Select the continent that interests you most. Then, give a number from 2 to 10, depending on the number of countries on the continent you want to display. Click on the submit button or, after entering the number of countries, click enter to display the random number of countries on the continent of your choice. If you want to learn more about any of the randomly generated countries, click on the question mark in the lower right corner of the country card. To close the information card, click the close button. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. Click clear all to return the application to its initial state.
There are only 5 countries in Antarctica, so if you enter a number above 5 in the input, it will still display 5 countries.
If you don't have, click here
npm -v
node -v
you should see some version info in return.
run on any directory,
npm install --global gulp-cli
run the command,
git clone URL
here URL is the http url you get from the repository page, Click here to clone
run the command,
npm install
wait for it to be completed. It will download all the dependencies, build the project and serve the build on browser.
File watching enabled (Development Mode)
You should see the browser window opening address http://localhost:3000 (opens another port if unavailable).
gulp cleanStuff
Warning: It will delete all the folder dist, in order to have it updated, type gulp in terminal again !!!
In order to exit Gulp watch