We are currently working on the event. We are looking for contributors!
DroidKaigi 2020 is a conference tailored for developers on 20th and 21st February 2020.
You can install the production app via Get it on Google Play. // TODO: Add link to Google Play
And also, you can try the binary under development built on master branch through Try it on your device via DeployGate
top | drawer | |
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We always welcome any and all contributions! See CONTRIBUTING.md for more information
For Japanese speakers, please see CONTRIBUTING.ja.md
Android Studio 3.6 and higher. You can download it from this page.
We separate the modules for each feature. We use the Dynamic feature modules for additional features.
// TODO: Add MultiPlatform
This app uses an AndroidJetpack(AAC) based architecture using AAC(LiveData, ViewModel, Room), Kotlin, Kotlin Coroutines Flow, DataBinding, Dagger, Firebase.
It is designed to be a unidirectional data flow within the ViewModel.
Just observe() the LiveData<UiModel>
of the ViewModel.
@Inject lateinit var sessionDetailViewModelFactory: SessionDetailViewModel.Factory
private val sessionDetailViewModel by assistedViewModels {
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { uiModel: SessionDetailViewModel.UiModel ->
progressTimeLatch.loading = uiModel.isLoading
?.let { session -> setupSessionViews(session) }
The LiveData Kotlin Coroutines builder runs when LiveData becomes active.
And observe the data of the Coroutiens Flow of the repository.
The LiveData becomes LoadState.Loading before the Coroutiens Flow is executed by Flow.toLoadingState(), and becomes LoadState.Loaded when finished.
class SessionsViewModel @Inject constructor(
val sessionRepository: SessionRepository
) : ViewModel() {
private val sessionLoadState: LiveData<LoadState<SessionContents>> = liveData {
Construct UiModel LiveData from some such LiveData.
The combine
method works like RxJava's combineLatest.
You can make the loading state of the screen from multiple LiveData states like sessionLoadState.isLoading || favoriteState.isLoading
class SessionDetailViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(
@Assisted private val sessionId: SessionId,
private val sessionRepository: SessionRepository
) : ViewModel() {
val uiModel: LiveData<UiModel> = combine(
initialValue = UiModel.EMPTY,
liveData1 = sessionLoadStateLiveData,
liveData2 = favoriteLoadingStateLiveData
) { current: UiModel,
sessionLoadState: LoadState<Session>,
favoriteState: LoadingState ->
// You can create loading state by multiple LiveData
val isLoading = sessionLoadState.isLoading || favoriteState.isLoading
isLoading = isLoading,
error = sessionLoadState
?: favoriteState
session = sessionLoadState.value
Run Coroutines with viewModelScope
when data changes, such as adding a session to Favorites.
Because we do not want to end the process of adding a session to favorites with the back button, we use WorkManager to do the processing.
class SessionDetailViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(
@Assisted private val sessionId: SessionId,
private val sessionRepository: SessionRepository
) : ViewModel() {
private var favoriteLoadingStateLiveData: MutableLiveData<LoadingState> = MutableLiveData(LoadingState.Loaded)
fun favorite(session: Session) {
viewModelScope.launch {
favoriteLoadingStateLiveData.value = LoadingState.Loading
try {
favoriteLoadingStateLiveData.value = LoadingState.Loaded
} catch (e: Exception) {
favoriteLoadingStateLiveData.value = LoadingState.Error(e)
- DroidKaigi 2020 Design Kit
https://www.figma.com/file/RPPQQRys8IubNShKan8c2Z/DroidKaigi-2020-Design-Kit?node-id=0%3A2347 - App
Thank you for contributing!
- Contributors
- Designer
This project uses some modern Android libraries and source codes.
- Android Jetpack (Google)
- Foundation
- AppCompat
- Android KTX
- Multidex
- Test
- Architecture
- Data Binding
- Lifecycles
- LiveData
- Navigation
- UI
- Emoji
- Fragment
- Transition
- ConstraintLayout
- RecyclerView
- ...
- Foundation
- Kotlin (JetBrains)
- Stdlib
- Coroutines
- Coroutines Flow
- Serialization
- Firebase (Google)
- Authentication
- Cloud Firestore
- Dagger 2
- Core (Google)
- AndroidSupport (Google)
- AssistedInject (Square)
- Material Components for Android (Google)
- Ktor (JetBrains)
- Android Client
- Json
- OkHttp (Square)
- Client
- LoggingInterceptor
- Coil (Coil Contributors)
- LeakCanary (Square)
- Stetho (Facebook)
- Hyperion-Android (WillowTree)
- Groupie (lisawray)
- KLOCK (soywiz)
- MockK (oleksiyp)
- Injected ViewModel Provider (evant)
- Google I/O 2018 (Google)
- TimetableLayout (MoyuruAizawa)
- Android Architecture Components samples (Google)