No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
A component or pattern that has been archived and is no longer supported.
A task that fixes something that isn't working
Pull requests that update a dependency file
A task that intends to understand something.
This issue or pull request already exists
A large task that is often broken down into smaller tasks
A component or pattern that is not part of the MoJ Design System but is in use across MoJ.
A task that add a new feature to the design system (inc. new building blocks)
A task that improves an existing feature in the design system (inc. existing building blocks)
Extra attention is needed
A task that keeps the design system in tip-top shape
GitHub, release and CI concerns
Deploy PR to a preview url
A task that helps the team work in an enhanced way
Further information is requested
Automatic label added when the PR is on the staging environment
Add this label to request a staging environment for a pull request
A task that provides support to a user of the design system
This will not be worked on
You can’t perform that action at this time.