: yaml formatting by @mmcloughlin in #261
- tests/thirdparty: multiple packages per project by @mmcloughlin in #262
- tests/thirdparty: add klauspost/compress/zstd by @mmcloughlin in #263
- tests/thirdparty: add cloudflare/circl by @mmcloughlin in #264
- script: upgrade asmfmt to v1.3.2 by @mmcloughlin in #265
- .github: workflow to update metadata by @mmcloughlin in #257
- .github: auto-merge bot pull requests by @mmcloughlin in #268
- .github: fix automerge by @mmcloughlin in #273
- .github: remove unnecessary matrix parameters by @mmcloughlin in #275
- .github: add "required" ci job by @mmcloughlin in #276
- .github: replace dependabot with deps workflow by @mmcloughlin in #277
- doc: format stars count by @mmcloughlin in #281
- ci: do not auto-merge draft pull requests by @mmcloughlin in #282
- script: metadata update by @mmcloughlin in #283
- tests/thirdparty: use Suite type for configuration by @mmcloughlin in #285
- internal/cmd/docgen: use "missingkey=error" by @mmcloughlin in #287
- doc: report project metadata update time by @mmcloughlin in #286
- ci: create pull request action by @mmcloughlin in #288
- ci: reduce frequency of auto updates by @mmcloughlin in #328
- all: upgrade to golangci-lint v1.49.0 by @mmcloughlin in #329
- ci: bump to go 1.19 by @mmcloughlin in #330
- ci: setup go env in metadata workflow by @mmcloughlin in #337
- ci: allow metadata workflow manual trigger by @mmcloughlin in #338
- ci: upgrade actions by @mmcloughlin in #340
- build: mov deduction for booleans by @mmcloughlin in #341
- .github: exclude bot commits from auto-generated release notes by @mmcloughlin in #342
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0