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  * [enhancement] The integrity of helper scripts `n-update` and `n-uninstall`, which are downloaded by `n-install` from
    this repo, is now verified via SHA-256 checksums embedded in `n-install`.
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mklement0 committed Oct 27, 2017
1 parent 287b914 commit 0cf509b
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,060 additions and 23 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ Versioning complies with [semantic versioning (semver)](

<!-- NOTE: An entry template for a new version is automatically added each time `make version` is called. Fill in changes afterwards. -->

* **[v0.4.0](** (2017-10-26):
* [enhancement] The integrity of helper scripts `n-update` and `n-uninstall`, which are downloaded by `n-install` from
this repo, is now verified via SHA-256 checksums embedded in `n-install`.

* **[v0.3.7](** (2017-10-25):
* [doc] Clarified that even during local execution after having manually downloaded `n-install` helper scripts are downloaded from this repo.

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9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -121,7 +121,14 @@ version:
[[ `json -f package.json version` == "$$newVer" ]] || { npm version $$newVer --no-git-tag-version >/dev/null && printf $$'\e[0;33m%s\e[0m\n' 'package.json' || exit; }; \
[[ $$gitTagVer == '(none)' ]] && newVerMdSnippet="**v$$newVer**" || newVerMdSnippet="**[v$$newVer](`json -f package.json repository.url | sed 's/.git$$//'`/compare/v$$gitTagVer...v$$newVer)**"; \
grep -Eq "\bv$${newVer//./\.}[^[:digit:]-]" || { { sed -n '1,/^<!--/p' && printf %s $$'\n* '"$$newVerMdSnippet"$$' ('"`date +'%Y-%m-%d'`"$$'):\n * ???\n' && sed -n '1,/^<!--/d; p'; } > && mv; }; \
printf -- "-- Version bumped to v$$newVer in source files and package.json (only just-now updated files were printed above, if any).\n Describe changes in ('make release' will prompt for it).\n To update the read-me file, run 'make update-readme' (also happens during 'make release').\n"
printf -- "-- Version bumped to v$$newVer in source files and package.json (only just-now updated files were printed above, if any).\n Describe changes in ('make release' will prompt for it).\n To update the read-me file, run 'make update-readme' (also happens during 'make release').\n"; \
$(MAKE) -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) update-checksums || exit

# Specific to this project:
# Update the helper-script checksums that are embedded in n-install.
.PHONY: update-checksums

# make release [VER=<newVerSpec>] [NOTEST=1]
# Increments the version number, runs tests, then commits and tags, pushes to origin, prompts to publish to the npm-registry; NOTEST=1 skips tests.
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -303,6 +303,10 @@ Versioning complies with [semantic versioning (semver)](
<!-- NOTE: An entry template for a new version is automatically added each time `make version` is called. Fill in changes afterwards. -->
* **[v0.4.0](** (2017-10-26):
* [enhancement] The integrity of helper scripts `n-update` and `n-uninstall`, which are downloaded by `n-install` from
this repo, is now verified via SHA-256 checksums embedded in `n-install`.
* **[v0.3.7](** (2017-10-25):
* [doc] Clarified that even during local execution after having manually downloaded `n-install` helper scripts are downloaded from this repo.
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79 changes: 60 additions & 19 deletions bin/n-install
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ kN_REPO_URL='' # n's GitHub repo URL
kN_DIRNAME='n' # The name of the subdir. of the $kPREFIX_DIR that *n itself assumes* it is installed in.
kSUBDIRS=( "$kN_DIRNAME" bin include lib share ) # (informational) all subdirs. of N_PREFIX into which files will be installed as of node 0.12

## Names and download URLs for the helper scripts
## Names, download URLs, and checksums for the helper scripts
kUPDATE_SCRIPT='n-update' # Filename of the custom update script.
kUNINSTALL_SCRIPT='n-uninstall' # Filename of the custom uninstall script.
Expand All @@ -38,6 +38,19 @@ kHELPER_SCRIPTS=(
# SHA-256 checksum for the helper scripts.
# !! These checksums must be updated whenever `n-update` and `n-uninstall`
# !! are modified, which also happens when merely the version number is
# !! bumped.
# !! The Makefile takes care of updating after every version bump
# !! (`make version`` or implicitly with `make release``), but you can do it on
# !! demand with `make update-checksums`.
# !! DO NOT MODIFY THE *FORMAT* OF THIS ARRAY LITERAL - `util/update-checksums`
# !! and a test rely on it.
"2c974ab30eee3aa2d3811b7794a815ad52b181a2abd87b01678af3f9da67ebcc $kUPDATE_SCRIPT"
"638b4deb9e2af72e2f737dc7b53f11bbdab8240e61c36b6b68e0c95560d08e44 $kUNINSTALL_SCRIPT"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -419,7 +432,7 @@ unset CDPATH # to prevent unpredictable `cd` behavior
[[ -t 1 ]] || kNO_COLOR=1 # turn off colored output if stdout is not connected to a terminal

# Output version number and exit, if requested. Note that the `ver='...'` statement is automatically updated by `make version VER=<newVer>` - DO keep the 'v' prefix in the variable _definition_.
[[ $1 == '--version' ]] && { ver='v0.3.7'; echo "$kTHIS_NAME ${ver#v}"$'\nFor license information and more, visit'; exit 0; }
[[ $1 == '--version' ]] && { ver='v0.4.0'; echo "$kTHIS_NAME ${ver#v}"$'\nFor license information and more, visit'; exit 0; }

# !! AS OF n 1.3.0, n ITSELF ONLY WORKS WITH curl, NOT ALSO WITH wget.
# !! Once n also supports wget, mention wget as an alternative in the help text.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -763,29 +776,57 @@ fi

if (( ! helpersCopiedLocally )); then # Running from GitHub with `curl ... | bash`, or from a lone local copy of `n-install` without its helper scripts present.

# Find a SHA-256 checksum utility and construct a verification command.
[[ -n $(command -v sha256sum) ]] && shaSumVerifyCmd=( 'sha256sum' '-c' '--status' ) # Linux
[[ -z $shaSumVerifyCmd && -n $(command -v shasum) ]] && shaSumVerifyCmd=( 'shasum' '-a' '256' '-c' '--status' ) # macOS

# Download helper scripts from GitHub.
if [[ -z $shaSumVerifyCmd ]]; then # No SHA checksum-verification utility found - this should not happen.

cd "$nBinDir" || die
for helperScript in "${kHELPER_SCRIPTS[@]}"; do
# Note: The curl / wget command succeeds even if the target file doesn't exist, so we
# check the resulting file's 1st line for a shebang line to determine
# if a script was truly downloaded or not, and remove a download file
# that's not a script.
[[ -n $(command -v curl) ]] &&
downloadCmdArgs=( curl -sS "$helperScriptUrl" -O ) ||
downloadCmdArgs=( wget --quiet "$helperScriptUrl" )
"${downloadCmdArgs[@]}" && head -n 1 "$helperScript" | grep -q '^#!' && chmod +x "$helperScript" || {
rm -f "$helperScript"
warn - <<EOF
warn - <<EOF
Skipping download of the following helper scripts, because no SHA
checksum-verification utility is available: ${kHELPER_SCRIPTS[@]}

else # SHA utility present, proceed with download.
cd "$nBinDir" || die
for helperScript in "${kHELPER_SCRIPTS[@]}"; do

# Note: The curl / wget command succeeds even if the target file doesn't exist, so we
# check the resulting file's 1st line for a shebang line to determine
# if a script was truly downloaded or not, and remove a download file
# that's not a script.
[[ -n $(command -v curl) ]] &&
downloadCmdArgs=( curl -sS "$helperScriptUrl" -O ) ||
downloadCmdArgs=( wget --quiet "$helperScriptUrl" )
"${downloadCmdArgs[@]}" && head -n 1 "$helperScript" | grep -q '^#!' && chmod +x "$helperScript" || {
rm -f "$helperScript" || die
warn - <<EOF
Failed to download helper script '$helperScriptUrl' to
For manual procedures, see $kTHIS_REPO_URL.
cd - >/dev/null

# Verify the checksum
if [[ -f "$helperScript" ]]; then
echo "${kSHA256_SUMS[i]}" | "${shaSumVerifyCmd[@]}" || {
rm -f "$helperScript" || die
warn - <<EOF
Helper script '$helperScript' was not installed, because its integrity could
not be verified (checksum verification failed).

(( ++i ))

cd - >/dev/null


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