A reusable eslint config that I use for most of my projects.
Starting at 5.0.0
, I only support eslint@^9
or greater.
npm install -D eslint @mlaursen/eslint-config
Then create an eslint.config.mjs
with the following:
// @ts-check
import { config, configs, gitignore } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
// choose the config you want to use:
// somewhat strict type checking
export default config(gitignore(import.meta.url), ...configs.frontend);
// strict type checking
export default config(gitignore(import.meta.url), ...configs.frontendTypeChecking(import.meta.dirname));
// NOTE: This is recommended for strict type checking. Callable as:
// `cross-env STRICT_TYPING=true eslint "**/*.{ts,tsx,mts,mtsx,js,jsx,mjs,cjs}`
// strict type checking with an environment variable. uncomment the following
// line to enable it in your editor
// const strict = true || process.env.STRICT_TYPING === 'true';
const strict = process.env.STRICT_TYPING === 'true';
const frontend = strict ? configs.frontendTypeChecking(import.meta.dirname) : configs.frontend
export default config(gitignore(import.meta.url), ...frontend);
The config
export is the typescript-eslint.config()
function to provide type
definitions and gitignore
automatically ignores files from linting based on
your .gitignore
I normally just use the frontend
or frontendTypeChecking
configs, but the
others can be used individually if needed.
- base
- typescript
- typescriptTypeChecking
- jest
- jestDom
- testingLibraryReact
- testingLibraryDom
- react
- jsxA11y
- next
- frontend
- frontendTypeChecking
The base config is automatically used by the typescript config and is just the eslint.configs.recommended
and a few other stylistic changes.
This should not be used if the typescript or typescriptTypeChecking configs are used.
// @ts-check
import { config, configs } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
export default config(...configs.base);
This extends the base config and the tseslint.configs.strict
config. It also includes a few stylistic choices for type
behavior and disabled strict rules in test files.
Only this rule or typescripttypechecking should be used. They should not be used together.
// @ts-check
import { config, configs } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
export default config(...configs.typescript);
This is the same as the typescript config but also includes the tseslint.configs.strictTypeCheckedOnly
Only this rule or typescript should be used. They should not be used together.
// @ts-check
import { config, configs } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
export default config(...configs.typescriptTypeChecking(import.meta.dirname));
This only enables the eslint-plugin-jest.configs['flat/recommended]
rules on tests files.
// @ts-check
import { config, configs } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
export default config(...configs.jest);
This only enables the eslint-plugin-jest-dom.configs['flat/recommended]
rules on tests files.
// @ts-check
import { config, configs } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
export default config(...configs.jestDom);
This enables the eslint-plugin-testing-library/.configs["flat/react]
plugin and rules on test files.
// @ts-check
import { config, configs } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
export default config(...configs.testingLibraryReact);
This enables the eslint-plugin-testing-library/.configs["flat/dom]
plugin and rules on test files.
This should not be used with the testingLibraryReact rules
// @ts-check
import { config, configs } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
export default config(...configs.testingLibraryDom);
This enables the eslint-plugin-react
and eslint-plugin-react-hooks
// @ts-check
import { config, configs } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
export default config(...configs.react);
This enables eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
// @ts-check
import { config, configs } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
export default config(...configs.jsxA11y);
This is a small wrapper around the @next/eslint-plugin-next
that works with eslint v9.
// @ts-check
import { config, configs } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
export default config(...configs.next);
This is my normal frontend repo setup with react
, jsxA11y
, jest
, typescript
, testing-library/react
// @ts-check
import { config, configs } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
export default config(...configs.frontend);
Same as the frontend, but enables the strict type checking.
// @ts-check
import { config, configs } from "@mlaursen/eslint-config";
export default config(...configs.frontendTypeChecking(import.meta.dirname));