This repo holds some scripts that will help you set up multiple wordpress instances on a single Ubuntu server. While this was created for Hetzner Cloud instances, it will work for any Ubuntu based server where you have SSH access.
- Ubuntu 22.04
- PHP 8.2 -> php8.2-cli php8.2-common php8.2-json php8.2-opcache php8.2-mysql php8.2-mbstring php8.2-mcrypt php8.2-zip
- Domains pointing at ubuntu server with A and CNAME record
Run ./, as the root user, and fill in the prompts You are required to fill in two pieces of information:
- the domain name e.g.
- the root password to your mysql server, this is needed to set up separate databases per wordpress instance
Upon completion of the script, you'll get the following output:
========== INSTALLATION COMPLETE ==========
Database Name: mycooldomain_com
Database User: mycooldomain_user
Database Password: eBIq5XanRaHmgpxi
Credentials saved in: /random/path/.mycooldomain.com_credentials.txt
You can now complete the WordPress installation by visiting
You can no go ahead and access your website over HTTP only, assuming you pointed your domain to this server.
Run ./ as the root user on the server. You'll then be prompted to provide an email address
Enter email address for SSL certificate registration: [email protected]
Upon completion of the script you'll get this summary:
========== SSL SETUP COMPLETE ==========
✓ SSL certificate installed
✓ HTTPS configured
✓ Security headers added
✓ Auto-renewal configured
✓ Nginx optimized for SSL
Your site is now accessible via HTTPS:
A backup of your original configuration has been saved to:
Testing HTTPS access...
✓ HTTPS is working correctly
Run ./ as the root user on the server. You'll then be prompted if you want to delete the follwoing
WARNING: This will remove SSL configuration for
This includes:
- Let's Encrypt certificates
- SSL-related Nginx configurations
- SSL parameter files (if not used by other domains)
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N): y
At the end you should see the following
========== SSL CLEANUP COMPLETE ==========
✓ SSL certificates removed
✓ Nginx SSL configuration removed
✓ Certbot renewal configuration removed
A backup of your original configuration has been saved to:
Your site should now be accessible via HTTP only:
Testing HTTP access...
✓ HTTP is working correctly
Run ./ as the root user. You'll get an overview of everything that's going to be deleted and are prompt to answer with Y. Additionally, you'll need to have your mysql root password handy again.
WARNING: This will completely remove the WordPress site at
This includes:
- All website files
- Database and database user
- Nginx configuration
- SSL certificates (if any)
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N): y
Starting cleanup for
Removing database and user...
Enter password:
Upon completion of the script, you'll see the following message, letting you know it was successful:
========== CLEANUP COMPLETE ==========
The following items have been removed:
✓ Website files from /var/www/html/
✓ Database 'mycooldomain_com' and user 'mycooldomain_user'
✓ Nginx configuration for
✓ SSL certificates (if they existed)
✓ Credentials file
✓ Backup files
The site has been completely removed from the system.