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Merge pull request #82 from mseri/master
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idl generation: fail if rpc server bindings are missing
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Jon Ludlam authored Mar 5, 2018
2 parents d53bed1 + c04bda6 commit 4d795dc
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Showing 3 changed files with 104 additions and 90 deletions.
190 changes: 102 additions & 88 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ let debug_rpc call =

exception MarshalError of string
exception UnknownMethod of string
exception UnboundImplementation of string list

let get_wire_name description name =
match description with
Expand All @@ -80,14 +81,14 @@ let get_wire_name description name =
let get_arg call has_named name =
match has_named, name, call.Rpc.params with
| true, Some n, (Rpc.Dict named)::unnamed -> begin
match List.partition (fun (x,y) -> x = n) named with
| (_,arg)::dups,others -> Result.Ok (arg, {call with Rpc.params = (Rpc.Dict (dups @ others))::unnamed })
| _,_ -> Result.Error (`Msg (Printf.sprintf "Expecting named argument '%s'" n))
match List.partition (fun (x,y) -> x = n) named with
| (_,arg)::dups,others -> Result.Ok (arg, {call with Rpc.params = (Rpc.Dict (dups @ others))::unnamed })
| _,_ -> Result.Error (`Msg (Printf.sprintf "Expecting named argument '%s'" n))
| true, None, (Rpc.Dict named)::unnamed -> begin
match unnamed with
| head::tail -> Result.Ok (head, {call with Rpc.params = (Rpc.Dict named)::tail})
| _ -> Result.Error (`Msg "Incorrect number of arguments")
match unnamed with
| head::tail -> Result.Ok (head, {call with Rpc.params = (Rpc.Dict named)::tail})
| _ -> Result.Error (`Msg "Incorrect number of arguments")
| true, _, _ -> begin
Result.Error (`Msg "Marshalling error: Expecting dict as first argument when named parameters exist")
Expand All @@ -96,9 +97,9 @@ let get_arg call has_named name =
Result.Ok (head, {call with Rpc.params = tail})
| false, None, [] ->
Result.Error (`Msg "Incorrect number of arguments")
Result.Error (`Msg "Incorrect number of arguments")
| false, Some x, _ ->
failwith "Can't happen by construction"
failwith "Can't happen by construction"

type client_implementation = unit

Expand All @@ -125,11 +126,11 @@ struct
let rec inner : type b. ((string * Rpc.t) list * Rpc.t list) -> b fn -> b = fun (named,unnamed) ->
| Function (t, f) -> begin
fun v ->
let marshalled = Rpcmarshal.marshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty v in
match with
| Some n -> inner (((n,marshalled)::named),unnamed) f
| None -> inner (named,(marshalled::unnamed)) f
fun v ->
let marshalled = Rpcmarshal.marshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty v in
match with
| Some n -> inner (((n,marshalled)::named),unnamed) f
| None -> inner (named,(marshalled::unnamed)) f
| Returning (t, e) ->
let wire_name = get_wire_name !description name in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,11 +169,11 @@ struct
let rec inner : type b. ((string * Rpc.t) list * Rpc.t list) -> b fn -> b = fun (named,unnamed) ->
| Function (t, f) -> begin
fun v ->
let marshalled = Rpcmarshal.marshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty v in
match with
| Some n -> inner (((n,marshalled)::named),unnamed) f
| None -> inner (named,(marshalled::unnamed)) f
fun v ->
let marshalled = Rpcmarshal.marshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty v in
match with
| Some n -> inner (((n,marshalled)::named),unnamed) f
| None -> inner (named,(marshalled::unnamed)) f
| Returning (t, e) ->
let wire_name = get_wire_name !description name in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,11 +215,11 @@ struct
let rec inner : type b. ((string * Rpc.t) list * Rpc.t list) -> b fn -> b = fun (named,unnamed) ->
| Function (t, f) -> begin
fun v ->
let marshalled = Rpcmarshal.marshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty v in
match with
| Some n -> inner (((n,marshalled)::named),unnamed) f
| None -> inner (named,(marshalled::unnamed)) f
fun v ->
let marshalled = Rpcmarshal.marshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty v in
match with
| Some n -> inner (((n,marshalled)::named),unnamed) f
| None -> inner (named,(marshalled::unnamed)) f
| Returning (t, e) ->
let wire_name = get_wire_name !description name in
Expand All @@ -241,11 +242,20 @@ end
exception NoDescription

type rpcfn = -> Rpc.response
type server_implementation = (string, rpcfn) Hashtbl.t

let server hashtbl call =
let fn = try Hashtbl.find hashtbl with Not_found -> raise (UnknownMethod in
fn call
type server_implementation = (string, rpcfn option) Hashtbl.t

let server hashtbl =
let impl = Hashtbl.create (Hashtbl.length hashtbl) in
let unbound_impls = Hashtbl.fold (fun key fn acc ->
match fn with
| None -> key::acc
| Some fn -> Hashtbl.add impl key fn; acc
) hashtbl [] in
if unbound_impls <> [] then
raise (UnboundImplementation unbound_impls);
fun call ->
let fn = try Hashtbl.find impl with Not_found -> raise (UnknownMethod in
fn call

let combine hashtbls =
let result = Hashtbl.create 16 in
Expand All @@ -262,7 +272,7 @@ module GenServer () = struct
let implement x = description := Some x; funcs

type ('a,'b) comp = ('a,'b) Result.result
type funcs = (string, rpcfn) Hashtbl.t
type funcs = (string, rpcfn option) Hashtbl.t
type 'a res = 'a -> unit

type _ fn =
Expand All @@ -282,7 +292,7 @@ module GenServer () = struct
| Returning (t, e) ->

let declare : string -> string list -> 'a fn -> 'a res = fun name _ ty impl ->
let declare : string -> string list -> 'a fn -> 'a res = fun name _ ty ->
(* Sanity check: ensure the description has been set before we declare
any RPCs *)
Expand All @@ -291,31 +301,33 @@ module GenServer () = struct
| None -> raise NoDescription
let open Rresult.R in
let rpcfn =
let has_named = has_named_args ty in
let rec inner : type a. a fn -> a -> call -> response = fun f impl call ->
match f with
| Function (t, f) -> begin
let (arg_rpc, call') =
match get_arg call has_named with
| Result.Ok (x,y) -> (x,y)
| Result.Error (`Msg m) -> raise (MarshalError m)
let z = Rpcmarshal.unmarshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty arg_rpc in
match z with
| Result.Ok arg -> inner f (impl arg) call'
| Result.Error (`Msg m) -> raise (MarshalError m)
| Returning (t,e) -> begin
match impl with
| Result.Ok x -> success (Rpcmarshal.marshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty x)
| Result.Error y -> failure (Rpcmarshal.marshal e.Error.def.Rpc.Types.ty y)
in inner ty impl

let wire_name = get_wire_name !description name in
Hashtbl.add funcs wire_name rpcfn
Hashtbl.add funcs wire_name None;
fun impl ->
let rpcfn =
let has_named = has_named_args ty in
let rec inner : type a. a fn -> a -> call -> response = fun f impl call ->
match f with
| Function (t, f) -> begin
let (arg_rpc, call') =
match get_arg call has_named with
| Result.Ok (x,y) -> (x,y)
| Result.Error (`Msg m) -> raise (MarshalError m)
let z = Rpcmarshal.unmarshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty arg_rpc in
match z with
| Result.Ok arg -> inner f (impl arg) call'
| Result.Error (`Msg m) -> raise (MarshalError m)
| Returning (t,e) -> begin
match impl with
| Result.Ok x -> success (Rpcmarshal.marshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty x)
| Result.Error y -> failure (Rpcmarshal.marshal e.Error.def.Rpc.Types.ty y)
in inner ty impl

Hashtbl.replace funcs wire_name (Some rpcfn)

module GenServerExn () = struct
Expand All @@ -328,7 +340,7 @@ module GenServerExn () = struct
let implement x = description := Some x; funcs

type ('a,'b) comp = 'a
type funcs = (string, rpcfn) Hashtbl.t
type funcs = (string, rpcfn option) Hashtbl.t
type 'a res = 'a -> unit

type _ fn =
Expand All @@ -354,45 +366,47 @@ module GenServerExn () = struct
| Returning (t, e) ->

let declare : string -> string list -> 'a fn -> 'a res = fun name _ ty impl ->
let declare : string -> string list -> 'a fn -> 'a res = fun name _ ty ->
let open Rresult.R in
let rpcfn =
let has_named = has_named_args ty in
let rec inner : type a. a fn -> a -> call -> response = fun f impl call ->
match f with
| Function (t, f) ->
let (arg_rpc, call') =
match get_arg call has_named with
| Result.Ok (x,y) -> (x,y)
| Result.Error (`Msg m) -> raise (MarshalError m)
let z = Rpcmarshal.unmarshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty arg_rpc in
let arg =
match z with
| Result.Ok arg -> arg
| Result.Error (`Msg m) -> raise (MarshalError m)
inner f (impl arg) call'
| Returning (t,e) -> success (Rpcmarshal.marshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty impl)
with e ->
let BoxedError error_ty = get_error_ty f in
match error_ty.Error.matcher e with
| Some y -> failure (Rpcmarshal.marshal error_ty.Error.def.Rpc.Types.ty y)
| None -> raise e
in inner ty impl

let wire_name = get_wire_name !description name in
Hashtbl.add funcs wire_name rpcfn
Hashtbl.add funcs wire_name None;
fun impl ->
let rpcfn =
let has_named = has_named_args ty in
let rec inner : type a. a fn -> a -> call -> response = fun f impl call ->
match f with
| Function (t, f) ->
let (arg_rpc, call') =
match get_arg call has_named with
| Result.Ok (x,y) -> (x,y)
| Result.Error (`Msg m) -> raise (MarshalError m)
let z = Rpcmarshal.unmarshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty arg_rpc in
let arg =
match z with
| Result.Ok arg -> arg
| Result.Error (`Msg m) -> raise (MarshalError m)
inner f (impl arg) call'
| Returning (t,e) -> success (Rpcmarshal.marshal t.Param.typedef.Rpc.Types.ty impl)
with e ->
let BoxedError error_ty = get_error_ty f in
match error_ty.Error.matcher e with
| Some y -> failure (Rpcmarshal.marshal error_ty.Error.def.Rpc.Types.ty y)
| None -> raise e
in inner ty impl

Hashtbl.replace funcs wire_name (Some rpcfn)


(* A default error variant as an example. In real code, this is more easily expressed by using the PPX:
type default_error = InternalError of string [@@deriving rpcty]

module DefaultError = struct
type t = InternalError of string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,8 +435,8 @@ module DefaultError = struct
let def = Rpc.Types.{ name="default_error"; description=["Errors declared as part of the interface"]; ty=Variant t }

let err = Error.{
def = def;
raiser = (function | InternalError s -> raise (InternalErrorExn s));
matcher = function | InternalErrorExn s -> Some (InternalError s) | _ -> None
def = def;
raiser = (function | InternalError s -> raise (InternalErrorExn s));
matcher = function | InternalErrorExn s -> Some (InternalError s) | _ -> None
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/idl.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ end

type rpcfn = -> Rpc.response
type server_implementation = (string, rpcfn) Hashtbl.t
type server_implementation
val server : server_implementation -> rpcfn
val combine : server_implementation list -> server_implementation

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ client_lwt_new.cmx:
$(OCAMLOPT) $(PPXOPTS) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -package $(PACKS),lwt,lwt.unix $(RPC) $(RPCLINK) rpclib_lwt.cmxa -c -o $@ $<

$(OCAMLOPT) $(PPXOPTS) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -package threads,$(PACKS),async $(RPC) $(RPCLINK) -thread -c -o $@ $<
$(OCAMLOPT) $(PPXOPTS) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -package threads,$(PACKS),async,async_kernel $(RPC) $(RPCLINK) -thread -c -o $@ $<

$(OCAMLOPT) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -package $(PACKS) $(RPC) $(RPCLINK) -pp "$(CAMLP4)" -c -o $@ $<
Expand Down

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