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pmlugato deploys A2rchi for root to prod #32

pmlugato deploys A2rchi for root to prod

pmlugato deploys A2rchi for root to prod #32

name: Deploy A2rchi Prod for root
run-name: ${{ }} deploys A2rchi for root to prod
- release-ROOT
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock
# boilerplate message and pull repository to CI runner
- run: echo "🎉 The job was automatically triggered by a ${{ github.event_name }} event."
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- run: echo "The ${{ github.repository }} repository has been cloned to the runner."
# setup SSH
- name: Setup SSH
run: |
mkdir -p /home/runner/.ssh/
echo "${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_MDRUSSO }}" > /home/runner/.ssh/id_rsa_submit
chmod 600 /home/runner/.ssh/id_rsa_submit
echo "${{ secrets.SSH_SUBMIT_KNOWN_HOSTS }}" > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
cp ${{ github.workspace }}/deploy/ssh_config /home/runner/.ssh/config
ssh-agent -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK > /dev/null
ssh-add /home/runner/.ssh/id_rsa_submit
# create secrets files for docker-compose
- name: Create Secrets Files
run: |
mkdir -p ${{ github.workspace }}/deploy/prod-root/secrets/
workspace=${{ github.workspace }}
sed -i "s/WORKSPACE/${workspace//\//\\/}/" ${workspace}/deploy/
sed -i "s/ENV/${env}/" ${workspace}/deploy/
/bin/bash ${workspace}/deploy/ flask_uploader_app_secret_key.txt ${{ secrets.PROD_FLASK_UPLOADER_APP_SECRET_KEY }}
/bin/bash ${workspace}/deploy/ uploader_salt.txt ${{ secrets.PROD_UPLOADER_SALT }}
/bin/bash ${workspace}/deploy/ openai_api_key.txt ${{ secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY }}
/bin/bash ${workspace}/deploy/ anthropic_api_key.txt ${{ secrets.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY }}
/bin/bash ${workspace}/deploy/ hf_token.txt ${{ secrets.HF_TOKEN }}
/bin/bash ${workspace}/deploy/ pg_password.txt ${{ secrets.PROD_ROOT_PG_PASSWORD }}
/bin/bash ${workspace}/deploy/ grafana_password.txt ${{ secrets.PROD_ROOT_GRAFANA_PG_PASSWORD }}
# create env file to set tag(s) for docker-compose
- name: Create Env File
run: |
touch ${{ github.workspace }}/deploy/prod-root/.env
export tag="${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}"
export tag="${tag//\//-}.${GITHUB_SHA}"
echo "TAG=${tag}" >> ${{ github.workspace }}/deploy/prod-root/.env
# create deployment directory if it doesn't already exist
- name: Create Directory
run: |
ssh submit-t3desk018 "mkdir -p ~/A2rchi-prod-root/"
# stop any existing docker compose that's running
- name: Stop Docker Compose
run: |
ssh submit-t3desk018 'bash -s' < ${{ github.workspace }}/deploy/prod-root/
# copy repository to machine
- name: Copy Repository
run: |
rsync -e ssh -r ${{ github.workspace}}/* --exclude .git/ --delete submit-t3desk018:~/A2rchi-prod-root/
# run deploy script
- name: Run Deploy Script
run: |
export tag="${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}"
export tag="${tag//\//-}.${GITHUB_SHA}"
sed -i "s/BASE_TAG/${tag}/" ${{ github.workspace }}/deploy/prod-root/
ssh submit-t3desk018 'bash -s' < ${{ github.workspace }}/deploy/prod-root/
# clean up secret files
- name: Remove Secrets from Runner
run: |
rm ${{ github.workspace }}/deploy/prod-root/secrets/*.txt
# print job status
- run: echo "🍏 This job's status is ${{ job.status }}."