New charting and visualization library has been released:
Please move to it and we won't maintain the old version soon.
- React es6 grammar
- Easy to use
- Strong expansion capability
- Support most data visualization charts
$ npm install bizcharts
<script src="${version}/umd/BizCharts.min.js"></script>
$ git clone
$ cd BizCharts
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
// add localhost
$ npm run[-script] demo
// open in browser http://localhost:3510/
import {Chart, Axis, Tooltip, Geom} from "bizcharts";
const data = [...];
<Chart height={400} data={data} forceFit>
<Axis name="month" />
<Axis name="temperature" label={{formatter: val => `${val}°C`}} />
<Tooltip crosshairs={{type : 'y'}} />
<Geom type="line" position="month*temperature" size={2} color={'city'} />
<Geom type="point" position="month*temperature" size={4} color={'city'} />
- BizCharts
- components
- Plugin
- others
We welcome all contributions. You could submit any ideas as pull requests. Thank you for your interest and have a good time. Please let us know how can we help. Do check out issues for bug reports or suggestions first.
BizCharts is available under the License MIT.