Jim Lee, [email protected], Yijing Liang, [email protected], Chloe Huang, [email protected], yanyou zuo, [email protected]
Our project topic is stock. We have created three different shinny app with. The app has different tab which could allow the user select different desire information for different stock and properties. The app functions include data visluzation, and forecasting. By transforming the data into easy-reading visluzation, our project enabled people gain better insight of stock.
This program is provide by R code and R studio, the libraries we applied are: Insure the library is set:
- shiny: install.packages('shiny')
- datasets: install.packages('datasets')
- forecast: install.packages('forecast')
- tidyquant: install.packages('tidyquant')
- zoo: install.packages('zoo') #sould be install during tidyquant
- ggplot2: install.packages('ggplot2')
- tidyverse: install.packages('tidyverse')
- dplyr: install.packages('dplyr')
- cowplot: install.packages('cowplot')
After the Library install, the data will be auto-connect to the finance database. The forecast system will analyze the next possible price of the stock.
You will be able to use:
- (or you localhost: )
Also can be access to our demo page:
- Time series forecasting page: https://yla507.shinyapps.io/hackthon2021/ (Disconnected for now)
- Stock Data Visualization page: https://yla507.shinyapps.io/appp/
- Show the stock data in specific period of time page: https://yla507.shinyapps.io/yoyo/