AcmeCorp API is a .NET Core web API designed to manage customers, their contact information, and their orders. This project demonstrates the use of SOLID and DDD principles, clean architecture patterns, asynchronous programming, and includes unit and integration tests. The API is containerized using Docker and can be deployed on AWS using infrastructure as code (IaC). All the secrets and keys are false and for simplicity are mocked in the code like a real but definetly should to be in AWS secrets manager or vault.
The project is organized into several layers:
- AcmeCorp.Api: The presentation layer, containing API controllers.
- AcmeCorp.Application: The application layer, containing business logic and service classes.
- AcmeCorp.Domain: The domain layer, containing entities and repository interfaces.
- AcmeCorp.Infrastructure: The infrastructure layer, containing repository implementations and data access logic.
- AcmeCorp.UnitTests: The unit tests project.
- AcmeCorp.IntegrationTests: The integration tests project.
namespace AcmeCorp.Domain.Entities
public class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Email { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Phone { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Address { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public ContactInfo ContactInfo { get; set; } = new ContactInfo();
public ICollection<Order> Orders { get; set; } = new List<Order>();
namespace AcmeCorp.Domain.Entities
public class Order
public int Id { get; set; }
public int CustomerId { get; set; }
public string ProductName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public int Quantity { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public Customer Customer { get; set; } = new Customer();
namespace AcmeCorp.Domain.Entities
public class ContactInfo
public string Email { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Phone { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Address { get; set; } = string.Empty;
namespace AcmeCorp.Domain.Repositories
public interface ICustomerRepository
Task<Customer> GetCustomerByIdAsync(int customerId);
Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> GetAllCustomersAsync();
Task AddCustomerAsync(Customer customer);
Task UpdateCustomerAsync(Customer customer);
Task DeleteCustomerAsync(int customerId);
namespace AcmeCorp.Domain.Repositories
public interface IOrderRepository
Task<Order> GetOrderByIdAsync(int orderId);
Task<IEnumerable<Order>> GetOrdersByCustomerIdAsync(int customerId);
Task AddOrderAsync(Order order);
Task UpdateOrderAsync(Order order);
Task DeleteOrderAsync(int orderId);
namespace AcmeCorp.Application.Services
public class CustomerService
private readonly ICustomerRepository _customerRepository;
public CustomerService(ICustomerRepository customerRepository)
_customerRepository = customerRepository;
public Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> GetAllCustomersAsync()
return _customerRepository.GetAllCustomersAsync();
public Task<Customer> GetCustomerByIdAsync(int id)
return _customerRepository.GetCustomerByIdAsync(id);
public Task AddCustomerAsync(Customer customer)
return _customerRepository.AddCustomerAsync(customer);
public Task UpdateCustomerAsync(Customer customer)
return _customerRepository.UpdateCustomerAsync(customer);
public Task DeleteCustomerAsync(int id)
return _customerRepository.DeleteCustomerAsync(id);
namespace AcmeCorp.Application.Services
public class OrderService
private readonly IOrderRepository _orderRepository;
public OrderService(IOrderRepository orderRepository)
_orderRepository = orderRepository;
public Task<Order> GetOrderByIdAsync(int id)
return _orderRepository.GetOrderByIdAsync(id);
public Task<IEnumerable<Order>> GetOrdersByCustomerIdAsync(int customerId)
return _orderRepository.GetOrdersByCustomerIdAsync(customerId);
public Task AddOrderAsync(Order order)
return _orderRepository.AddOrderAsync(order);
public Task UpdateOrderAsync(Order order)
return _orderRepository.UpdateOrderAsync(order);
public Task DeleteOrderAsync(int id)
return _orderRepository.DeleteOrderAsync(id);
namespace AcmeCorp.Api.Controllers
public class CustomerController : ControllerBase
private readonly CustomerService _customerService;
public CustomerController(CustomerService customerService)
_customerService = customerService;
public Task<IEnumerable<Customer>> GetAll()
return _customerService.GetAllCustomersAsync();
public Task<Customer> GetById(int id)
return _customerService.GetCustomerByIdAsync(id);
public Task Add(Customer customer)
return _customerService.AddCustomerAsync(customer);
public Task Update(Customer customer)
return _customerService.UpdateCustomerAsync(customer);
public Task Delete(int id)
return _customerService.DeleteCustomerAsync(id);
namespace AcmeCorp.Api.Controllers
public class OrderController : ControllerBase
private readonly OrderService _orderService;
public OrderController(OrderService orderService)
_orderService = orderService;
public Task<Order> GetById(int id)
return _orderService.GetOrderByIdAsync(id);
public Task<IEnumerable<Order>> GetByCustomerId(int customerId)
return _orderService.GetOrdersByCustomerIdAsync(customerId);
public Task Add(Order order)
return _orderService.AddOrderAsync(order);
public Task Update(Order order)
return _orderService.UpdateOrderAsync(order);
public Task Delete(int id)
return _orderService.DeleteOrderAsync(id);
- .NET Core SDK
- Docker
- Clone the repository:
bash git clone cd acmecorp
- Build the solution:
bash dotnet build
- Run the application:
bash dotnet run --project src/AcmeCorp.Api/AcmeCorp.Api.csproj
- Build the Docker image:
bash docker build -t acmecorpapi -f src/AcmeCorp.Api/Dockerfile .
- Run the Docker container:
bash docker run -p 5000:80 acmecorpapi
To run the unit and integration tests, use the following command:
bash dotnet test
This project includes Terraform configuration for deploying the application to AWS.
- Initialize Terraform:
bash cd terraform terraform init
- Apply the Terraform configuration:
bash terraform apply
This will set up the necessary AWS infrastructure, including ECS, ALB, and other resources, to deploy the AcmeCorp API.
Please read for details on the code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.