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BlindChat Local

Past due by about 1 year 25% complete

The local-only alpha launch of BlindChat allows users to do in-browser on-device inference.

We will use a version of HuggingFace's Chat UI modified to make it entirely client-side (removal of telemetry, data sharing, server-side history of conversations, server-side inference, etc.)

Features include:

  • Chat UI
  • Privacy-by-design inference with local models
  • L…

The local-only alpha launch of BlindChat allows users to do in-browser on-device inference.

We will use a version of HuggingFace's Chat UI modified to make it entirely client-side (removal of telemetry, data sharing, server-side history of conversations, server-side inference, etc.)

Features include:

  • Chat UI
  • Privacy-by-design inference with local models
  • Local caching