Hello Microservices is a hello world project created in order to practice the principles of microservices architeture. It allows you to save, find, update and delete person. That's all it does! ;)
It has been develop using the most recent technologies such:
- Java 8 for implementing the software along with some importantant dependencies
- Google Guice
- Jersey
- Netflix Hystrix
- Netflix Eureka
- Netflix Governator
- Netflix Karyon
- Netflix Archaius
- ReactiveX
- Hibernate
- Jackson Mapper
- Apache HttpClient
- JUnit
- Mockito
- RestAssured
- MySQL Server for data persistence
- Docker for running the services in any environment it may be
- Apache Maven for dependencies management and build processes
- Apache Tomcat for web app deployment
- GuiHub as SCM and issues management software
- Postman for API testing
You can run hellomicroservices by installing docker on your computer and running docker-compose.yml file with docker compose.
$ docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d
After running the command above docker will start mysql, edge and middle services container in your machine. The request examples given below will all be directed to hellomicroservicesedge container. In order to run the requests you will have to discover the IP Address of this container. You can do it by running the following the below instructions:
$ docker ps
Then get the container id of hellomicroservicesedge container as described in CONTAINER ID column of the returned table.
Run the following command replacing [EDGE_COTAINER_ID] by the id the hellomicroservicesedge container id.
$ docker inspect [EDGE_COTAINER_ID] | grep IP
Then get the IP Address existent in IPAddress property returned by the above command.
NOTES: 1st. In order to run the following run requests you will have to replace the [EDGE_COTAINER_IP] variable by the IP Address of hellomicroservicesmiddle container. 2nd. Save the personID property value returned in create person response so that you can UPDATE, FIND and even DELETE person. Replace {PERSON_ID} variable in the next requests examples by the value of this property.
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{
"firstName": "Willian",
"lastName": "Azevedo",
"email": "[email protected]",
"nickName": "willian",
"city": "Maringá",
"state": "Paraná",
"country": "Brasil",
"zipCode": "87053000"
}' "http://[EDGE_COTAINER_IP]:8090/hellomicroservicesedge/persons/"
"personID": "939a8f97-86d8-4657-ab15-f21b25d48000",
"message": "Success"
$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{
"firstName": "Willian",
"lastName": "Azevedo",
"email": "[email protected]",
"nickName": "willian",
"city": "Maringá",
"state": "Paraná",
"country": "Brasil",
"zipCode": "87053000"
}' "http://[EDGE_COTAINER_IP]:8090/hellomicroservicesedge/persons/{PERSON_ID}"
"personID": "939a8f97-86d8-4657-ab15-f21b25d48000",
"message": "Success"
$ curl -X DELETE -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" "http://[EDGE_COTAINER_IP]:8090/hellomicroservicesedge/persons/{PERSON_ID}"
curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" "http://[EDGE_COTAINER_IP]:8090/hellomicroservicesedge/persons/{PERSON_ID}"
"uuid": "939a8f97-86d8-4657-ab15-f21b25d48000",
"firstName": "Willian",
"lastName": "Azevedo",
"email": "[email protected]",
"nickName": "willian",
"address": {
"city": "Maringá",
"state": "Paraná",
"country": "Brasil",
"zipCode": "87053000"
This endpoint provides the possibility to query person first name, last name or even zip code by giving valus to the params firstName, lastName and zipCode. NOTE: These parameters are optional. If you wish to find all people just dont put them in your request.
curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" "http://[EDGE_COTAINER_IP]:8090/hellomicroservicesedge/persons?firstName={PERSON_FIRST_NAME}&lastName={PERSON_LAST_NAME}&zipCode={PERSON_ZIP_CODE}"
"uuid": "939a8f97-86d8-4657-ab15-f21b25d48000",
"firstName": "Willian",
"lastName": "Azevedo",
"email": "[email protected]",
"nickName": "willian",
"address": {
"city": "Maringá",
"state": "Paraná",
"country": "Brasil",
"zipCode": "87053000"
I've learned these principles by following an example project. This architeture is a very important one. So, I recommend you to do the same so you can learn by yourself.
Contributions are always welcome. If you wish to contribute to this example project just send a pull request or create an issue so that we can work together.