Welcome to the ocaml2mcore
repository! The aim of this project is to provide a
translation from OCaml to MCore. The tool can also be used as an OCaml
source-to-source compiler by connecting it with the MCore OCaml compiler.
The ocaml2mcore
tool requires the Miking boot
package, which can be
installed using the following commands:
opam pin add boot https://github.com/miking-lang/miking.git#develop
opam install boot
The project uses a fork of the OCaml multicore compiler, included as a submodule in the repository. To initiate the submodule, enter the following command:
git submodule update --init
To build the project and run the tests, enter:
make test
The executable is now in build/ocaml2mcore
. To install the tool for the
current user, the command is:
make install
If you installed the tool, the following converts an OCaml hello world program into an MCore program:
echo "print_endline \"Hello, world!\"" > test.ml
ocaml2mcore test.ml