Set up INSYS icom devices completely autonomously and in parallel!
Kickstarter is a container that runs on an INSYS icom device, such as the MRX. It automates the setup of your INSYS icom devices by:
- Updating the icom OS firmware
- Uploading configurations (ASCII, binary profiles), containers, licenses, etc.
- Applying device-specific individual settings
- Registering devices at iRM (icom Router Management)
It can update devices in parallel! That saves a huge amount of time when setting up a whole bunch of new devices.
Kickstarter has a web UI for its configuration and to visualize its progress with the devices:
Look at its documentation, what it can do.
In case you miss a functionality or find a bug, please do not hesitate to open up an issue!
This are settings to be entered at the MRX that runs Kickstarter.
Kickstarter uses IPv6 to communicate with new devices.
You have to configure the IPv6 address fdc2::1/64 on the first Ethernet interface of the Kickstarter container.
It also need at least "Status" access right for the containers CLI access: Select at least "Status" at "User group for CLI without authentication" at the container config.
Kickstarter can optionally check for the latest released firmware and download download it on its own.
If it should do that, it needs internet access, so you have to configure a gateway.
Kickstarter is a project derived from Its github repo describes in detail, how to build this container. In short:
- install the SDK
- clone this repo
- start the SDK with the directory with this repo mounted
- run the script, that builds everything from the projects directory: "./scripts/"
The final image will be stored in "./images".