A module to decode/encode xml into a tree structure.
Handles well formed xml/html.
Exoml.decode("<tag foo=bar>some text<self closing /></tag>")
{:root, [],
[{"tag", [{"foo", "bar"}],
["some text", {"self", [{"closing", "closing"}], nil}]}]}
Handles bare strings.
Exoml.decode("what, this is not xml")
{:root, [], ["what, this is not xml"]}
{:root, [], []}
Handles stuff that any browser would render.
Exoml.decode("Well, it renders <b>in the browser</b>")
{:root, [], ["Well, it renders ", {"b", [], ["in the browser"]}]}
One can easily decode/1
and encode/1
without loosing too much of the original document.
xml = ~s'<tag foo="bar">some text</tag>'
^xml = Exoml.encode(Exoml.decode(xml))
# => "<tag foo=\"bar\">some text</tag>"
See bench/
directory or run mix bench
upon checkout.
There is one performance test that uses a 131K
html file.
On a MacBookPro11,5 i7 2.5GHz 16GB RAM
it yields:
benchma iterations average time
encode 100 12716.29 µs/op
decode 50 42088.74 µs/op
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding exoml
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
{:exoml, "~> 0.0.2"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/exoml.