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Code for the plan recognition and planning effort in ToMCAT


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Code for the plan recognition and planning effort in ToMCAT.

Table of Contents

  1. Build Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. HDDL Domain and Problem Definition Loaders
  4. MCTS Hierarchical Planners
    1. MCTS HTN Planner
    2. MCTS Hybrid Planner
  5. MCTS Hierarchical Plan Recognizers
    1. Setting Up Redis Server
    2. Running the Plan Recognizers
    3. Data Tools For Plan Recognizer Results
  6. SAR Perceptual System
  7. Evaluation Procedure for MCTS HTN Plan Recognizer

Build Requirements

  • cmake (Minimum requirement is version 3.16,
  • Boost (Minimum requirement is version 1.79,
    • Specific Boost Libraries to build: filesystem, log, date_time, chrono, program_options, coroutine, json
  • Z3 (c++ Library) (Minimum requirement is version 4.8.17,
  • Graphviz (c Library) (Tested on version 8.0.5,
  • OpenSLL (c++ Library) (Tested on version 3.1.1,
  • Paho MQTT (c++ Library) (Tested on version 1.3.9)
  • Hiredis (c Library) (Tested on version 0.14.1,
  • Redis-Plus-Plus (c++ Library) (Tested on version 1.3.5,
  • Tested on Apple clang version (It may also work using GNU 11.4.0)
  • Redis (This refers to actual client and server software, different than the required C and C++ libraries. Only the machine hosting the redis database, needs this. Tested on version 7.0.10)


To build, do the following:

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j

After building, you can run tests with the following command (assuming you are in the build directory).


If you want more verbose output (e.g. if you want to show the outputs from your cout << ... << endl statements), run:

ctest -V

HDDL Domain and Problem Definition Loaders

Hierarchical Domain Definition Language (HDDL) is a hierarchical extension to Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL). It allows for a hierarchical planning problems to be defined in a standardized human-readable syntax.

This code-base features a loading function for parsing HDDL and loading the parsed elements into c++ data structures. These data structures can then be used by our planner and plan recognition systems. See our test_loader script for example usage.

Current Capabilities

  • Can fully parse and load all features of HDDL aside from the unsupported features listed below
  • The "either" keyword is not currently supported
  • Syntax and logic for the handling of external function calls are not currently supported
  • Requirement checking for given requirement keys is not currently supported

MCTS Hierarchical Planners

Our code-base features two types of Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) Hierarchical Planners. Both types can use planning elements loaded from our HDDL domain and problem definition loaders. We also supply a script for running the planners. Its usage is detailed below.

MCTS HTN Planner

This planner uses a task decomposition method similar to SHOP2 to generate grounded plans. However, instead of using Depth-First Search, it runs a time-limited MCTS per each planning decision in order to estimate the single best grounded plan according to a user-defined score function.

Current Capabilities

  • Can run domain and problem elements loaded from our HDDL domain and problem definition loaders
  • Can handle ordering constraints on tasks, unconstrained tasks, and performs task interleaving
  • We also developed a graphing function that can take the results of the planner and output a visual representation of the task hierarchy used to generate the grounded plan
  • The problem definition requires a top-level task or set of partially-ordered top-level tasks from which to start the task decomposition process
  • The task decomposition process is NOT goal directed and therefore it will ignore goal statements defined in problem definitions
  • Shallow deadends and infinite recursive/looping tasks can cause the planner to "stall out"

Running the Planner

After building, you can run:


This will run the planner on default settings, which are the same as test_MCTS_planner ran by the ctest command.

The default domain and problem definitions are the transport domain and a sample transport problem. The default score function is "delivery_one" as defined in score_functions.h.

Run with the help flag,

./apps/planners/MCTS_planner -h

To see what options are available including how to run the planner with different domain and problem definitions and score functions. Score functions must be predefined in a similar way to the "delivery_one" function mentioned above. There are also options to run the hybrid planner (discussed below).

MCTS Hybrid Planner

Most of the internal mechanisms such as the use of time-limited MCTS are the same for this planner as compared to the purely HTN version. This planner does two-level planning and thus requires a secondary domain definition. It first does goal-driven classical planning to find a grounded partially-ordered set of compound tasks that satisfy a given goal statement. These compound tasks must be defined in the secondary domain definition as actions (i.e., to define state effects for them). Given a solution from the classical planning phase, it then decomposes this set of compound tasks into a grounded plan (given actions from the main domain definition).

Current Capabilities

  • It largely has the same capabilities as the HTN planner
  • As state above, it requires a second auxiliary domain definition
  • A goal statement is required in the problem definition
  • The problem definition should omit any top-level tasks (this is what the classical planning phase accomplishes!)

Running the Planner

After building, you can run same command show above for the HTN planner. You will need to set an auxiliary domain using the --aux_dom_file (or -x) flag. Likewise an approriate problem definition with the :htn key omitted and a goal statement defined using the :goal key must be passed to the planner. This can be using the --prob_file (or -P) flag.


./apps/planners/MCTS_planner -x transport_domain_C.hddl -P transport_problem_C.hddl

MCTS Hierarchical Plan Recognizer

Our code-base contains two different Plan Recognition algorithms that mirror the functionality of the two planner types detailed above. These take as input a sequence of observed grounded actions (and other required planning elements) and output a solution in the form of a (partial) task hierarchy that best estimates an explanation for the observations given a limited inference time. Running the Plan Recognizers requires setting up a Redis server. The inputted observations must be uploaded to this Redis server. Likewise, the outputted solution from the Plan Recognizers are also uploaded back to this server in the form of a json message.

Setting Up Redis Server

You will first need to install the Redis client and server software by following the install instructions appriopriate for your machine (the one you intend to host the server) found at

Once installed, you can start the Redis server under default settings by doing,


in a terminal. The default port used is 6379. This can be changed using --port or in a .conf file passed to the server on start-up. Use the -h or go to the website to learn about other settings.

The connection to the server can be checked by running,


in a seperate terminal (or machine with appriopriate hostname and port settings). This will open up the Redis REPL to communicate directly with the server. By default it connects to "tcp://", which is the local host (i.e., same machine) through port 6379.

The server can be terminated with control-c. By default, it saves its database to a file called dump.rdb when closed and automatically loads this file on start-up.

Running the Plan Recognizers

To successfully run the plan recognizer, a redis server must be set-up with observations loaded into its database under the actions key. This can be done using the redis-cli REPL using the XADD command (see Redis documentation for full usage) or by using our supplied pr_samples_to_redis.cpp script.

Using the above script at this time requires you to manually hardcode a set of observations into the pr_samples.h file. A default set of observations are already hardcoded into this file for the transport domain as an example. These will be loaded into the redis database by default by running,


Like other terminal command calls, use the -h flag to see other settings.

After having loaded observations into the redis database, you can run the MCTS_planrec.cpp script. Below is an example on how to run the default settings assuming that server is located locally and is using port 6379.

./apps/planrec/MCTS_planrec -a tcp://

The results will be automatically loaded onto the redis database on the server with the same supplied address above under the "explanations" key. As mentioned before, the output is a json message. It can be interacted with using the redis-cli REPL, but we recommend using one of our supplied scripts discussed below. Finally, the -h flag will reveal other plan recognition settings including those for the hybrid planning version of the algorithm.

Data Tools For Plan Recognizer Results

For convenience, we supply 3 different scripts for processing results from the plan recognizers.

The first is redis_to_json.cpp which by default accesses the redis database for the given redis server address (using the -a flag) and looks for entries under the "explanations" key. Each entry is converted into its own json file. The naming convention for these json files are "explanations_1.json", "explanations_2.json", etc. Use the -h to see other options.

The second script is redis_grapher.cpp which works in a similar fashion to previously mentioned script except it generates a visual representation (i.e., a graph) of the inferred partial task hierarchy for each entry found under the "explanations" key. These graphs are saved as .png files and use the same naming conventions as the first script.

Finally, json_grapher.cpp does the same thing as the redis grapher, except it takes in a json file that was outputted from the redis to json script mentioned above.

SAR Perceptual System

We also developed a perceptual system for the ASIST Study 3 Testbed, a Minecraft Search and Rescue (SAR) mission. It uses the Paho MQTT c++ library to subscribe to json messages from the testbed's message bus. The message bus can be simulated by running an apprioriate Study 3 metadata file through the elkless-replayer python script.

Actions Parsed

  • (location ?agent ?current_location ?new_location) (An agent has moved locations)
  • (place_victim ?agent ?vic_id ?location) (An agent has placed a victim at a location)
  • (pickup_victim ?agent ?vic_id ?location) (An agent has picked up a victim at a location)
  • (triage_victim ?agent ?vic_id ?location) (The medic has triaged a victim at a location)
  • (rubble_destroyed ?agent ?location) (The engineer has destroyed rubble at a location)
  • (marker_placed ?agent ?marker_type ?location) (An agent has placed a marker at a location)
  • (marker_removed ?agent_a ?agent_b ?marker_type ?location) (An agent a has removed agent b's marker at a location)
  • (wake_critical ?agent_a ?agent_b ?vic_id ?location) (The medic and an assisting agent have woken a critical victim at a location)
  • (victim_evactuated ?agent ?vic_id location) (An agent has evacuated a victim at a evacuation location)

Field of View Percepts

These are percepts that are saved under the "fov" key in the redis database. Both the planner and plan recoginizers regularly check for field of view (fov) percepts and try to update the state according to timestamps that match their internal planning times.

  • (fov_victim_regular ?agent ?vic_id) (An agent currently sees a regular victim)
  • (fov_victim_critical ?agent ?vic_id) (An agent currently sees a critical victim)
  • (fov_victim_saved ?agent ?vic_id) (An agent currently sees a triaged victim)
  • (fov_gravel ?agent) (An agent currently sees gravel)
  • (fov_marker ?agent_a ?marker_type ?agent_b) (An agent a currently sees a marker left by agent b)

Running the Perceptual System

The perceptual system script needs to be started before the message bus (or simulated message bus) starts publishing. Below is the default command for doing so,


By default it connects to a MQTT host locally and tries to use port 1883.

Evaluation Procedure for MCTS HTN Plan Recognizer

Finally, we developed a evaluation procedure for the MCTS HTN Plan Recognizer. It does evaluation by prediction. Given the apprioriate redis address, it extracts the inferred task hierarchies (under the "explanations" key) from the database at the address and inputs them into our MCTS HTN Planner. It also extracts the true grounded plan from the "actions" key.

The planner attempts to plan from a state initialized from the endpoint of a given task hierarchy up to some incremented plan horizon over multiple trials. For example, if its set to do 10 trials and the true grounded plan has a length of 5, then it will do 10 trials of planning up to a horizon of 1, 10 trials of a planning horizon of 2, etc. up until 10 trials of a horizon of 5. In this case, the planner is ran 50 times overall. Each trial for each horizon is matched to the corresponding subsequence within the true grounded plan (e.g., partial plans of horizon 3 are matched to the first 3 actions in the true plan). A average accuracy over the number of trials is computed for each planning horizon. In this way, we can see how the average prediction accuracy decays for a given plan explanation (i.e., inferred task hierarchy) over increasing prediction horizons.

Running the evaluation procedure is similar to running the planning and plan recognizer scripts. As before, there is a -h flag that explains the different settings of the evaluation procedure. All results are saved to a csv file.


Code for the plan recognition and planning effort in ToMCAT







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